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Everything posted by Li0n

  1. @rasta013 thanks for the details. The issue come from the symmetry, AH will add only one antenna at a time, no matter how many are really added to the craft via symmetry. I should have a fix soon. In the meantime, if you want AH to recalculate just close / re-open the main window, no need to re-load the craft.
  2. Not necessary, some do other don't, as Poodmund said. The only one that never combine are the internal one (include in probe / pod). And for the record : I can't reproduce this on a stock install. Is it something happening to all your crafts ? If you can reproduce it please send me your log.
  3. This mod add end-caps but designed to be an end for pod / space station. Not sure how they fit on a fuel tank :
  4. This is planned, I have tried to access in-flight vessel while in the VAB/SPH but can't find them so it will most likely start as an in-flight display (when I have done the "main" in-flight display). Thanks for the support
  5. Hey guys. Sorry for the long time between updates, without further delay : Version 0.3 is up, on Github ! Most important for this update is a massive rewrite of the code, it should be more modulable now and easier to add new functionality. I updated the OP, add a road-map / to-do list. I have less free time at this moment but keep the suggestions coming
  6. This looks good, and should fit nicely with this one :
  7. Yep I've already saw it, after doing my own implementation, of course . I have tested it and I think it use a Raycast on the "scaled space" layer which won't acknowledge shadow from mountain, KSC building etc... So my way is more precise Thanks anyway.
  8. Version 1.5 is up ! On SpaceDock and Github Enjoy and thanks again to @FellipeC for finding this tricky bug
  9. @Jezzick I think I find the bug. But I haven't find a version of AFBW that work on KSP 1.2.2, could you point to a link for it ? Or just try this version of Real Time Clock 2 and report how it goes. I have tested with Antenna Helper, which expose the same bug (I think), and it is working. I'm waiting for you to confirm before I push a new release.
  10. @FellipeC THANKS It is a genuine bug. In order to select the part that should be lighted when the sun sets each part of the vessel is checked but when it check a landing gear it consider the list done. That also explain why your white nav lights was functioning, you probably add them before you add any landing gear. It's most likely appear when I rewrote / refactor most of the code, 2 or 3 version ago. I used a "break" instead of a "continue" This version should solve your issue. I'll made a proper release soon. Thanks again for taking the time to troubleshoot this
  11. @FellipeC Thanks for taking the time to do a video, unfortunately I can't reproduce the bug on a stock + Airplane Plus install. I suspect there is something else going on but what is it ? AP+ use only stock module for its parts so no idea what is happening... I also take a look at your persistent.sfs, both MK1 lights are in the light action group, but not the nav lights... So that's not the problem either. Do you see the same behavior after a quick save / quick load ?
  12. I really need your persistent.sfs and a .craft file of a malfunctioning craft to help you more.
  13. My best bet is something weird is going one with the light action group. Try inspect it with Action Group Extended. If you need more help send me your persistent.sfs with the faulty craft on the launch pad, and the .craft file.
  14. Maybe you have a mod that reset the light action group ? Could you check what part you have in the light action group while on the lauchpad ? You need to use AGX for that. Also, do the light go on at the next sunset ? Do a F5/F9 fix it ?
  15. @Jezzick thanks for the report. I've already see this behavior with an other mod I develop, Antenna Helper, and I thought it was the faulty one as it is very WIP and the code is a mess. So it is very likely the error is on my side and not on AFBW. I'll take a look, if I have time, next week. Only workaround for now is to disable RCT in the scene where you need AFBW's window, look at the setting file in "GameData/RealTimeClock2/PluginData/Settings.cfg"
  16. Sorry for the delay, I was away from KSP. The "crewed light" function isn't related to the "day/night light" function. The lightning of crewed part should be immediate (unless you use CLS with the "realism" on, which add a delay for the kerbal to move into another part). Flex-o-tube shouldn't be an issue either, there is no operation on the whole vessel, I just wait for GameEvent.OnCrewTransferred to return the part the kerbal is in and the one he just left. If you can reproduce it on the last version of MKS please send me a save and I look more into it. I can't confirm that. Please check that the light you want on at night are NOT in the light action group. Is it an issue with stock light or modded one ? Do you use a mod that alter the launching sequence ? (KCT or KRASH maybe ? Haven't tested those).
  17. @WuphonsReach thanks for the report, I'll take a look at MKS when I have some time.
  18. There is mod with switchable texture but it will change texture only for one part, not the whole vessel, Procedural Part is one of them. There is also KerbPaint to directly paint over your rocket, check the last page of the thread for a working version.
  19. I can't help you but you'll have better luck posting this to the mechjeb thread :
  20. Both the OP and SpaceDock say it is compatible with 1.2.2.
  21. This mod will balance your engine so you can takeoff vertically and fly horizontally with small adjustment to engine's throttle (think of a quad-copter). I think there is some part mod with rotating engine but can't remember. But there is InfernalRobotics to move / rotate things (anything, except docking port) : No idea how TCA + IR will work tho.
  22. @BigNose @MOARdV I've rewrote the way I use PartModule from other mod, I now use reflection instead of the Unity method "SendMessage" so the change I requested earlier is no longer needed. Please check the new version of CrewLight, beacon light turning on when engine start are really cool
  23. Version 1.4 is up ! On SpaceDock and Github @Skalou I now use a cast instead of the "SendMessage()" method for toggling light so this will no longer trigger method on other gameComponent. @FellipeC for modded light's PartModule (ie those from AviationLights) I've changed the "SendMessage()" method to a "getType().InvokeMember(...)" which allow me to use AviationLights method without change on their side of the code So there is now an enhanced support for the great AviationLights mod : By default its navigation and strobe light will get turned on at night using the custom blinking light provided by AviationLights, flash, double flash, interval. This is configurable, per light, in the setting file. The beacon light will stay off until you push the throttle, acting as a real warning light Enjoy (warning lights are really cool) and please continue to provide bug report and suggestion
  24. Thanks for the report. I think I know what's happening, I've changed the way I "ask" the part to toggle its light and it spread to all the module on the part which have a "Toggle" method. For the second one, I just look at the code, and I completely remove the check for the number of kerbal still in the part Easy to fix. Both issue where from the 1.2 version, I think, If you want a working version for your mod try 1.1
  25. Wow lots of answers today Thanks guys. Strange, I thought it will work. I use "Planetarium.fetch.Home" and "Planetarium.fetch.Sun.orbitingBodies" to populate the list, I'll try @Poodmund way ("FlightGlobals.Bodies"). That would surely be useful. I imagine the math you have used will work with any solar system (planets pack) ? ... facepalm ... Thanks again I'll look into it. @Poodmund I'll try your formulas too. It will be in the next version.
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