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Everything posted by Alkahest

  1. How would you address something that would Reparent the Kerbol System, such as Galactic Neighborhood and the like, it no longer displays the planets in your system as hidden. Is there some configuration for this? Also, I'm having -serious- overheating issues with the telescope.
  2. I don't seem to be able to transmit any data regardless of connection, is this a known issue with the new 1.0.5 version?
  3. Scatterer is causing the black sky issue even when EVE and Kopernicus have been removed, is there some configuration option to fix this? It starts up fine and looks correct for a moment, and then the screen stops for a second or two and then switches to black sky.
  4. I have a very minor grievance with this. The transition of Clouds from dark to light and vice versa is very weird looking and warped. Is there a config change one can make to address this?
  5. Does anyone know how to shut off these incredibly loud and annoying beeping noises the more recent update introduced when transmitting data? It nearly ruptured my eardrums and I don't know how to turn them down or off.
  6. I don't mean to sound rude but seriously, if I have to use the prebuilt craft to get around an issue in the mod, then it doesn't work fine. But given that there's no current support on the mod, that's sort of a moot point anyways. So I suppose you're right and I'll just use the prebuilt ones.
  7. The attachment points for the engines and cargo are flipped 180 degrees so you can't attach stuff to the modules.
  8. Issues I've found with this mod: I don't feel the aerodynamics of the parts are being calculated correctly if at all, the Ranger can make hairpin turns without stalling or losing control, it doesn't feel like it's fighting against the air at all. Is this mod intended to be used with FAR or is it stock compatible in the case that it's not intended for use with FAR? The Engines' Textures for the Endurance are all 100% White.
  9. The Ranger's Aerodynamics are totally weird, it flies like it's not affected by the air at all. Is this something that's known?
  10. Well I mean this is a Kopernicus Reparenting issue so I'm not sure what good that will do? In any case I don't have the log anymore and the mod list is quite long if you still want it.
  11. Do we know if there are any timetables for the Kopernicus reparenting issues to be addressed? I'm getting major graphical glitches from trying to run this despite how much I want to, minorly I'm getting major Z-Fighting on the building textures for the KSS, like there's two copies of the same building in the same place. I'm not sure what the deal with that is. And then there was one where I'm on Kerbin, looking at Kerbin floating on the horizon.
  12. Feasibly it could be a very very small planetoid in the center with a really large Atmosphere that doesn't move no gravity and one very large volumetric cloud.
  13. I think you need a few more stars before we can consider galaxies orbiting a common center, as Jay says from MIB "Galaxy's millions of stars and planets." We could add more interesting celestial bodies first, like Pulsars (Already have a Neutron Star) or Quasars (To the Center of this galaxy, maybe), an Asteroid Belt or Supergiant stars like Antares or Betelgeuse etc... And, using the Sigma Binaries Mod, you can have the pluto analogue orbit a barycenter with its moon, or even Binary Star systems.
  14. AFAIK that sounds about right. If you teleport to another place at a specific velocity, the velocity you held when you entered the wormhole hasn't changed but is now in a different frame of reference when you exit. It's something that needs to be considered with stuff that translates you rather than affecting your velocity like the Alcubierre Drive or a Wormhole. (I know this is a thing in physics but I don't know if it's specifically an issue with this mod.) (Shouldn't be kicking you out near Osiris though AFAIK)
  15. I still cannot get the throttle working correctly. It's still using only half of the axis.
  16. Ahh that makes sense then. This mod should probably bundle that in from this point on then.
  17. I've had that issue before and it seemed to only fix itself when I installed other mods, since I did them all at once I don't know exactly which ones fixed the problem. It's a Kopernicus Issue though so maybe try going and getting the latest version of Kopernicus and use that. Also the skybox is better. I myself still personally prefer something a lot busier than that, however.
  18. I had issues with that myself until I installed my usual mods, I don't know which one in particular fixes this unfortunately.
  19. The problem with the skybox is that the sky is not empty. Even in intergallactic space you can see stars and galaxies in all directions. And also this galaxy only consists of like 8 or 9 stars all in the same plane so the sky will still look really empty. I prefer the Interstellar HD Skybox myself.
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