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Everything posted by DestinyPlayer

  1. 6.66666666666... / 6.6666666666... Because ████ the third dimension.
  2. Can't watch the video, but the engine seems nice, so 7/10. One mad koala dreadnought coming right up!
  3. Anybody knows what can you safely downgrade in terms of settings so that it doesn't run at about 5 FPS on planets, but to make it at least look like dirt, not feces? Right now I'm on all-medium graphically, but it's not enough.
  4. Wouldn't the energy required to keep the gates open be enough? Maybe you can't just create them and keep them that way, maybe you have to constantly keep them from closing or something.
  5. Gets canned bacon. Inserts an empty can.
  6. Though honestly, the only thing that I need out of that is to leave sleeping behind. I don't really need more time. I just need to be able to use the time I already have fully, not in a semi-trance both at day and at night with occasional moments of clearance. That would be one of the main reasons for digitizing myself, but I'd go with something else if there was a way to just remove the need to sleep.
  7. I'm gonna answer the original question. Would I store my consciousness in a machine? That would depend on several things. 1: Would my original body still remain active, with my consciousness in it? If yes, then absolutely. Even if it's going to be a perfect copy and not an extended consciousness, at least there will be another me out there even after my death. Return. If no, then proceed to 2. 2: Are the other people who got their consciousness uploaded reportedly perfectly the same as they were, personality wise? If yes, then I'd highly consider it. After all, uploading your mind to a computer doesn't only mean immortality, but also no physical needs, i.e. no need to sleep, no need to eat or drink, etc. It would probably be possible to simulate these feelings if needed, and refurbish them into something useful, but sleep, for example, I would gladly leave behind, and even if I'm completely by myself, I would probably find something to do in my computerized mind. Make a virtual reality of AI's, for example. I'd have eternity to figure that out. If no, then I would only go for that if I had something that would kill me in the next few years. Cancer or something like that. Something like that.
  8. I still don't quite understand, how would FTL enable time travel? Wouldn't it just leave a whole bunch of afterimages behind the ship from all points of view? Or am I missing something, and that makes it time travel?
  9. Well, that's why it's Sci-fi theory. We try to theorize whether unicorns eat grass, hay or magic beans, and why do they do such a thing to these poor beans, while trying to remain within a walking distance from reality. That page is interesting to read, but that's one thing I've already accounted for. "Rule number 1 of Wormhole Technology: Don't be a dummy and match the pressures!" I'm thinking in terms of "What if tomorrow some random guy suddenly figured out how to make a stable wormhole that we can use like a doorway, and how would technology go from that?". I was thinking about gravity because... Well, how would a spaceship that is floating near a gate that's on an orbit and is connected to a gate on the ground behave? Would the gravity that's coming from the gate affect it in any noticeable way? Or would it be like adding a single thread of straw into a hay pile? Why would you do such a thing? To get rid of boosters by launching spaceships right through a gate into space.
  10. Let's say that people have discovered a way to, basically, create a Stargate by managing to create a wormhole, no matter the way. What things would they need to consider? I know that they'd have to, preferrably, match the air pressure in both gate locations so that it doesn't blow anything apart by moving too quickly. Would there be any problems with gravity? For example, a gate right on the ground, and a gate in geosynch orbit right over the top of it, would there be any weirdness with gravity in any of these places? How to communicate between them? A micro-wormhole, constantly open, allowing you to send any info you need by any means. Would that work? And overall, are there any moments with such a thing that would complicate things?
  11. Dangerous nano imp litterers jokingly returned entropic union nans hacking fluffily laid untied limburgers jerking energy rate. DOOWEEDOO
  12. Dunno, honestly. Most of my recent spaceships are more sci-fi style than rocketnstyle. And they all use a bunch of mods, so it depends. Press the button and you will get along with everybody. Including total douchebags.
  13. 2/10 Vaguelly remember you, but not much.
  14. Granted, but it's made of solid gold. I want a single molecule of H2O.
  15. Gets a charred, but grinning Jeb. Inserts a Martian tater.
  16. Everything's better than rubles. *bomp* If you press that button you will be able to understand, speak and write any language you come across, but you will sound like a crappy voice synthesiser even in your home language.
  17. I'm sitting on a bench with five other people on it. So... GERONIMOOOO! Press the button to turn into a being that is exactly the same as a human, but lives off of electricity instead of nutrients/water, and can release some of it whenever it wants, with whatever properties it wants. But you can no longer eat food or drink water.
  18. Graanted, but you can only shapeshift into invertebraes with no access to your original form. I wish that everybody, including me, stopped forgetting to add their own wishes.
  19. Am I the only one who thinks that when a sandbox comes out which allows you to do literally anything, be it possible in RL or not, people will still say "Meh, there's nothing to do"? Just a passing by thought.
  20. Don't worry about "freemium". As far as Simple Rockets go, I'm yet to find anything you can buy for real money in it, and I don't even remember if there are many ads in it except for KSP in he recommendations section.
  21. Granted. He hates you personally and tries to evade you however possible, thus not allowing you to use his service. I wish for a positive iron molecule.
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