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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. Second Stage booster of the Karpis Launch Vehicle photographed by Kerbalnaut Jebediah Kerman inside the command pod.
  2. That\'s 64 fuel tanks, incidentally. I don\'t know how to determine the size though. Dang. Nice LM!
  3. Yes, it counts, but it\'s considered better if you can do it without Mecjeb. In fact, I think I\'ve only done rendezvous with MecJeb once just to try it, but I didn\'t like it because it got in the way of the screen.
  4. Yeah, woops, that\'s what I meant. I noticed your username. You know the real quote was, 'Houston we\'ve had a problem.', right?
  5. How do you take off horizontally? I\'ve only been able to take off while still on the launch pad>
  6. This is not very big, but it\'s the beginning of a permanent mun base... Guess what I\'m calling it? Trankwility base. LOL! Anyway, here\'s the first LM in a series of bases and fuel tanks and supplies that will be placed in this area as a permanent base. You can see Kerbin from it, too.
  7. Basically take the biggest Lunar Module you can and land it on the mun. Here\'s the catch, the ascent stage must be TINY and the descent stage must be HUGE! Your LM could work as a later Mun base. The contest will end on May 15th.
  8. So it\'s not a shuttle, and I used a modded fuel tank, just to make it easier for my first practice landing, but I finally made it! Here\'s a picture of the vehicle during launch: Now approaching the ground: Touch down!
  9. So you say you\'ve landed at the KSC runway all the way from the mun (blindly), but you can\'t help? I highly doubt you\'re telling the truth... Can I get someone with an honest answer?
  10. So I don\'t know if anyone has EVER done this, but I would like to know how to land at the KSC runway. I am currently about to land my first space shuttle from orbit, but it\'s in a giant field about half the world away. I CAN land on the Kerbal continent, but the pin point runway is a completely different story. If anyone can give me some exact procedures, that would be great. Also, is there anyway to practice landing spaceplanes without having to get them into orbit first? It takes a long time and I want to practice landing several times.
  11. Ok. The rendezvous went great, actually. Took a little bit of time and more fuel than it should have because of a few altitude corrections I had to make thanks to KSP\'s warp limitations... Thank you for sending me that custom chart, by the way. It helped greatly. My Kerbin rendezvous altitude is always 200KM, so the burn is at 50.5. My Mun rendezvous altitude is always 120KM, so the burn is 49.5
  12. Yes. LM was in 120, CM was in 100. It would have been the other way around, but I forgot to put RCS on my LM ascent stage...
  13. Apollo Lunar Orbit Rendezvous. Command Module and Lunar Module. First, to prove I came from the surface... Lunar Module on the ground: Lunar Module Lifting into Lunar Orbit Command Module first catches sight of the Lunar Module\'s icon. Very close: Rendezvous!
  14. None of my PM\'s seem to be going through, man. If you didn\'t get them, I changed my desired altitude to a 120KM above the Mun rendezvous. My docking vehicle is at 100KM and my target at 120. That\'s really the only measurement I need.
  15. I will PM you. I changed my desired rendezvous altitude to 100KM above the Lunar surface. CM is orbiting at 98. I would do the other way around, but I forgot to bring RCS on my LM APS.
  16. I do not have excel, so I was wondering if someone could give me the distance from the target at the time of intercept burn with regards to an orbit of the Mun. My target will be in a 30KM orbit and my LM will be in a 28KM orbit. What distance must I be from the target at the time I make the intercept burn?
  17. Has this already been made? I was kind of going for a stock Falcon Heavy appearance.
  18. H.A.O.-III is the new High Altitude Orbiter. It can accomplish Low, Medium and High Altitude Kerbin Orbits and is a very small and simple spacecraft. There is a flight plan included in the zip folder. Here\'s a picture for anyone wondering: DOWNLOAD http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76061308/High%20Altitude%20Orbiter%20III.zip
  19. What you\'re supposed to do is stay at your Apokee the entire time and hit your desired altitude with your nose facing the local horizon... all at the EXACT moment you hit orbital velocity. That will place you into a perfectly circular orbit.
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