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Everything posted by Li0n

  1. Version 1.9 is up ! On SpaceDock and Github This version is relevant only if you use AviationLights alongside CrewLight. @Stone Blue Let me know when you update DeadSkins and I'll update CrewLight to recognize your parts and make them blink the way you want it. In the meantime every part with a "ModuleNavLight" should work a "normal" lightning (no blinking). Have fun
  2. Both code and MM. Mostly it's coding to add new PartModule to the checklist but for the Toggle Lights on EVA I need MM to add my own PartModule to the relevant parts. It is this mod ? For what I see you only add a module to switch texture and new texture, so the part has still the same name. It should already be working. If you do change name I'll have to make an update for the special behavior on AviationLights to work with your version. ... Well, I've just checked a few things and it appears I've forgot to compile the PartModule for the beacon light to flash when the throttle is up... So I'll made an update soon
  3. Done : Version 1.8 is up ! On SpaceDock and GitHub @robson1000 I didn't take the time to check all the part in "Stock Part Revamp", the two you mentioned work but please report it if you find other that don't. Enjoy
  4. @Fengist I found a texture load error for the light tower, I've got those line in output_log : The light tower does work in game so probably not very important.
  5. Congrats for the release I've just post the update for CrewLight. Now I'm waiting for Curse...
  6. Hey Here is a little update to support the brand new Kerbal Electric by @Fengist : A good set of lights, some can tilt/pan, with a preset color selection and blinking effect. Download on SpaceDock or GitHub Enjoy
  7. The only calls to ModuleLight are : "ModuleLight.LightsOn" and ModuleLight.LightsOff". Basically all I need is two public method, on and off. And the name of your PartModule. You can turn the lights off when they switch on at sundown, they will get turned back on at the next night tho. You can have them fully manual too, as in stock, just make sure they are in the light action group. Yep Kottabos did run out of battery (I discussed it with him after I saw his video), stock light do eat up the battery pretty fast too I'll sure like a test copy when it is ready
  8. The dimming do happen with just LightsOn(), on stock lights anyway. I'd ask as I thought maybe the behavior @Fengist was experiencing comes from using those two lines.
  9. I'll make the change in Crew Light when this mod is released, I'm looking forward to it too. There is already a mod with this kind of lights : (and Crew Light has special automatization feature for it )
  10. Probably too late as I see on your other thread you already wrote your own ModuleLight but : May I ask why you use "useAnimationDim" and "useAutoDim" ? In my experience "LightsOn()" / "LightsOff()" is all you need to turn lights on / off. Looking forward to the release, I love putting lights everywhere until the game look like a slide-show
  11. Hey Just a little "quality of life" update : Version 0.6 is up, on Github ! (for KSP 1.2.2 and 1.3) Have fun
  12. Version 0.5 is up, on Github ! (for KSP 1.2.2 and 1.3) Finally ! After I've almost give up on "reversing" the formula to get the max distance for a specified signal strength I tried an easier approach : two version ago I added an input field to check the signal strength at a given distance. I used this to find the maximum distance for a signal of 100%, then divide the maximum range by it. With this ratio I can now divide any maximum range to determine the maximum distance achievable with a signal strength of 100% A pic of how it is implemented : I add some color but I'm not sure it is very intuitive... The number in yellow is the distance at a 75% signal strength The number in orange is the distance at a 50% signal strength The number in red is the distance at a 25% signal strength How to read-it ? Between 0m and 375 993 918m you will have a signal of 100%. Between 375 993 918m and 9 474 608 547m the signal will decay from 100% to 75%. Between 9 474 608 547m and 14 508 773 073m the signal will decay from 75% to 50%. Between 14 508 773 073m and 19 545 589 163m the signal will decay from 50% to 25%. Between 19 545 589 163m and 28 998 214 001m the signal will decay from 25% to 0%. This solution isn't 100% precise, but in the stock solar system the numbers should check, no guarantee for bigger solar system tho... For info here are the ratios I used : 100% : 77.124 156 900 215 5 75% : 3.060 623 967 191 712 50% : 1.998 667 554 768 621 25% : 1.483 619 335 214 967 Thanks to @Skalou and @Poodmund and my cousin who tried to help me, even if I didn't do it the way you suggested I appreciate. Enjoy and please report any bug PS : I've found a bug, when you detach a set of part containing an antenna the Antenna Helper window doesn't catch up, I'll look into it, in the meantime closing / opening the Antenna Helper window will force it to re-calculate.
