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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Well all I knew of is MM, but part mods should work.
  2. Only MM but it was updated 2 hours after the update.
  3. Yeah, the patcher has been broken for about 1.5 years, at least since 0.24 or so.
  4. A whole TWO hours and 15 minutes? Too slow! Just kidding, great job with getting it out fast!
  5. Airsoftsociety.com and airsoftforum.com (not as active) are great places, and you'll likely see me around there.
  6. Yeah, I just like my parts to match. The Tantares ones are nice but their gray doesn't fit with the spaceplane style I like. I think Porkjet used the old Clamp-O-Tron style because the two parts that docked together had to look similar, two different docking ports can't dock together.
  7. Relly what I want it for is an orbital utility vehicle, the small 4x engines with a docking port, small fuel tank, KIS storage, passenger cabin, probe core, and RCS. I'd use that as a dedicated crew transport for my station.
  8. Wow! You are really, really fast! I can't wait for release! (or the next one, whichever contains your new beautiful models and textures). I never used the old one because it wasn't porkalike enough to me.
  9. Those look awesome @passinglurker! Now all we need are the docking ports to be redone by someone and I can make a stock ATV! (or you could do the ports, that would be great!)
  10. Yay! Bugs have been squashed and wheels are fixed!
  11. Nope. A relevant user, though. @windows_x_seven
  12. Banned for a combintation of Kraken and no signature.
  13. The only CKAN problems I've ever had are on Linux. Trust me, stay away from CKAN on Linux. It is troublesome, I had to reinstall all mods about 10 times.
  14. No, upgrading and buildings are hard-coded. Otherwise we'd have awesomer KSCs.
  15. Happy biodegradable BB sale day! $8 for a kg! That's 1/2.5 of the normal price. Too bad I have enough BBs.
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