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Everything posted by garwel

  1. For those of you with high courage and low stupidity, who are testing KSP 1.3.0 pre-release (it's marked as 1.2.9), there is also a compatible pre-release of Kerbal Health. Let me know if you notice any bugs. Get it here.
  2. The module usually requires EC, so you should be able to switch it off to save some power. But you can add alwaysActive = true line to module definitions in CFG files (KHStock.cfg etc., depending on what mods you use) and you won't be able to deactivate it. Can you enable debug mode in Kerbal Health settings and attach the output log and the persistent file? My first guess is that your station may be entering shadow, running out of EC, disabling KH modules (which results in greater health drain) and then re-enabling them (although it shouldn't happen automatically IIRC). But -12.50 still looks way too much if you use default settings.
  3. Cool, I want to have support for as many popular mod as possible, so any compatibility patches are welcome. As for contracts, I'm sure they'll need some integration on my side. I'm all for including it, but I haven't looked into it yet and I have no idea how hard or easy it is. You are playing with an old version of the mod. This issue was fixed in v0.5.2.
  4. I'll look into it. Maybe will just disable DeepFreeze integration because it doesn't work anyway. @ZobrAA, it's easy to add these parts. In fact, you can even do it yourself with an MM patch. I just don't recommend adding HP/day straight because it can make things too easy (i.e. your kerbals may en up getting healthier and healthier with this part). Usually, long-term habitation and/or medical parts give marginal health change while centrifuges give a 0 (zero) multiplier for Microgravity factor. If you make a patch yourself, feel free to share it and I may include it in the mod.
  5. The hitchhiker bonus, like all other part effects applied by this mod, works with a specific part. You can, however, write your own MM patch that will add ModuleKerbalHealth based on any criteria you like. There is a wiki page about its parameters. I haven't played with Kerbal Roster Manager, but I'll look into it. With missions, I might get around to implementing it, but probably after the 1.0 release when I start adding more advanced mechanics. In fact, I'm glad to see people play the mod and I like to see ideas and suggestions (even the ones I'm not about to implement). I really want to make the Health Monitor and Health Report more detailed. The problem is with KSP UI modding, which is very complicated (at least for me). At some point, I'll do something about it, but it may not look very nice (like text labels or even separate windows with detailed information). I wish I were more proficient with Unity UI tools, but I'm not and, frankly, I'm not going to invest my time in that. With separate psychological (mental) and physical health, actually, I was going to do it from the very beginning. It will be a very serious change though, so it's also a task for a post-1.0 release. Courage stat is already used: it (inversely) affects the chance of having a panic attack. A 100% courageous kerbal will never have them while a 0% courageous will have them up to once every 100 days (depending on his/her health). When/if I implement more a detailed mental health system, I may add more effects. As to stupidity, I don't see how I can use it in this mod.
  6. Yes, just set Death Level to a negative value and, optionally, lower Exhaustion Start and Exhaustion End sliders in Difficulty Settings. However, if you use several mods that can turn astronauts into Tourists and back, it may cause issues that I mentioned. You can probably fix it with some mods or editing the persistent file, but it's a nuisance.
  7. Kerbal Health 0.5.2 Fixed: Error due to (unfinished) DeepFreeze integration Fixed: Health modules don't consume EC any more when the mod is disabled Tiny UI change (Health Monitor header) Download here
  8. Currently, crewCap attribute only applies to factor multipliers, not to marginal change. So it will have no effect in this configuration. Otherwise, it looks ok to me. I recommend doing two things: 1. Disable USI-LS habitation effects. They overlap with what KH does, so there's no point having two systems at the same time. 2. Avoid using Grouchy and Mutinous effects in USI-LS. In some cases, when two mods change a kerbal into a Tourist and back, they may conflict resulting in your kerbal either staying Tourist indefinitely or leaving that state too early. Alternatively, you may disable Kerbal Health's exhausted state by driving its slider (in Difficulty Settings > Kerbal Health) to 0. Then your kerbals will not become Tourists due to health issues (but will die when health reaches 0 anyway).
  9. Github is not up to date. The most recent download is at Spacedock.
  10. Kerbal Health 0.5.1 Added: Health Monitor now shows estimated daily HP change Changed: Default events' chances increased up to 10x (but still quite rare) Fixed: Issue #29 when Kerbal Health installed mid-game Fixed: Issue #30 when health modules didn't consume EC under time warp Fixed: Issue when kerbals recovered from KSC didn't have their health updated correctly Small performance and code style improvements Download here I am also working on DeepFreeze compatibility, but got stuck due to a bug on the other side.
  11. I am currently working on DeepFreeze integration, but there are some issues with its API. We may have to wait for @JPLRepo to resolve them for the mods to work properly together. Meanwhile, I can make a quick and dirty fix (that will effectively just disable KH for all kerbals in DF's freezers) if someone needs it.
