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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. To anyone experiencing lag when looking at the ocean or under a certain altitude (160,000M), I have written a small ModuleManager patch for this: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Kerbin] { @ScaledVersion { fadeStart = 40000 fadeEnd = 45000 } @PQS { fadeStart = 45000 fadeEnd = 55000 deactivateAltitude = 70000 } } } Or you can download a quick fix here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8yizsm8c3orheh/GSLX - OceanPatch.zip?dl=0 You require Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator and ModuleManager for this to function. @lajoswinkler
  2. I could write a ModuleManager config to adjust that, but I can't guarantee anything. Create a new file and put it in GameData and called it something, but make sure the extension is .cfg, and that you have ModuleManager and Kopernicus installed @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Kerbin] { @ScaledVersion { fadeStart = 40000 fadeEnd = 45000 } @PQS { fadeStart = 45000 fadeEnd = 55000 deactivateAltitude = 75000 } } }
  3. 1.3 Update Log #2 Note: This is not the version 1.3 release. Here are a few tweaks and changes I have been making to fix bugs and add more content to the mod. I've still yet to visit those biome maps, as I know they still need some brushups and as the planets gain more features, we need more biomes. I understand you concerns and i'm going to be working on that either for the 1.3 update or afterwards (2.0 or 2.1 of the mod version) Adjusted Olu'um's colourmap Fixed atmospheric ramp on Gaia being black for 'non scatterer peasants' Fixed some clouds not appearing due to defunct file paths Changed PluginData to Textures. This should mean Mac and Linux users such as @Jetski will be able to use the mod without issue. Reduced the gravity of Dreidos to 0.3141592654 (PI), as there are quite a few high gravity planets near Gaia, and many people cannot land there until much later in their saves Reduced the radius of Dreidos Revisited some terrain on Dreidos, specifically the RidgedAltitudeCurve, sharpening mountains and increasing the overall terrain Removed Gaia-like clouds on Dreidos and replaced them with the three cirrus cloud maps to match its low pressure atmosphere Dreidos atmosphere reduced to a third of its atmospheric pressure Fixed Niebos atmosphere ramping to 10% at 65,000m, causing the larger vessels to break apart Fixed the Niebos atmospheric ramping as well Colourmap changes to Dreidos make it more red Ocean colour changes to Dreidos Atmospheric colour of Dreidos changed (applies to 'non scatterer peasants' only) Improved quality of life Fixed flickering of Gaia's rings at certain altitudes. @blackrack's rings shader patch first introduced in Kopernicus 1.2.2-5 and 1.3-1 has some instability issues when looking at certain angles, and so I have disabled it. (To blackrack, this happens when looking horizontally across the rings like this: Adjusted more textures and converted them to DDS to save RAM by 500MB more. Updated a few planets' normal maps to the correct resolution and orientation Corrected Tetra and Sheathe's flipped colourmaps Corrected Sheathe terrain pixellation by sharpening it with PQSMods Updated Sheathe's colourmap slightly. Higher altitude plateaus have green tints more visible than before. Alien terrain superstructure on Butai now appears as a red X on Butai's colourmap, as the astronomers at KSC have identified it for you. EVE clouds now appear on the main menu EVE clouds with scatterer integration has been disabled until BlackRack implements a planet-by-planet toggle for S-EI Improved the ruggedness on Gaia's terrain, and smoothed out other portions The grass at KSC is nearly the same colour as the surrounding grassland The desert has been moved to the Vagre continent Fixed Gaia biome map // There are some more fixes and changes which I have likely forgotten. Again, I am still awaiting the Scatterer 1.3 update patiently. It's better to release a stable version of the mod than a buggy one, especially since the Scatterer issues are terrain related, and blame might be put on me . The mod will be updated to 1.3 after Scatterer. (Also releasing the mod update later means it stays on the SpaceDock page for longer, bringing more attention to it, but you guys don't need to know that! )
  4. Gaia is the word for 'Earth' or 'Mother Earth', so for Gaia to be called Gaia in KSP seems fitting. Boo tie, byoo tie, close enough. Doesn't really matter
  5. gcKONsV.png

    Wallpaper material.

