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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Pretty much. Just set an account up and share your profile link around. Join our team as well.
  2. Nvidia RC car. I remember that, saw it a while ago.
  3. TFW you post a KSP picture on Imgur and you get upvotes. Crazy, isn't it.
  4. This seems really interesting. Luckily I haven't launched my Duna missions yet.
  5. This one is better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPYZpwSpKmA
  6. Well I made a thing.


    It's the Compact LV-303, now just needs UV unwrapping and texturing. Which I don't know how to do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. legoclone09
    3. ZentroCatson


      Good work! Is that the first time you are using Blender?

    4. legoclone09


      Not first time, third model I've made this week. I started using Blender a while ago but never got the hang of it until now.

  7. Oh yeah I'm also streaming right now. Playing with the pre-release and BDB. https://www.twitch.tv/legoclone09
  8. legoclone09


    Welcome to the forums!
  9. Welcome to the forums @DONUTS!
  10. I fixed my computer @eddiew, and now to play KSP.
  11. Think so, any game counts. I might contact them and ask if we can get the launch on their Twitch livestream.
  12. Yeah, that's what happened. I just need to get Windows 8.1 on a disk or something.
  13. Not in KSP but stopped me from playing. Or doing anything on my computer, really. Protip: Don't delete Linux partitions because you don't use Linux anymore. Bad things happen.
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