  13. Sorry, again, for the delay. I didn't get as much free time as I hoped this summer, but I'm still working on this mod (well, at least I'm thinking about it). I try on KSP 1.3 (with Antenna Helper 0.4) and it seems to work fine. KSP-AVC will complain but it should be OK, if you have a specific issue please report it. Never thought about that, not a bad idea. It should be easy enough to add it. My original plan was to add all the in-flight relay as targets but I had trouble getting access to in-flight vessel from the editor.
  14. There is a built-in method for this : Vector3d.Distance (Vector3d a, Vector3d b). It will return the distance in meter (as a double). KSP uses different referential, I think you need to use : FlightGlobals.ship_orbit.pos (for your ship) and body.orbit.pos (where body is a CelestialBody). Not 100% sure about those so test it I love to see a VR mod for KSP, there were one for KSP 1.1.2 but the author had trouble getting it to work with newer version, check their github : https://github.com/Vivero/Kerbal-VR
  15. There is such a distinction because I like to have two type of lights, automatic and manual. I use the manual one as docking light mostly. There is another way to have all your lights following the day/night cycle by default but still get the manual light function if you want it : set "disable_action_group_for_light_part" to "True" (in the "Light_Action_Group" node) and reset "only_light_not_in_AG" to "True". This way the lights are not assigned to the Light Action Group, in the editor, but you can add them back if you want them to work as manual light. It won't do it for ship already in flight tho. I might change the default settings to this other way, but I will not make a new release just for that. Thanks for the suggestion anyway
  16. The lights gets switched only one time per day/night. If you turn off a light during night it won't be turned on again until the next night. I don't see the correlation between the two. "only_light_not_in_AG" means : only the light which are not in the "Light Action Group" will respond to the day/night cycle. Could you explain more what you are looking for ?
  17. It will work with any solar system / KSP time display. The time comes from your system clock (Windows, MacOs...), it has nothing to do with KSP's clock.
  18. Hey guys I haven't got time lately to continue working on this, but I still think of it. One thing that 's bothering me in the current state of Antenna Helper is the numbers, they don't mean much as is. It's hard, for me at least, to tell what are the capacity of the probe, how far it can goes. The signal strength per body helps but it's not enough. So I like to make a more visual read out of those numbers : a map of the solar system with a display of the available signal. Not sure this is readable/understandable so here is how I want it to look : Available signal now (circle's color reflect the color use in KSP to display the signal strength) :: Potential available signal as Kerbin moves on its orbit : How it look with a relay satellite : This should be a lot more helpful and intuitive. BUT there is a lot of work to be done to achieve this and my free time is limited now, should have more around July/August. So don't expect it any time soon. One big task will also be to make the map available in the editor, with a way to display the connection at a given time in the future. Also, I haven't reverse the formula for the signal strength per distance, which is mandatory for this feature, yet. The in-flight display isn't done neither, I gave it a quick try some times ago but realize it's more complicated than it looks to get the distance between two ships orbiting different bodies as KSP uses different coordinates references for them. So be patient and please share your thought / suggestion about this idea.
  19. Version 1.6 is up ! On SpaceDock and Github I haven't done much testing on it, nothing in 1.3 change-log seems relevant to this mod so this should be good to go As always, if you catch any bug please report it here. One thing tho, do you guys think the settings file should be translated ?
  20. Real Time Clock 2 v1.4 Available on SpaceDock and GitHub. I now use a random 6 digits number for the window id, I think it will fix the incompatibility with Advanced Fly By Wire. The odds for two mods to use the same id number is now one on a million (no those won't happen nine times out of ten )
  21. I'd love to see a guide/tuto about this. I recently try to calculate the distance between two ship orbiting different bodies but couldn't figure it out
  22. @Olympic1 & @DuoDex Big thanks for keeping this mod alive After 4 years of playing KSP it's definitely a must have
  23. Bienvenue sur le forum. A ma connaissance la traduction française n'est pas annulée, juste retardée. cf ce post : En attendant il y a une traduction non officielle :
  24. That was quick : Version 0.4 is up on Github Thanks again to @rasta013 for finding this.
  25. It will be created when you launch the game and go to flight view or enter the VAB/SPH. I prefer this way over shipping the file because in case of update you just have to copy/merge the new CrewLight folder in your GameData folder, keeping your settings file untouched.
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