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    Celestial Terraformer
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    Underneath the terrain
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  1. I've seen the github issue and it's something I'll be looking into over the next few days. I've never used the home switch feature before so I'm not clued up on how it works Edit: From the log file it looks like Kerbin exists twice. The homeswitch might make the 'new' planet Kerbin, but I would expect the original home world to take on a different name?
  2. Thanks for the kind words I'm glad you're enjoying it!
  3. I'm retexturing a lot of the planets and moons that aren't up to spec, and I thought I'd share what I've got so far First off (and it's a pretty minor thing), working ambient occlusion! This screenshot is taken from Bop. Ambient Occlusion, like the name suggests, reduces the strength of the ambient light in surface cavities. The screen-space ambient occlusion provided by TUFX only works on geometry and isn't very good, so you miss out on a lot of the details that baked AO can produce - so Parallax will use baked ambient occlusion to achieve a higher level of detail. It'll be toggleable in the GUI and the performance impact is minimal. And now for the updated planets (so far!) I think the best one to show off first is Vall. Right now, its textures don't really 'look' like any surface at all - is it rock? Is it ice? It doesn't resemble anything! I wanted to use the vanilla textures as a starting point to build off of because the cracks underneath the ice look great, and so I present the new Vall: Next up is Moho and this might be slightly more controversial because I'm leaning more into the fantastical side of things, but I wanted to incorporate the hexagonal surface objects into the terrain itself in some form: And finally, Ike will receive some well deserved love! Its displacement map doesn't hold up very well with the extra detail that Parallax Continued is able to provide and it also didn't really look rocky/dusty either. Hopefully this looks a tad more grounded in reality A quick note on the screenshots above - they were taken with a new feature 'advanced texture blending' which uses the displacement maps to blend textures together more realistically. I realise I never talked about it here, so here is a quick comparison on Vall: And Kerbin, with the sand and the grass: That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed the eyecandy
  4. I did! Long day I'll increase the seagrass render distance in the next patch. It's supposed to be fairly low because Scatterer's oceans are very foggy, but that doesn't work so well near the shore. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the headsup, these are easily patchable on my end As for kerbin having a very low render distance, that is not normal at all. Can you share a video of that?
  6. That looks like there are far too many scatters on Minmus. Can you delete the Settings.cfg file in your KerbalSpaceProgram folder and relaunch the game? Note that you'll need to set all your settings up again, and restart the game a second time to apply them Sometimes planet mods will leave residue in that file and can cause that to happen If that doesn't work you'll have to wait for me to get home to take a proper look in 8 or so hours
  7. The current github version will upgrade scatter configs only and isn't perfect when ModuleManager is involved. The version I have locally will convert scatter and terrain configs (which is almost everything you need) except for the PQSMods which must be done manually The repo will be updated when it's done
  8. Yep OPM configs are on the Parallax Continued github here: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Parallax-Continued/tree/master
  9. I am slowly but surely working on configs for kcalbeloh. OPM configs are already up - I've written a config converter that does most of the heavy lifting so expect these soon
  10. In Parallax_StockScatterTextures/Configs/Mun.cfg, set 'spawnChance' to 0.1 for each Scatter
  11. @dave1904 In case you don't see - I've edited my post above to include the rescale config for the terrain too - it'll fix gaps in the terrain, but also let you enjoy the cool tessellation quality as if you were running stock scale.
  12. I'm so glad to hear! Anyway, here is a module manager patch for 3.5 scale. Create a .cfg file in your GameData folder, name it anything, and add this: // Parallax Rescale Config - 2.5x @ParallaxScatters:FOR[ParallaxRescaleTwoPointFive] { @Body,* { @Scatter,* { @Distribution { // Pop mult is an int, we need to round to nearest int (6) // Increase spawn chance to make up the rest @populationMultiplier *= 6 @spawnChance *= 1.0417 } // Uncomment this if you want the sizes of each patch of scatters to be the same as Stock // Word of warning - Your KSC might become overgrown! //@DistributionNoise //{ // @frequency *= 6.25 //} } } } // Need this after Parallax applies its PQSmods @Kopernicus:AFTER[ParallaxStock] { @Body,* { @PQS { @Mods { @Parallax { // Subdivision radius scales linearly with area // SubdivisionLevel is also an int, round down to nearest // It also scales with log2(area), so only need to add 1 per power of 2 scale @subdivisionRadius *= 2.5 @subdivisionLevel += 2 } } } } } Uncomment the DistributionNoise node if you want the sizes of each patch of scatters to be the same as Stock. Word of warning - the KSC might become overgrown if you do Edit: I've not actually tested this (only the 2.5 version so far), so there might be some extra things to tweak
  13. You have a lot of ModuleManager files in your GameData. Make sure you have the latest installed. Also, there's no way for me to tell, but double check you've installed Parallax_StockTextures and Parallax_ScatterTextures correctly. Inside your GameData/Parallax_StockTextures folder you should also have a _Scatters folder (amongst many others) - if you do, you've done everything correctly Let me know if that helps
  14. Cheers With Continued, it's possible to write rescale patches now so over the next few days I'm going to make some for (most) scales and bundle them into a download that people can choose from. For now, it should be the same story - Square the rescale factor and that is your new density multiplier in the Global config. As before there is a limit (hardware limit to how large the buffer that holds the scatter data can be), but it should be slightly higher. Let me know if you run into any issues, hope it goes smoothly
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