Kerbal Space Program - Gemini 8/ Titan II-GLV Launch. (With PAO narration) [HD!] NOTE:The video was uploaded at 1080HD, but as it is currently 'Processing' as of 3:51PST, May 21st, 2012, you will not be able to view it in anything over 360. If the problem persists after processing is completed, I will have to re-upload. Yes, I realize I\'m not the best Jack King, but I had nobody else for narration at the moment, so I did what I could. I have launched several Titan-II GLV rockets on Kerbal Space Program, but this particular one was carrying David Skott and Neil Karmstrong to a rendezvous and Kerbin\'s second space walk mission. Unfortunately, the mission was cut short after a thruster malfunction and the EVA didn\'t happen. Belatedly, after making the narration, I realized how low in value my down range number announcements were, so it might see a little bit slow in horizontal Delta-V, but I guess we\'ll have to move past this. I do plan to put together a 'parts required' list and a .craft file for anyone who would like to fly my Titan II rocket. It is a great machine.