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Everything posted by Tankman101

  1. Not really, no. The argument is contextual. Realism vs Gameplay in making time warp. They obviously felt that making missions take 4 literal years was bad. Realism vs Gameplay in Re-entry heating. They obviously felt that it was worth including as a default 100% setting (It's a bit borked at the moment, but that's another story.) Anyway this is getting off-topic.
  2. Gameplay over realism is a thing (KSP not using N-body and life support for example. That would be painful.) However it should be added that that does not mean making things arbitrary for the sake of being arbitrary.
  3. Remember the DS4 has a touchpad and accelerometer
  4. I'll be very honest, I stopped reading when you started rambling about the cartel.
  5. Thread in nutshell: /r/pcmasterrace is leaking /kspg/ is trying to hijack this topic in order to "warn" everybody about supposedly how bad squad is (Apparently they are literally hitler). Drama llamas making speculations when they haven't even read any information (Not the same as honest mistakes. Sane discussion of the implications and corrections of mistakes.
  6. To be honest I think the autofairing should be ditched completely, and have people use the fairings for engine shrouds (After they gain strut properties ofc).
  7. Nope Literally ANYTHING other than twitter would have been a better medium. Twitter is absolutely notorious for partial statements.
  8. Sorry bud, but this isn't an opinion peice. It's a "How the information could have been said more clearly" thread.
  9. I would regrettably have to join in on that bet. The people here and on reddit seem to like speculating a lot. Also pcmustardrace gibberish.
  10. If your uranium is a liquid something has gone horribly wrong.
  11. k Saying that a port is a sellout is stupid, and you're overacting.
  12. Eh, we'll see what happens. But my point is that squad isn't the ones developing this. Heck if it's bad enough Squad might disown the game.
  13. OP, can we please have Maxmaps statement about the secondary developer put in? Oh hush
  14. I think I remember Dualshock 4 having a small touchpad. They're probably going to utilize that for the building.
  15. /ksp- Oh, the squad hate 4chan board. So basically you were already mad at them and would continue to be mad at them for all eternity.
  16. So basically, annoyingly snarky remark about how impatient you are, while also commenting that a release that you know 0 circumstances of was released too early for reasons that you don't know. BASICALLY no meaning. insert pcmustardrace "stop being lazy and build it"
  17. So basically you're looking for a reason to be salty. If they were developing it in-house, there would be too little manpower. If they give it to another company, we get the worse version. Ignoring all the things like, you know, processing power and things. Yes, annoyingly snarky rhetorical comments that have no meaning are great.
  18. Please read things, it works out for everyone.
  19. Literally no Where the hell did that number come from? Which is why there's a second studio on this. Do you not read? And Squad IS developing the game you paid for. So no, you're just drama llamas.
  20. I don't particularly understand why, but it sounds cool. That said I don't particularly care, and I can see the "SQUAD PORTING PC GAME TO CONSOLE LIKE BAD DEVELOPERS DO KILL ALL OF THEM!" from a mile away. Not like the whole Squad Sucks mentality is uncommon tho.
  21. The engines create the fairings, not the decoupler.
  22. In your opinion* Frankly Proc Parts makes the game feel too sterile (I used them).
  23. A small texture pass would be nice, but is not overly concerning.
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