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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. That\'s a high exposure photograph taken on the far side of the Earth. Why would you want KSP to look like that if your eyes aren\'t supposed to be a camera?
  2. By instrumentation, I mean the little orange line. If you press D, you see the orange little V go to the right.
  3. Devs don\'t have to improve the steering... You just have to improve your piloting. W pushes the instrumention up. S pushes it down. D to the right and A to the left... Same position as they are on the keyboard. If you roll, well... Expect your instruments to change.
  4. I won\'t even mention reptillians and 9/11.... I\'m in an argument with some guy on youtube right now who says Freedom 7 wasn\'t real... This guy is a well-known moon hoax believer on youtube that says the only reason they weren\'t real is because of the Van Allen Belts, but now he\'s resorted to claiming that sub orbital flight is not real either. If you want to see the video he claims proves its fake, here: He says that because Shepard\'s voice does not sound strained and the rocket is not shaking violently, the whole flight is faked.
  5. No. In EVERY video of KSP, the navball is always a darkish orange kind of color... and I google imaged to make sure I wasn\'t color blind or something. (Even though I know I\'m not.) Actually, it does look rather brownish, but still... More orange than brown...
  6. Nope. My monitor is perfectly color tuned and looks the same as any other one. Just to make sure I wasn\'t color blind and couldn\'t tell orange from brown, I google imaged 'Brown' and saw the color brown. Did the same for orange and saw orange... One second.
  7. Yeah. When you make a burn in a spacecraft, you get G-force.
  8. That section of the Navball is DEFINITELY orange...
  9. Is it possible in KSP to navigate by the stars? Real astronauts used a sextant that relied on stars to align the inertial platform. Since the stars remain constant in KSP, how could we do this?
  10. I think if you were exposed to a vacuum long enough, it COULD rupture your skin, especially in the thinner areas... I couldn\'t imagine how bad it would hurt to be subjected to space and your balls explode... lol
  11. So this isn\'t a joke? Ok. Well... It seems you\'re describing our body popping as a balloon. In deep space, the spacecraft itself will be pressurized, as is a suit in Trans Earth Coast (Apollo\'s 15-17 CMP did spacewalks further away from Earth than anyone else). This pressure stops our body from expanding and our fluids to 'boil' in the vacuum of space. Think of it like a restraining layer in a spacesuit. The suit will continue to expand until it pops or results in the inability to move without a restraining layer, which 'compresses' all of that pressure. The atmospheric control inside a spacecraft stops our body, blood, fluids, etc from bubbling up...
  12. Attempting to make an Io-like texture for it. Good. Planets like that would be pretty epic to land on. I think you should make a dusty yellow atmosphere for it, too.
  13. That tiny white dot toward the center is my ship. The giant tiles ruin it. And there are sunrises in the new one, too.
  14. I\'m glad you said what you did.
  15. Nope. Just sharing images I\'ve taken through KSP. I post most of them through the Venku thing. Now... Calm down. -EDIT- FYI: I don\'t care about my post count. I\'m not even sure how many I have. I think 4-- something. --EDIT-- Notice how nobody else seems to care except you? Now why is that? Because most people don\'t get angry about a simple harmless post showing Kerbin from space. If it *really* bothers you THAT MUCH, just don\'t post on it.
  16. Well this conversation has taken a turn for the worst as soon as someone mentioned...well..
  17. Don\'t worry. It will come for you.
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