  6. Oof Yeah, a lot changed. Hmm. Fume has proper terrain, proper clouds. Telos is made sharper and has more detail. Volux has a larger hurricane. Telos rework, Verex rework. Quarta rework, Sonus rework, Dreidos added, Olei rework, kerbin replaced, Mun replaced, Minmus replaced, lore added, Dreidiss added, rings to kerbin added, asteroids in rings of kerbin added, orbital changes for planets I add, scatterer fixes, ram improvements, bug fixes, terrain fixes, Vulcan added, vulkine added, Butai and kibbos added. A lot more!
  7. @JadeOfMaar has more knowledge on this topic than me! I will not be putting the pack on Github, as I cannot push updates more than 250MB onto it (the pack is 500MB). Whatever let's you upload larger files does not work on my PC. I'd wait for the incoming version 2.0, which is going to drop the same (day/week) as the scatterer update. It will work on both versions (1.2.2, 1.3) Scorch still exists. Technically all the bodies still exist apart from Vega and Dusk. Niebietos is renamed to Nievis for pronunciation reasons, Verex was renamed to Verdina. I don't know which version you're running, but if you know, I can give you a rundown of what has changed. I'm glad you've come back to the mod
  8. The textures are. Anything inside GameData will load, but even if the textures are loading does not mean they are in the right place. If it doesn't work, you installed it incorrectly. The config files will be asking for a path to the textures which doesn't exist. It's worth posting a screenshot of GameData just to double check everything is in the correct place before we bother with output logs.
  9. Auroras 1 and 2 are from AVP, aurora3 is an edit by myself.
  10. Modular Flight Integrator. Kopernicus and MFI should be bundled with the mod in the release. If it isn't, it really should be! (Version mismatches)
  11. It shouldn't unless you have a slow video card or slow RAM. Loading times for me are +20 seconds of stock, and I have slow RAM myself. Kopernicus works on all windows versions past 7 AFAIK. I develop on Win10.
  12. There will be no pre-release for 1.3, sorry. I have most things sorted, and nothing of yours should explode in 1.3
  13. Happens to me. I just got home after a day out to find KSP still open at KSC and running at a noticeably lower speed. I7 4790k 4.0GHz Asus 1080 Strix (GTX 1080) GPU 16GB ram However some streamers I watch have also noticed this slowdown, as they usually restart ksp halfway through.
  14. You may have to do that every time you start the game, i'm working on moving everything out of PluginData so that you guys can play without problems
  15. Please can you try a stock install? @Jetski uses Linux and managed to fix this by going into the options settings and adjusting the 'texture quality'. Press apply and apparently the textures should come back? Galileo has said before that this is because the textures are in a PluginData folder. This only occurs on Mac/Linux, as far as I know. I don't have a mac/linux machine myself, so I can't do much.
  16. Since Galileo is busy I'll give you a small rundown of PQSMods. I doubt i'll be as detailed as TWG and 'that lot', but for the time being If your terrain is quite smooth and lumpy, it's worth using this PQSMod to sharpen the terrain: VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { deformity = 17000 //Deformity in terrain, in m ridgedAddFrequency = 9 //Frequency of terrain ridgedness ridgedAddLacunarity = 2 //Sharpness of the ridges and overall 'bumpiness' ridgedAddOctaves = 8 //Quality of terrain ridgedAddSeed = 5473 //Seed ridgedMode = Low //Low, Medium, High. Depends what effect you're going for ridgedSubFrequency = 9 //Similar to ridgedAddFrequency, but this only adds terrain to the original ridged ridgedSubLacunarity = 2 ridgedSubOctaves = 8 ridgedSubSeed = 13425 simplexFrequency = 35 //How often the PQSMod acts on the terrain simplexHeightEnd = 3000 simplexHeightStart = 0 simplexOctaves = 16 simplexPersistence = 0.4501 simplexSeed = 847 order = 40 enabled = True simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.2 0 0 0 key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598 key = 1 1 0 0 } } That's taken straight from my Telos config, and makes the terrain look like this, provided your heightmap will support it. Usually, this PQSMod is used to create mountains and sharpen the upper ranges of the terrain. You can choose to 'sharpen' (I don't like using that term, because this PQSMod can also add ruggedness) any part you like. simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.2 0 0 0 key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598 key = 1 1 0 0 } The SimplexCurve determines where the PQSMod builds more or less terrain. The first entry in "key = 0 0 0 0" is the height part of the terrain, so this applies to the lowest point of the terrain. The second 0 is the deformity of the terrain. The third and fourth 0s most likely adjust the terrain curve in different ways, I just set them to 0. So, at key = 0.6311918, which is just over half the total height of the terrain, 0.44 of your deformity value is applied. I'm not a guru on PQSMods at all, but if you take my Vulcan.cfg from my planet mod, you can see how it was made. Vulcan uses no heightmap and is generated from that config file.
  17. Where do you think Dusk and Vega wandered off to? But yeah, I had to call the guy out for it. He won't take much notice now, but if he decides to review my next planet mod he will certainly think twice about it. I'm not bothered that he wouldn't review it. It's reverse psychology - he will be reminded of what I said only when he sees what I've done Set the name to "Kerbin" in its name plate. Then in Properties {, add displayName = [NAME] After doing this, if you want to add visuals, don't specify your planet name, specify Kerbin. Clouds will be overlayed onto whatever body has "name = Kerbin", it's just renamed after. CbNameLater is redacted and no longer used.
  18. Hello, profile viewer.

    1. ProtoJeb21


      Uhh...hi, I guess?

      BTW how's development on your planet pack going?

    2. Gameslinx


      It's going great! I attached a screenie below. I'm nearly done updating to 1.3 - just waiting for the proper scatterer patch :)

      I believe you also have a pack going? How's that? :)


    3. ProtoJeb21


      I finally got back to the new one I'm developing, Upsilon Kandromedae. Got the second and fourth moons of Majriti (ups andromedae d) almost done, with development continuing on the third one. However, with the amount of assignments I have this weekend, I think that's all the development for now.

  19. And now I hereby summon the grandmaster of gimp, @The White Guardian (*sacrifices one planet from GPO to pay for his summoning*)
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