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Everything posted by Li0n

  1. Will do, tomorrow. Just a thing, where will you put the icon and with which name ? An "icon.dds" in each suits's folder ?
  2. Hi I've submit my mod, Crew Light, to CKAN sometimes ago but it was just bring to my attention that I've messed up my metadata, the "homepage" exactly. It look like that : but it should be : How can I fix it ?
  3. Thanks. I haven't got to the randomize lightning yet, I'm struggle on something else I would like to finish first, but it will be there, soontm For CKAN you right, I messed up my netkan metadata. I'll reach CKAN people, see how they can update it.
  4. Thanks for this mod, it looks very nice. I have a couple of question though : In the download, for each suit type, you have a EVAhelmet.jpg that look identical to kerbalHelmetGrey.jpg, same thing for EVAtexture.jpg and kerbalMainGrey.jpg. May I ask what it is for ? The other suit pack I've downloaded only has 2 textures (plus normal map) I play with the mod Portrait Stats which add a icon for kerbal profession on the kerbal's portrait, it recently get updated to support the new profession of MKS but its icon don't match yours. Hopefully they can be changed via MM, would you consider adding yours icon, along with the MM patch to this mod ? I can write the MM patch for you if needed. (I think the icon must be in .dds, 28px*28px and in black and white (the color is added with the patch)
  5. First welcome to the forum, second there is a rule on this forum about bothering mod's author for update : it's not allowed, don't do it. (the forum lost a few post recently and I think the forum's rules where one of them). Third : there is a beta version of this mod (working good I think, haven't tried yet), you can learn more about it here :
  6. My experience with Unity, well... I've done the space shooter tutorial some time ago and I've done a mod for kerbal (see my sig) and... that's all. As I said I'd like to help but I don't think my coding/unity skill are up to the task, beta testing and bug reporting, that I can do. Good find for Kerbal-VR, @Vivero is a member of this forum but he hasn't be online for more than a year. Have you try reach him on github ? He seemed to be on a good start. Maybe @pizzaoverhead will like to help, he did the oculus mod I link earlier. Anyway I really hope KSP in VR become a thing, I'll keep my virtual duct tape ready
  7. Hi @CrimSilk welcome to the forum. I'm also a owner of a Vive and like to help you, if I can, I'm new to KSP modding and have zero experience in VR development but I surely can test whatever mod you'll do. The only mod "VR related" that I'm aware of is this one : (only for oculus it seems and it need VorpX) As suggestion, what about the editor (VAB/SPH) in VR ? You could have a shelf where you pick the part you want and assemble them at the scale of a rocket model You could even manually wrap the adhesive tape around the rocket... A kebal can dream...
  8. Sounds like a good idea, I haven't much experience with modding KSP so I can't tell how hard it will be to build that but I can give you some link of related mod, may help you : This one is quite old and I don't think sources are available anymore but it had the ability to modify the gravity inside a part. And to get you started :
  9. Have you checked the available button in blizzy's toolbar ?
  10. What things specifically ? The mod in itself ?
  11. And you can do that with a ModuleManager patch An example from my mod, Crew Light. Perhaps you could ask kOS guys to add something like that to their mod ?
  12. Thank you but I can't download it, I just got a blank page... (I've a very crappy internet connection this morning, I'll retry later). For the source code, could you do a pull request for it ? I think it will be easier for AliceTheGorgon to review/integrate it.
  13. Terrain details can also cause that, I think. Try setting it to the maximum.
  14. @linuxgurugamer Little issue : there is no .version file in the last release. I've checked both Github and Spacedock. The file is in your github repo tho
  15. The point of this mod is that kerbal use the same propellant as your ship (monopropellant by default). If you want your kerbals starting out with a full tank you need to have enough propellant for them on your ship. For example, by default, you need : number of kerbal * 5 unit of monoprop @AliceTheGorgon I like the warning message you add in the last version, but, could you make it so it doesn't appear when the craft the kerbal disembark is landed ?
  16. That's look like a cool mod I have a question tho, all the parachute are the same size, same aerodynamic behavior ? Just the texture differ ? If so, would you consider using a texture switcher mod, like Firespitter ? You could make it so you only have one part with 5 switchable textures (stock + yours), it will help de-clutter the utility tab
  17. I don't think so, I only have scatterer tho. Can you search your KSP directory for "TextureReplacer.dll" ? Make sure you only have one. You have downloaded TR from here right ?
  18. The GUI is still there so, yes, you're missing something. You should have a button on the stock toolbar with a stylized kerbal head. Try reinstall, delete your TextureReplacer folder inside GameData before copying the one your downloaded.
  19. I have a small suggestion for MKS and its new profession sets : Unlock those new professions with the tech tree. We don't need farmer until we unlock greenhouse, quartermaster until unlock part for Planetary Logistic, etc I haven't fully experiment with last changes in MKS (yet) so this proposition might be unreasonable/too hard to implement/plain stupid... But I think it will help new player to not get lost with the bunch of new kerbal's profession and add some more role-play to the game.
  20. Only one as far as I know :
  21. I'm clearly not a C# guru, and dunno if it can be related to your problem, but, do you use the right version of .NET ? You need the 3.5 version for KSP.
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