  12. I tried using FrozenKerbalsList, but when I try to access it I get this: InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type. at KerbalHealth.DFWrapper+DFAPI.get_FrozenKerbalsList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalHealth.Core.IsKerbalFrozen (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthList.Update (Double interval) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthScenario.UpdateKerbals (Boolean forced) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthScenario.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 It happens in this expression: foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DFWrapper.KerbalInfo> el in DFWrapper.DeepFreezeAPI.FrozenKerbalsList) { ... } I can only assume that the reason is that FrozenKerbalsListMethod.Invoke(actualDFAPI, null) in FrozenKerbalsList property doesn't return List<KeyValuePair<string, KerbalInfo>>. But I have no idea why. UPD: Logged the issue on Github.
  13. Shouldn't cause a problem. Do you have the output log? UPD: I think I know what might have caused it. You may either remove KH, return your kerbal home and then reinstall it or try killing him/her and resurrecting. The former option is probably easier. I'll fix it in the next release.
  14. @JPLRepo Can you look at the question above when you have a chance?
  15. Just open USI-LS settings in the KSC screen and choose none for habitation effects (twice, for veterans and ordinary astronauts).
  16. IIRC, staying with the drill until the training ended wasn't an option because stuff got broken the moment the timer went off: the screen would blink as the system was apparently trying to draw a vessel while destroying it.
  17. I'm trying to build support for DeepFreeze into Kerbal Health, but I encountered an issue with the wrapper class. I use this code in FixedUpdate to check if kerbal with Name is frozen: if (DFWrapper.APIReady && DFWrapper.DeepFreezeAPI.FrozenKerbals.ContainsKey(Name)) { /* kerbal is frozen action */ } else { /* kerbal is not frozen */ } However, after I freeze a kerbal, DFWrapper.DeepFreezeAPI.FrozenKerbals still contains 0 elements. I have called DFWrapper.InitDFWrapper() and this behaviour doesn't change if I wait some time after freezing. Was there any change in API or am I doing anything wrong?
  18. It is recommended to disable USI habitation with Kerbal Health. In fact, the very reason I made KH in the first place was my dissatisfaction with USI-LS habitation mechanics, so these largely address the same issues, but in different ways.
  19. DeepFreeze support is planned. I'll need to learn how to hook into its systems though and I have no idea how hard or easy it is.
  20. Kerbal Health 0.5.0 Added: events system, which activates rare, but potentially dangerous health events with your kerbals. It can be disabled or fine-tuned in the settings. See readme or wiki for more. Added: support for Blizzy's Toolbar mod (not included). Added: option to disable the mod Added: option to show game messages (clickable buttons) instead of on-screen messages (default on) Changed: EVA factor down from -50 to -30, Home factor up from +1 to +5 Fixed: issue of KSP 1.2.2 with floating-point and percentage parameters Fixed: NRE on game exit Fixed: some minor and potential issues Download here
  21. 1. I haven't tested them together, but there shouldn't be any issues. TAC-LS only handles supplies while Kerbal Health deals with physical and emotional stress, two different things. Let me know if you encounter any problems. 2. You can have missions of whatever duration you want with Kerbal Health, but you'll need to design your vessels accordingly. There is a mechanism called marginal health bonuses that lets your kerbals keep a certain level of health (or even partially restore it) during a mission. This bonus is provided, for instance, by the cupola. You'll still need to lower the negative factors though (i.e. have enough living space, connection to Kerbin, etc.) and quite a few cupolas to achieve this effect. Check out the Tips & Tricks wiki page I've just made for some ideas and explanations.
  22. I haven't had much time, or inspiration, to work on the mod lately, but I'll get back to it and add some cool (hopefully) stuff when I can. For now, here is a small update fixing a rare but nasty bug with unfocused kerbals. Thanks to everybody who uses and likes this mod! Kerbal Health 0.4.7 Fixed: issues with kerbals in unfocused vessels Download here
  23. Does anyone else have this file permission problem in CKAN? Some folders in GameData (sometimes they are in the "root", i.e. "GameData\folder" or sometimes they are subfolders) become locked so that you can't modify, view or remove them, nor can you even change ownership (via Windows Explorer or takeown). It seems to happen randomly but increasingly often (I removed one such folder yesterday and now I have two). CKAN crashes when encounters such folders and the only solution I found is to reboot in safe mode and delete them manually. I'm not sure it's a CKAN issue as this thing seems to have happened outside GameData on one or two occasions. But I wonder if it's just me or if it's a real problem.
  24. I had the same issue and even after I had to do a full reinstall of Windows (because of another, but maybe related problem), I still get access errors in saves and GameData subfolders. For instance, I can't delete files or folders there and sometimes I can't even look inside. The owner of the folders is "unknown". What worked, more or less, is rebooting in safe mode (Shift+click reboot), opening command prompt and takeown command. But it's all super weird and it certainly should not happen.
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