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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. 8/10 Cool gif, but nothing else.
  2. Mechanical keyboards are overrated. (r/mechanicalkeyboards will eviscerate me soon)
  3. -8(+) IM SORRY GUYS I HAVE SCHOOL! @Frybert @Andem @Beale @Abraxsas @greenTurtle1134
  4. Wow! Great work @WalrusPilot! Waay better than mine!
  5. Yep, it's a hassle going back a page on my iPad and iPhone. I'd love that to be changed!
  6. Well. Now Trump is a god. Pressing the button adds this into history.
  7. I made Caboose! (Red Vs. Blue guy) Took me about 10 minutes in sketch.io and then paint. And today I used @Porkjet's revamp concepts, shifted them around, and added a background to make this wallpaper! Not sure why, but I did.
  8. Sounds great! Will you make the engines named after their real counterparts as well? KR-1 as F1, Rhino as J2X, LV-T45 as LR105 Sustainer, Poodle as the Transtage engine, etc? (same with Soviet, LV-303 as Fregat, LV-909 as Briz-KM, etc)
  9. -5(+) @0111narwhalz @Andem @Frybert @Red Iron Crown @Spaceception HALP US!!!
  10. Oh. I must have been ninja'd. Sorry. Last valid is -5, so my move is -4(+)
  11. Look at @0111narwhalz's post above mine. Also, -2(+)
  12. 6/10 Cool stuff but pretty desolate.
  13. 7/10 What... what... happened to Nixon's biggest secret?
  14. I remember... um.... uhhh.... The new forum change! That's all I can remember. ^wait ^what ^about ^the ^1.0 ^fiasco We don't speak about that
  15. It's actually the KR-1, and it's meant to replicate the F-1, but the engines on the Twin-Boar are F-1Bs, which are newer and different.
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