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Everything posted by Tankman101

  1. Yes I'm aware, as I said most KSP parts don't abstract themselves to be within other parts. Also apparently theres enough space in I-Beams to house liquid cooling pipes.
  2. They pull heat from areas they can't reach, I'd say that's a bit magical I guess we could call it thermal pumps, but KSP parts don't normally abstract themselves to be within other parts (Save for recently, with Jet Engines)
  3. Yep, as soon as I read they take heat from everywhere that explained it. They LOOK like they are broken because they are magical. That mechanic needs a PSA.
  4. Mind tossing me the test craft you used? It sounds like my install is a bit screwy. EDIT: Aaand this explains it. That should probably be explained somewhere, it's a but unintuitive.
  5. I'm aware they are active, my statement is that they arn't actually pulling any real heat. Also if the parts leading up to the radiators have pathetic conduction rates, how are the radiators so hot? How are they hotter than the rest of the main ship and yet the root part is the same temp as before? It should be noted that the radiators heated up insanely quickly also, gonna do a reinstall to check for bad things.
  6. I come with proof. Heck, they are hotter than the craft itself, and it takes the same amount of time to heat up.
  7. The radiators don't seem to cool down the craft at all. In fact, all they seem to do is heat up with more heat than is being produced. Tested with a LV-N test craft. Both fuel tanks were the same (Seperated with docking ports, docked) and both assemblies (Tank and LV-N) were the same temperature. The radiators kept heating up but didn't take any heat from the main assembly.
  8. They're pretty nice looking radiators. Well, as nice as radiators could look at any rate.
  9. I'm aware what timewarp is. The OP made it sound like they timewarped overnight.
  10. So you waited three hours for 32,138 funds? Hell I can get that and more sooner with missions...
  11. Didn't HarvestR say that the PC version would stay mostly the same? Because it's looking like Polygons being lazy again.
  12. Yea I derped. That's what I get for doing forum things while tired.
  13. They wouldn't, fuel explosions need oxygen and tanks are built for extreme pressures.
  14. Or just have giant panels off the sides of the ship that absorb heat and let it off as radiation.
  15. It's a patch at this point, the line of Hotfix has been long passed (In content, not time).
  16. I admit I have done this an embarrassingly large amount of times.
  17. Playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R and trying to stage when you can't run.
  18. I recall one of the devnotes saying that HarvestR is going to put Mu as lead at some point so that he can focus all his attention on Multiplayer. I can't really remember the details. but that was a thing.
  19. I used to think the KSP subreddit was good. Then the PS4 version was announced, everyone started speculating, and then the squad bashing started. It only got worse, with the entire sub seeming to become /r/pcmasterrace overnight. That place is baaaaaaaad.
  20. PS4 pro and con list. AKA Wild speculation and issue parroting megathread. Seriously, if you are going to make a pro-con list, at least list actual issues and not theoretical ones.
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