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Everything posted by Teilnehmer

  1. What about the TWR in between? One can build a 3-staged lander with a big high-TWR middle stage and tiny low-TWR 1ˢᵗ and 3ʳᵈ stages just for the score. I’d suggest a score system based on the max TWR during the flight.
  2. Here, I used elliptical orbits for two purposes: – splitting a huge burn for efficiency (also, the shorter the final burn is the easier it is to recapture), – cheap inclination change in Ap. – Launch n days before the transfer window. – Make a node, move it n days ahead, fine tune the node for the transfer. – Keep pressing the minus-orbit button until the node is less than an orbit ahead. – Reduce the Δv of the node so that the target orbit is elliptical and the time between its Pe and its Ap is n/2 days. Launch Window Planner shows the Injection Inclination. The same way basically. – Wait until the Hitchhiker’s Pe is n days ahead. – Make a node at the Hitchhiker’s AN/DN. (I made the Hitchhiker’s Pe near the equator so the AN/DN is almost at the Pe). – Set the node’s Δv so that the time between your Pe and Ap is n/4 days (two orbits before the rendezvous). – During the first elliptical orbit, adjust the inclination and make corrections to fine tune the rendezvous. I don’t mind of course.
  3. @Hotel26, does my entry meet the rules?
  4. Payload: 2 250 kg (Hitchhiker Storage Container — 2 070 kg, 4 kerbals — 45 kg each, no inventory) TIB: 19 482 kg (wet), 3 160 kg (dry) From MechJeb, I used only node editor.
  5. Could you please explain what this means? If I don’t have to do any corrections after TIB separation, can I leave the Hitchhiker Container with no propulsion at all?
  6. I don’t hate Dres at all. I hate Ike instead. Btw, in Toki Pona, ike means ‘bad’.
  7. I wanted to use the OnVesselRollout event in my mod to do stuff only when the vessel is at launch, but discovered that this event is not triggered after a Reverting to Launch. I’d prefer identical behavior for the first launch and relaunches. How can I detect that a Reverting to Launch has happened?
  8. Version 1.11.4 Fixes: Revert to launch bug fixed. ModuleAutoAction is always writen to the craft file again. Warning:  Bugs of all kinds are still totally possible. Please report!
  9. I cover my head with ashes! The mod doesn’t work at all when reverting to launch. Unfortunately, the onVesselRollout event does not trigger after reverting to launch for some reason. So, now, I have to revert to the old logic which also has some minor issues.
  10. Thanks a lot! Now, I can add action set support to my AutoActions mod.
  11.    Version 1.11.3 What’s new: Now, you can choose which action set will be activated on launch. (Thanks to @JPLRepo) Warning:  Bugs of all kinds are totally possible. Please report!
  12.    Version 1.11.2 What’s new: Updated to KSP 1.11.0. Added ‘Stage’ button making the vessel stage on launch. Less craft file spamming: only one ModuleAutoAction per file, only non-default settings in ModuleAutoAction, no ModuleAutoAction when no no-default settings. Fixed behavior after the ‘Switch editor’ button is clicked. Some minor fixes and changes. Warning:  Bugs of all kinds are totally possible. Please report!
  13. How can I set the current action set (default, 1, 2, 3, or 4) in flight from code?
  14. In my mod AutoActions, I use ModuleManager to add a module to all command parts to store per-vessel settings in it. When a craft file is saved in KSP without the mod, and I open it in KSP with the mod (or vice versa), everything works fine except for some warnings in the log: [WRN 11:34:59.939] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at probeCoreOcto2.v2, index 5. Node 'ModuleAutoAction' found in loaded data, but 'ModuleTripLogger' is defined in prefab. Looking for ModuleAutoAction in other indices... Is it bad to have warnings like that? Does it cause performance losses or something? Or are those warnings safe to ignore? Is there a way to get rid of them?
  15. Here’s a silly minimal example of two-way communication between two mods via Reflection: https://github.com/formicant/ModCommunicationSample The Util mod detects the current vessel’s throttle changes and invokes throttleChanged events. The Other mod changes the current vessel’s cargo bay door deploy limit according to the throttle evel received from the Util mod. It calls the methods of the Util mod to subscribe to the events or unsubscribe. The UtilApiWrapper and UtilApiAlternativeWrapper do the same thing but are written a bit differently.
  16. Here, I’m doing this in my mod CriticalTemperatureGauge using System.Reflection: https://github.com/formicant/CriticalTemperatureGauge/tree/master/CriticalTemperatureGauge/Wrappers The wrappers provide access to the methods of Linuxgurugamer’s ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController mods, also providing a fallback behavior when the mods are not installed. Unfortunately, I had to write a lot of code to wrap the custom delegate TC_ClickHandler. However, if both UTIL and OTHER are your own mods, you have more freedom to make the access via Reflection less complicated. Delegates of types accessible from either mod (such as Action<…> and Func<…>) are much easier to deal with.
  17. When a KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight) starts, what is the best way to determine if it’s a new vessel launch (not switching to an already launched vessel or loading a save)?
  18. You’ve accidentally written Pol’s radius instead of its equatorial circumference.  Pol   276460   13823   231   4 
  19. ShipConstruction.GetSavePath(EditorLogic.fetch.ship.shipName) kinda works, but doesn’t work with ‘Auto-Saved Ship.craft’ or when the user renamed the craft file manually. Is there a way to get the actual file path which the current craft was loaded from?
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