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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. I'd change the license to GPl or MIT, it isn't the best idea to give everyone your mod and let them say it's theirs, a GPL license will be the same but they can't sell your mod or say it's theirs, and they can still pick it up if you leave.
  2. Well 1.1 came out with 64-bit and Unity 5! Yay!
  3. He's a shark so waterless Sharkman Briton
  4. I can't do 140t, that's @Mad Rocket Scientist you would want. For unmanned I'm the guy to ask.
  5. Scatterer is awesome, makes the planets look sweet.
  6. If you need a mic (or headset) try going with Razers (I like the Kraken ones), I got mine for around $60 and they are amazing. On-topic, anyone need me to make anything? Otherwise I'll just putter around in Kerbin-Mun-Minmus system in 3x rescale.
  7. Nope. @qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbn Cool name!
  8. It's not closed, it was just moved to General Discussion. Also, the site looks nice.
  9. It's on sale on Steam for $24 right now, you don't need to install it immediately. You can install it on any conputer where you are signed in.
  10. After looking at the antenna configs they seem very easy to create and are simple! I'll try to do a few soon, but I might not get to it. I hope to, though.
  11. Actually 0.9375m isn't proprietary, it's halfway in-between 1.25 and 0.625, and it fits perfectly for me. 1.5m is necessary because for 2/3 scale rockets 1.875m is too big and 1.25 is too small, so another in-between.
  12. @ShotgunNinja I haven't had a chance to play with this yet, mainly becase of all of the mods I have, but I'd like to contribute, I might make antenna configs for a few mods. I'll try to play with it today and see how I like it, since I really love the concepts in the mod and your dedication.
  13. I'd buy it on sale right now and wait. You save money!
  14. I think a Space Engineers mod would be simpler... Good luck, though!
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