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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. I would like to have Mt. Maxwell (my dog) named on the surface of Minmus. I have a surface photo, a photo from high in altitude and the coordinates North and West. It\'s pretty easy to find, though. Coordinates listed in map view are, 37o 30\' 44' N | 95o58\' 44'W
  2. I will gladly help you with whatever you\'re having trouble with. Kosmo-Not here at the forums is also really helpful when it comes to stock parts and efficiency. He\'s out of town until tomorrow, though.
  3. I bet I could come up with a whole hypothesis to its origins.
  4. Minmus, the new moon, is 47,000KM away, inclined heavily, has a surface gravity of 37% of the Mun\'s and is only 120KM in equatorial diameter. It\'s a mint-green color and the mountains are HUGE compared to the planet. The curvature is heavily pronounced at only a few kilometers in altitude because of how small it is. It\'s a great place to explore. Happy launchings and welcome back.
  5. Just made an intercontinental flight with this. The attitude tends to pitch below the horizon when the engine isn\'t running and it\'s pretty slow (at least compared to rockets), but it works.
  6. The dropbox link opens up code only. You must put it in a .zip archive and provide the link to the .zip file for dropbox to allow ship exchanges.
  7. He did it just because he could. He was proud to brag about it and encouraged people to torrent it.
  8. That\'s how Luigi made his first Lunar EVA in this game.
  9. I\'m not sure if this is the place to report it, but this is very disappointing. The devs worked very hard and deserve at least something as little as 15 dollars. This is the guy\'s youtube account. I don\'t know how much further you\'ll be able to take it. http://www.youtube.com/user/Chandler312
  10. Bumped to top because this is a good idea.
  11. 100KM orbit circularized. Wait for the Mun to rise on the horizon in front of you and then full throttle on pro-grade until your Apokee is like 12,100KM.
  12. That\'s cool and deserves an achievement slot on the leaderboard.
  13. SpaceX has had fuel line issues before. Their first few launches had problems. But they did successfully put Dragon into orbit in 2010. This kind of stuff happens. It\'s happened to NASA on the Shuttle and the first attempt at Gemini 6. In fact, this was eerily similar to Gemini 6. If they would have launched, the risked the flight. At worst, the rocket would explode.
  14. I would go with the 60\'s, but at the age of almost 40. That way I could walk on the moon.
  15. I was watching the launch of Falcon 9. The historic first privately operated rendezvous and docking.... At T- 00:00:00:00, the engines shut down and the launch was aborted. They plan to take off in 71 hours. Anybody remember Gemini 6?
  16. The new spaceplanes are very annoying because it seems like the game is just not yet advanced enough to really handle it, but I need help with one thing. How do I turn around -- back towards the runway -- without the plane rolling upside down and flipping out of control? I noticed other people having this problem.
  17. The biggest problem is that this game is just not yet advanced enough to handle space planes. It\'s really only efficient if you have a joy stick, and even then, the planes use the same physics as the rockets, which make them pretty unrealistic. Our instrumentation is also too basic.
  18. This is how it looks now. A maria region while the sun is directly over head and it\'s still this dark. I love it. I should have turned on terrain scatter for this photo, though.
  19. Ever since Minmus came out, I\'ve landed twelve times, all in different spots and returned safely 10 times. (Two were probes). But I did, however, check out the Mun... It seems the Devs have made the Maria dark again! Landing there, the ground is very black, but the Mun as a whole appears very silvery. It\'s a huge improvement and I was wondering if any of you had noticed.
  20. Dalfite, thank you for doing the rendezvous! Someone was trying to pressure me to do it and I didn\'t have the patience. Now I\'m safe.
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