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Everything posted by StickyScissors

  1. Can't get it to work in 1.1 . the parts show up, but there is no right click menu. Updated firespitter and everything else i could think of and still nothing.
  2. Any immediate plans for a 1.1 version? I have plenty of subassemblies with these fairings and don't want to have to remake them all
  3. The engines are from SSTU. An amazing WIP mod. Lots of cool stuff Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/117090-wip-sstulabs-low-part-count-solutions-orbiter-landers-lifters-dev-thread-03-26-16-105-dl-available/
  4. I spent my short time playing KSP today trying to mount the first "flags and footprints" mission to the Mun in this save, just to test and refine current hardware. And it all went down the drain :c Album:
  5. Is anybody else having issues with engines ignoring the gimbal limit? Testing out a launcher, and noticed it was over correcting roll, so i went back to the VAB and dropped the gimbal down to 1* from the original 5*, but it doesn't seem to actually be limiting, because they still visually gimbal the original 5*, and they still roll the vehicle as if it were set to 5* (rapidly). The only way i have found to get around this is just locking the gimbal, something that isn't exactly a great idea during ascent.
  6. Can we maybe get a way to prevent the auto-roll on launch? Sometimes i don't want my vehicle forcefully faced in a specific direction and would prefer to do so myself.
  7. Am i correct in assuming that the planned future base/station modules will include inflatable things?
  8. @Shadowmage Here we are, hopefully void of all parts other than SSTU and stock: https://www.dropbox.com/s/odpybu16481ri4n/Testcraft.craft?dl=0
  9. I can do that, just a minute. Also, I should note that it isn't just these engines, and it isn't just this craft that have done it, this is just the most recent case.
  10. Anybody else having issues with engine mounts freaking out upon loading into flight? It only happens with engines that have something (i.e. a decoupler) glued to the back of them, while the other, uncovered ones are fine. However, sometimes If i leave the craft (switch scenes) and come back, it will fix itself.
  11. Will this prevent my aircraft and from flipping 90 degrees backwards and standing on their tail end when i recover a craft to SPH, then roll it back out/open in editor?
  12. Is there any way to make GT just floor it once i am of the atmo? GTO/GSO transfers take FOREVER when a 0.7 TWR upper stage is throttled almost all the way down by GT, because it assumes that there is still atmosphere to be aware of.
  13. ahhhg, this mod just keeps getting better and better! I cant wait for 1.1 to come out, and this mod to "settle down" after the first actual release so i can finally be let loose with all the designs i've been drawing
  14. Sorry to anyone who wants to download this, SpaceDock has decided that it doesn't want to send me the verification after 10 tries, so i'm gonna have a go at customer support and see how it pans out.
  15. Anybody else having weird line/shadow things originating from vessels sometimes? I'm using an AMD GPU if that might have anything to do with it.
  16. sometimes it does, yeah...but other times it'll throw a hissy fit and i have to keep grabbing new ones from the part menu over and over before it'll cooperate
  17. Is anybody else having issues with the modular SRB's not wanting to radially attach to anything?
  18. Is there any way to remove/delete launchapds from this mod without having to re-install anything? Ive got a second one but it's causing visual issues when i modify my save's gamemode
  19. Now i have to make the big decision of if i want to break all of my stuff to get new content, or keep what working stuff i have and miss out on the shiny new content i want D: Such is life in Latvia with pre-releases
  20. Any particular reason why docking ports are fused into the capsules instead of removable? They say they work with stock ports, but they don't look good in the process. and i prefer tantares ports anyways
  21. Seeing as how it doesn't go down until i start firing the engines, im not sure boiling off is the issue. Especially after *just* launching the craft.
  22. If you're really strapped for cash, i recommend some of the many contract packs that people have made Unless you already have them and i missed them in the mod list
  23. Question: has the gradual trailing off of thrust in SRB's been considered as an idea for this mod? IIRC the component space shuttle SRB's did this somehow, but i'm not certain it would work properly.
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