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Everything posted by Teilnehmer

  1. I place a Communotron-16 antenna in front of a cabin. It shares the heating between itself and the cabin so the craft can survive higher speeds in atmosphere. In orbit:
  2. Basically, the Procedural Parts mod covers all this (excluding engines).
  3. Hi, @JPLRepo! In, 4-way ION RCS block does not allow to roll left for some reason. Pitch, yaw, roll right, and translation are OK. 45° block and linear ports are OK too. Here’s my log:
  4. What’s the name of the mod that replaces the heating gauges with a single heating indicator? (It was introduced for 1.0.x. I don’t know if it was updated since that time.)
  5. I’m trying to make regular engines work as RCS. I’ve built a test vessel without any reaction wheels or RCS thrusters: With the main engine disabled it works perfectly: But when I try to execute a maneuver, problems begin. If I enable both the main engine and the maneuver engines, it starts the main engine burn immediately, it doesn’t wait for the maneuver. If I disable the main engine, it starts to rotate uncontrollably. I suppose, it tries to align its thrust vector to the direction of the maneuver, but with the main engine disabled there’s no thrust vector, and it fails. What am I doing wrong?
  6. In stock KSP, shadows on atmosphereless bodies are semi-transparent as if shadowed objects are lighted by diffused light. Is there a mod making shadows completely black and adding diffused light only when atmosphere is present?
  7. Can a Structural Fuselage occlude parts inside it from drag like cargo bays do?
  8. The graphics card also matters. I have an Intel Core i5 3.2 GHz, 8 GB RAM, with no graphics card, and I have some problems with the shaders in 1.1.x. I’ve had to turn the UNSUPPORTED_LEGACY_SHADER_TERRAIN setting on to avoid lags.
  9. AutoActions 1.6.2f (formicant’s fork) for KSP 1.1.x release Fixed gauge color changing (thanks @MOARdV) Fixed toolbar button Default settings separated into SPH defaults and VAB defaults
  10. I have. Nothing happened. Well, starting a new game helped though.
  11. I flew to Dres in 1.1.2 and found no trace of Ders-teroids there! There are asteroids near Kerbin’s orbit but nothing near Dres. Is it just me or there are no Dres-teroids in 1.1.2?
  12. Hi, @Diazo! I’ve forked your mod to make some changes: I’ve added the ‘Default settings’ block where global defaults can be set. In the ‘Per-vessel settings’ block, the switches are now three-state: Default (gray), On (green), Off (red). On and Off values override the global defaults. The ‘Gear’ switch is not inverted now.   KSP 1.1.x supported now. There is an issue with the precise control indicator however. The ‘renderer.material.color = …’ trick doesn’t work in 1.1.x. I haven’t found a solution yet. So the PCtrl switch works, but the indicators do not change their color You can download it from here: AutoActions 1.6f (formicant’s fork) for KSP 1.1.x release
  13. In KSP 1.1, renderer.material.color doesn’t work anymore. Has anyone found the solution for 1.1?
  14. The Thermal Monitor plugin does work with KSP 1.1.2. Please update the version so it can be downloaded through CKAN.
  15. What setting are you telling about? BuildingStartMaxSize or _hideHangars?
  16. Nothing. The hangar didn’t hide.
  17. https://github.com/Alewx/FShangarExtender/pull/1
  18. I’m not sure if my code is correct. I’m calling StartCoroutine(toggleScaling()) inside Update() when it’s the first update in the session. It that OK? Should I commit to the ‘master’ branch?
  19. In the latest versions of EER, angle snap is always off when entering the VAB or SPH. Is it possible to make angle snap persistent between hangar sessions?
  20. Why not in use? I’ve tried to add this convenient feature back: It works.
  21. Wow! Congratulations! You are our first winner! I’ve decided to change the winning criterion. Now, the craft with the lowest launch mass wins.
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