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    Celestial Terraformer
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    Underneath the terrain
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  1. Are you running a version prior to 2.0.8 and using deferred rendering? Double check you're on 2.0.8, which makes Parallax compatible with Deferred
  2. It's been a few months since I've given an update on Parallax's development, and while there are meaty changes already, they're not all ready to show. I wanted to show off the first in-game testing of a custom shadow implementation I've written for the planets from orbit. Since the main feature of the next Parallax Continued release is an overhaul of the scaled planets, I've been investigating ways to enable shadows in the tracking station and from orbit. Unfortunately it's not as simple as flicking a switch and enabling shadow casting on the sun for the scaled scene so I've implemented simple and cheap raymarched shadows which is what I wanted to show off today You also get to see Minmus' remastered look in-game, which completely matches its surface. The transition from scaled to terrain views is much more pleasant now. In the video I'm showing off hard shadows (shadows with a hard edge/cutoff). Soft shadows are in the works, but not quite ready yet. I'm going with a simple technique that approximates soft shadows based on the distance the occluded light ray would have travelled had it reached the surface.
  3. Is there any chance you could provide some instructions? It would be cool to be able to link to this topic so that more Mac users can use Parallax
  4. I would never take down one of my mods if I was working on a better version All versions of Parallax are available to download here, which is also linked in the OP: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases The rewrite I mention in the OP is Parallax Continued which will be released as a major update to Parallax, but it will be a separate mod. That way, people can pick which version they want to use based on what other mods they're running as some of them won't fully support Continued yet
  5. It's been a while since my last update on development (and I don't have a huge amount to show just yet) but work on the scaled versions of the planets is coming along really well. I'm super pleased with how Minmus looks so I thought I'd share it. The quality could be better as it's just a capture of the Unity viewport - this isn't in-game just yet - but the shader work is pretty much done. Notice the skybox reflections on the ice! That's something I really want to translate into the game and should hopefully be possible with a bit of extra logic. For modders I'm still figuring out the best approach here, but I'd like to streamline the process as much as possible. Hopefully all that's needed is a small config telling Parallax to apply its textures to the desired planets without much setup needed beyond the existing terrain texture workflow. That's all for now
  6. I appreciate it man. If I had the free time and motivation I would keep it maintained and finish the art pass I started ages ago and never got far with. Sadly, I've moved on from planet packs at least the mod is in good hands being maintained by @ballisticfox0 !
  7. According to your log file it's not in GameData - You can grab it from here: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPBurst/releases
  8. Assembly 'Parallax' has not met dependency 'KSPBurst' V1.0.0 Install KSPBurst
  9. My bad guys I left bloons td6 running on the forum servers
  10. Thanks for the report. Now that the forums are back up I can reply - There are some cases where parallax 2.0 can leak memory, although rare. Sadly there's no planned fix because the fix requires major architectural changes to the mod which were accomplished in Parallax Continued which is reportedly a lot more stable on Linux Although what's very interesting is you mention your RAM isn't freed after closing the game - this sounds like it could be an issue with Unity not dealing with memory building up. Maybe Unity doesn't properly free some resources if they weren't freed by the mod properly? Very odd - I don't have a solution to this I'm afraid, without foregoing the scatter system
  11. You should be fine to use 2.0.8. The only changes between 2.0.6 and 2.0.8 are related to Deferred support.
  12. The terrain shaders work, it's just the scatter system that doesn't. But the files themselves do contain everything needed on DirectX, OpenGL, Metal, and Vulkan platforms. It's just that KSP doesn't run under Metal and Apple doesn't support an OpenGl version past 4.1 which was released in 2010. We're out of options :p
  13. I presume you grabbed the OPM Parallax patch from the Parallax Continued github? I've just installed OPM with the pack and I'm not seeing the exception myself. Well, if all works, there shouldn't be a problem
  14. New commit is up, you'll need to grab new copies of StockTerrainTextures and StockPlanetTextures Sadly every time I make a change to the assets I have to manually copy everything over for the github hosted version, so things like this can creep in. This commit ensures 100% parity with the release version. There is an error relating to a file path "_Terrain.cfg" which might be related to your install and could crop up again in which case I'll investigate which mod (likely a planet mod) is causing that but I want to ensure the install is correct before looking into it. Cheers
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