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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Welcome to the Public Community Science Definitions for Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul. Here, you are able to submit, edit and produce science definitions for each planet, each biome and each science experiment for Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul. RULES: Please be respectful and provide legitimate science definitions for planets. I don't want to have to go through them all and correct immature writing. Please don't change what others have done unless it's to correct a grammar or spelling error. Don't mess around with the format of the document as the person who set this up put a lot of effort into it. Only write in the yellow space provided and clearly marked on the spreadsheet. How do I write science Definitions? You can easily write your own science definitions by writing text in the yellow boxes next to the planet and biome. Not all of the planets are present in the document, but I/the creator will add them at a later date. Use the 'User Edits' tab to input your definitions. You can see which experiment you are performing at the top of the spreadsheet. Notes Please note that not all 30 planets/moons are present in the document. I cannot get through writing all this text alone. I would greatly appreciate the support in this endeavour. Credit to @FuzzyMeep TWO for creating and formatting this spreadsheet. Click here to be taken to the spreadsheet. Thank you.
  2. You mean N-Body Physics? I shouldn't need to write configs for that - it should just work because of how the mod functions If you use it, the entire Olu'um system will break down. It's best you don't unless you want to for entertainment
  3. Version 1.95, the final final update until after my exams (I had stuff to do) IMPORTANT - Gaia changes Reworked Gaia including aurora, biomes, height, colours and terrain. Improved Gol's textures Improved Gol's crater Improved aurora noise map for Gaia Many other fixes and optimisations for Gaia, Gol and Gullis including texture tiling.
  4. That's useful. Thanks. I'll see if I can convert it to a google sheets so that it's a publicly editable doc. Boom. Here's the link so anyone can access the sheet. Same rules as always! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KFyW00RYYT-LUMb3_mV1jNM19knurAzFA0ZnDhh4b9Y/edit?usp=sharing
  5. I've had that docs file for a while. I prefer that over sheets, sorry. EDIT: 1000 POSTS on the mod thread
  6. Redownload the mod from Spacedock. Delete all the mod folders from your Gamedata (instantiator, olei, olei-gaia, cttp, EVE, scatterer, and so on) then install the mod as normal.
  7. I checked the code when I first got it and Instantiator.DLL looks for the objects CFG in Instantiator/Objects.cfg. So I belive the file path can't be changed, but the textures can. For MM patches (I think this is for compatibility reasons) I'm not sure.
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BoLUfe0VlH6Ixei7lYf2Prw6GUvsFIBAkNkSGwfSwUM/edit?usp=drivesdk Thanks!
  9. Welcome to version 1.9. This update is early because I have exams starting next week, lasting 5 days. IMPORTANT - SONUS CHANGES. Reworked the entirety of Sonus Updated auroras to not be shadowed by clouds or at night Fixed aurora heights Fixed colouring on Gullis (MINMUS) Fixed colouring on Gol (MUN) Updated Gaia's colourmap to match its new terrain Fixed colouring on Nightmare Curved the heat of the magma on Gol (MUN) slightly Reduced Olei's gravity to 0.16 GeeASL Fixed timewarp altitudes for Olei and Gaia so that you won't have to wait 5 years to complete an orbit "Removed the Kraken. Again."
  10. Asteroid Impactor updated: I made the colours a bit brighter.
  11. Don't download EVE and Scatterer. They are provided in the mod! Just make sure eve and scatterer, along with Olei, Olei-Gaia and 'the other mod folders' are in Gamedata. The game needs to he launched in 64 bit mode.
  12. It's a 'nightmare' to land with a rocket at Nightmare's points. You need to inclinate your orbit to not hit them in the first place! But yeah, I took a rover there myself and it was fun
  13. There's a PQSMod called VertexHeightOblate as far as i know. You can experiment with it with Kittopia ingame, then grab the values and put them into a config.
  14. You're gonna need images. Sounds like a scatterer problem causing this. Can we have a screenshot of your GameData folder and also whatever is happening in the game? Log files would be useful too.
  15. No worries Welcome to version 1.8! IMPORTANT: Tetra has changed Updated Gaia's terrain Corrected Gaia's terrain pixellation Corrected Gaia's biomes Tetra rework #3 Tetra terrain updated Asteroid 'Nightmare' added around Gol for Gaia users Asteroid 'Nightmare' biome map added Fixed scaledspace and PQS loading from orbit from Verdina and Tetra Fixed a bunch of bugs with terrain Moved KSC upwards slightly Corrected strange blue textures around Gaia's beaches Added more detail to Gaia's islands Added more detail to Gaia's mountains Added more detail to Gaia's craters Added craters to Gaia Fixed easter egg on the north pole of Gaia Updated dependency Kopernicus to 1.2.2-5 Dependency Kopernicus fixed lag at space centre Updated texture tiling at Gaia Updated mid and far texture tiling at Gaia Added correct dust clouds to Gullis and Gol "Removed the Kraken"
  16. With citylights, I'm not sure. I'll experiment. Also with volux, wot (just released 1.8, what's up with le voluxiano?) Will try that out
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