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Everything posted by Li0n

  1. Nope, sorry I haven't wrote it correctly. The fact you see empty node in your tech tree don't mean you are "missing" a mod. The Community Tech Tree (or any other tech tree) offer new nodes, it's up to the modders to fill them. Different mods can add part to the same node. I mentioned USI-LS because in my install it's the one that fill that node, but it's not exclusive. Not sure I've explained it better... Take a look at the OP of the CTT for more info on how this is working :
  2. For Enhanced Survivability, USI-LS has some part in it. Along with the part it will add the whole life support mechanic, not sure that's what you want...
  3. Version 1.3 is up ! On SpaceDock and Github @Z3R0_0NL1N3 Thanks for the report, and sorry for the inconvenience. I'm almost certain I've tested it before (and it worked), I should have change something in the code that broke that compatibility. Have fun
  4. I don't think I'm at this point yet, before I can use those formulas I need an equation of the form "ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0". Here is the closer I get : Yep I think you're right. I've made the test with the "Planet Window" and no matter how much antennas the signal never reach 100%. So, it make me re-think about this "Max Distance For 100% Strength" feature. It may be better to let the user enter the distance he wants to check and calculate the signal strength based on that. It will be like the "Enter Required Range" in @Poodmund 's Calculator. What you think of it ? You mean as a feature of the mod or just for helping with the development ? I will add a flight display at some point, as I like building stuff with KIS it will help. Thanks. I use the same method to calculate the distance between planets, with the same inaccuracy as I don't take into account the inclination either. @RoverDude show the "easy" way of calculating the signal strength, from the KSP wiki : Thanks. I haven't deeply look into your sheet yet, the KSP wiki was my main source of info, but I will. I've also check the doc but don't see anythings that could help me. There is some method with abbreviated name and no comment about it, so it's very likely I've missed something.
  5. Something I forgot to mention earlier : there is a bug in the UI that make the main window of Antenna Helper empty and spam the log with : It is triggered when both Antenna Helper and Real Time Clock 2 (see my sig) are installed. I strongly suspect other mod can trigger it to, if you find one that does please report it to me. For Real Time Clock you can disable the window in the VAB/SPH via its settings file, only workaround for now. I also forget to mention that the "Planet Window" introduced in 0.2 should work with planet pack but I haven't tested it yet. If you do, please report how it goes.
  6. Thanks for the info, I haven't used RT for a long time. Hopefully Antenna Helper will be in a more finished state when they do release a new version.
  7. Antenna Helper v0.2 is here ! @Loren Pechtel The new window should do what your wanted. I'll see later for fancy color for signal strength, important for now is the value @Skalou Thanks for the hints. I've looked at it and... that will take some time... @Errol Not at the moment, I'll see how Remote Tech do its magic when I'm satisfied with the stock antennas. Actually if RT use the stock ModuleDataTransmitter, or inherit from it, it may work. If you try I'll be curious to see what happen. Thanks for the support guys. Please keep the suggestion coming And I'm still searching the right math to calculate the max range for a signal of 100%, see posts above if you feel like a NASA mathematician Edit : I've updated the OP with pics of the new window.
  8. Real Time Clock 2 v1.3 Available on SpaceDock and GitHub. Sorry about that. Settings are still in "GameData/RealTimeClock2/PluginData/Settings.cfg"
  9. Nope. The start of the tree feel very similar to the stock one, rocket part only. You don't have any choice at start, the more you advance more choice you get. Like a tree, from one trunk to multiple branch.
  10. I use the Community Tech Tree. It 's an "extended" version of the stock tech tree so you will start with manned pod.
  11. Well if you send an engineer to space you need a screwdriver. Maybe check for the screwdriver only if there is a kis container with part inside it ? If you don't want/like the feature I totally respect it, that's your mod. Two tools are used for KIS engineering : the wrench and the electric screwdriver.
  12. Thanks. For starter : I also like to display the max range between two antennas at a given signal strength. Here is the formula that gives the signal strength for a given distance : Where "signalStrength" is clamp between 0 and 1. Basically I need to "reverse" it to "distance = mathStuff". Can you help me with that ?
  13. Coming back to kerbal/pod inventory. I second the idea of a small glove-box in each pod, but keep the kerbal's inventory too (maybe made it visible only as an advanced tweakable ?). I've just ask linuxgurugamer if he can add a test for the presence of screwdriver inside a ship in his great mod Extensive Engineer Report (I often forget it myself) :
  14. Hi @linuxgurugamer I was following a discussion on the KIS thread about people forgetting to bring their screwdriver into space and it make me think of your mod. Will it be possible to add a test to check the presence of a screwdriver, when KIS is installed and an engineer is on board ? Even better if you can also issue a less severe warning when a screwdriver is present but in a Kerbal 's inventory (as opposed to a part's inventory).
  15. I prefer human over kerbal-ish but why not ? I was more thinking about sound from the space shuttle or countdown launch in other language than english.
  16. They were a mod similar to Astrogator but I can't remember the name. Look in Astrogator's comment, maybe it's mentioned there.
  17. That's a nice idea, but this thread is about calculating the power of antennas etc. If one day a mod do what you suggest I'll try to support it in Antenna Helper but it's as far as I will be involved.
  18. I know two that +/- fit the description :
  19. Never heard of antennas with adjustable range. (yep I'm kinda new to this game mechanic) Could you point me to the one you're thinking about ?
  20. That's a very good idea. I can't play without Chatterer but after 2-3 years the sample feel a bit repetitive As a suggestion would you consider making new sound for this mod ? From the same author.
  21. @FellipeC Support for Aviation Lights is mostly done. I need the dev to add a few method to their PartModule, I've sent them a PR. The beacon lightning when engine are running is good too but I will probably update it for something like that before release, now It is probably too much check for something that simple.
  22. @BigNose @MOARdV I've made some time ago a mod that (among others things) turn lights on/off when the sun rise/fall. I like your mod to be compatible with it, the problem is that all your method in "ModuleNavLight" toggle the light, I need a way to turn light on/off not inverse the current state. I've made a pull request on your github for that. It should be completely transparent on your hand. The mod in question is Crew Light, the discussion about support for Aviation Lights begin here.
  23. It should work with all mods, only exception will be mods that add their own PartModule for the light. AFAIK it's not the case for MKS. Obviously if the pod/hab-module hasn't any light it won't work...
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