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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Yeah, I have to say he's better than me and his style is very unique.
  2. That's... that's LEGO Rock Raiders! I was like 2 when those sets came out. Never played the game.
  3. Sorry, you didn't pay your Mars property taxes. Marvin, you gotta go to Europa now.
  4. 6/10 Cool quotes, but not much content.
  5. Well, I drew another thing during lunch at school today.
  6. I get lots, usually when I post a picture I drew, or making a joke.
  7. Wow! I can't draw complex faces well at all. EDIT: Another thing drawn today!
  8. I haven't started it yet. The same way I haven't started Rick and Morty after saying I would a month ago. I'll get around to it soon^TM.
  9. It has eight. 4 on the inside and 4 on the outside. The gimballing ones go on the outside (I think those are the Navis).
  10. Then it's only good and people become evil again. I wish Rate that Sig would be revived.
  11. My present is... uhhh..... Hey Cobalt, what's your address? *amazon.com* *saturn v* *clicks on first product* *buy for 123 fake street somewhere, PA* Perfect! In all seriousness, I can try my hand at modelling something for you. Maybe an SRB... That's the half length one...
  12. Great job @ThatSpaceyGamer! I drew this earlier today!
  13. No problem! Anyone want me to do theirs? Once I get a few done I'll open up a thread, and maybe do a few for Pine. Or just continue here. Also @TedwinKnockman66 I can do yours next if you would like, the Celt looks amazing!
  14. Quite a few music videos from the 80's are strange. Have you seen Duran Duran's videos?
  15. RSS Real-ish Soap Stabilizers - I don't know how I made this up but I did. KSP Kerbal Spice Program - A cooking show by Bob.
  16. I'll be there! One as me, the other as Simon Le Bon. ^ has something to do with my signature
  17. Where'd you get your profile picture? It looks like it's from @yorshee, is it? Looks really good!

    And I also love KSA!

    1. Drew Kerman

      Drew Kerman

      yes, I commissioned her to draw out all the KSA characters you'll find on the About page.

      Glad you like :)

    2. legoclone09


      Those are all really good! She did a great job!

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