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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Could we use DMP to have two people controlling the stuff at once? Like one person controls the impactor and another controls the orbiter?
  2. Maybe put it on spacedock.info? It's a replacement for Kerbalstuff since it went down.
  3. I copyright strike the YouTube video for no reason. It's super effective and it dies.
  4. You use RAPIERs in Vacuum mode and your probe runs out of electricity during ascent since you didn't add any other parts tot he probe, only the HECS or OKTO or whatever you use. I launch a fully-fueled Saturn V to Pluto.
  5. It's only a mockup! I'm in a movie! You are pulled over by a mountain research facility in New Mexico with a crowbar, SMG, and gravity gun.
  6. 10/10 lots of ribbons!!! @0111narwhalz Are you talking about the thing to the right of my badge for the RSP? If so, that's the ROFLcopter.
  7. Well since the foot(unit) was the length of Charlemagne's foot, his foot was a foot long.
  8. I don't have a job but want to be in aerospace. Like most others here.
  9. I started about 3 days before 0.21 and joined May 1st of last year. I don't really remember the old KSC buildings aside from when I played the demo. It took me a few days to convince my mom to buy me the game.
  10. Also could you upload to Spacedock also? It's literally a KS replacement.
  11. I want this thread to stay alive!!!
  12. Yes it is, I've done it before. They are kinda buggy, though.
  13. I suggested to the streamer I was watching to put it into Low Earth Orbit since he was playing RSS/RO.
  14. @magico13 Can you uplaoad this to spacedock.info? It isn't up there yet so it doesn't work on CKAN.
  15. Someone in @tylerraiz's stream said that you could find the potatoroid in the VAB by going into advanced mode, search by profile, surface attach, and then exit the VAB and re-enter, going back into surface attach. The Potatoroid shows up in there! And I have proof! The video is from KSP Jebediah:
  16. I'd like the Falcon 5 to come back, bring small things to LEO.
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