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Everything posted by garwel

  1. Going back to the issue of pilots' hab-invincibility, perhaps it can be made optional, to be toggled via USI-LS menu or MKS LS config file?
  2. I always thought Mm stood for million meters, i.e. thousand km.
  3. Of course, I know they need supplies, but living space weighs a lot, so using a Mk1 Command Pod really makes sense in such a scenario. And before you can even start building colonies, you are going to have a lot of these one-off missions where you don't really need botany or logistics.
  4. I haven't tried the new mechanics yet (TBH, I haven't really made a USI colony since 0.50 was introduced), but I agree with @tsaven. Since this rule affects all ships and not just bases, it seems even more OP to me. It means I can send a pilot, even a rookie, in a tin can to Eeloo, right?
  5. Also, I'd love to see Station Science Continued integrated into ETT.
  6. It's been discussed earlier and, in fact, this feature is in the announcement for RT 2.0.
  7. So, I'm back to KSP and I tried to run the latest versions of ETT and HETTN again. I got the on-screen warning about a duplicate node, but at least the tree would render more or less ok (I haven't checked all the nodes though). In the output log, I found this: So I gather some other mods add the experimentalRocketry node, which causes the issue. Any ideas what it was and how to resolve it? Here is the list of the mods I use: I personally suspect KW Rocketry, NearFuture Propulsion, SpaceY HL, and Interstellar.
  8. There are such contracts in CactEye, which is compatible with ResearchBodies. But they only work with CactEye's own telescope.
  9. Is this mod, or can it be made, compatible with parts mods that add command modules, e.g. MKS or KW Rocketry? I'm afraid to try it because I don't want my kerbals to get locked in due to the lack of monoprop storage. If I add monoprop tanks to such modules, will it solve the problem?
  10. Interesting mod but I'm hesitant to try it because I'm waiting for RT 2.0. Do you plan to update the mod to be compatible with RemoteTech or maybe it is already?
  11. I didn't have CTT and ETT at the same time in my last test, but still got the wrong tree. Will try the new version later on and see if the issue's resolved.
  12. Do you see a stock tree instead? I had the same; it must be a problem with the latest HETTN. I've let @ev0 know. Hopefully, he'll find the cause.
  13. This is probably a side effect of updating ETT in a live game. I had to edit the persistent file by un-researching antennas1 and antennas2, adding a minimal cost to antennas1 and researching it again. Everything went well after that.
  14. In nuclearPower node, title and description are swapped.
  15. Well, this "magic" is in fact a form of cheating. Look for the section in your persistent.sfs file where researched techs are listed. The nodes will look like this: Copy this and replace antennas2 part with node ids of the techs you want, cost with appropriate costs. Remove the nodes you want to make "unresearched", if any. The ids can be found in the ETT folder in GameData. Don't forget to make a backup of your persistent file, of course. However, honestly, I would recommend that you start a new game as it's a completely different experience from stock or CTT.
  16. It will be messed up because stock nodes are located in very different places in ETT. So you should either start a new game or do some magic with your persistent file.
  17. I didn't find any nodes without Unlocks. Here is the ModuleManager.TechTree file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8070528/KSP/ModuleManager.TechTree And here is a new log, enabled from the start as you advised: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8070528/KSP/ETT-HETTN log 3.txt
  18. I deleted the CTT folder, but the problem persists. Here is the log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8070528/KSP/ETT-HETTN log 2.txt
  19. My bad. CKAN forces you to install CTT with KSPIE, but the old ETT didn't conflict with it so I forgot about it. I will test it, thanks.
  20. Besides, how do I revert back to 0.6? I couldn't find the old versions in Dropbox or on SpaceDock.
  21. On the ETT compatibility issue, here is my output log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8070528/KSP/ETT-HETTN log.txt My mod list:
  22. I've just tried ETT with the latest HETTN and saw something strange. The tree is not ETT's, but a stock one, and only some nodes (I presume the ones that share id's with corresponding ETT's nodes) are researched.
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