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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. For the 50 of you that already saw this video (give or take), I just made my advanced Saturn V. Complete with ignition sequence of burning fire before lift off and fiery stage separations! I\'ll be making a PAO narration video of that pretty soon. I just took it to the Mun and the CSM is now orbiting.
  2. I have the same problem as Nova. I want to not waste so much of my day playing KSP, but I can\'t help it. It helps to make a video, go through all the trouble of editing and then uploading and then I won\'t want to play the game for a little while. (Few hours to a day.)
  3. It\'s only about 80m/s of delta-V more in relation to a Trans-Lunar Injection. I don\'t get why you guys are so on about having to slingshot around the Mun. Just burn the engines for an extra 2 seconds and you\'ll be more precise with plenty of velocity.
  4. Kerbal Space Program - Gemini 8/ Titan II-GLV Launch. (With PAO narration) [HD!] NOTE:The video was uploaded at 1080HD, but as it is currently 'Processing' as of 3:51PST, May 21st, 2012, you will not be able to view it in anything over 360. If the problem persists after processing is completed, I will have to re-upload. Yes, I realize I\'m not the best Jack King, but I had nobody else for narration at the moment, so I did what I could. I have launched several Titan-II GLV rockets on Kerbal Space Program, but this particular one was carrying David Skott and Neil Karmstrong to a rendezvous and Kerbin\'s second space walk mission. Unfortunately, the mission was cut short after a thruster malfunction and the EVA didn\'t happen. Belatedly, after making the narration, I realized how low in value my down range number announcements were, so it might see a little bit slow in horizontal Delta-V, but I guess we\'ll have to move past this. I do plan to put together a 'parts required' list and a .craft file for anyone who would like to fly my Titan II rocket. It is a great machine.
  5. Damion, you\'re in the Naval Special Warfare Group?
  6. A parachute? 'Once Ze Rockets are up, who cares vehr zey come down? That\'s not my department, says Wehrner Von Braun.' -Tom Lehrer.
  7. He\'s a nine post bottle rocketeer. Give him a break.
  8. I\'ll take a picture and see if it comes out.
  9. You would shudder if you saw my monitor. Four streaks of dead pixels, scattered gray dots all over where the pixels have died, small colorful star burst patterns on the left and some purple splotching on the middle-bottom-left. I REALLY need a new monitor.
  10. I\'m looking for a mod that has a ring of inflatables on the bottom of the Command Module for looks after splashdown.
  11. I think you can see Minmus in the sky in your first photo!
  12. How do you make a sub marine that can travel through water like a boat?
  13. What\'s the point of the landing legs if you land on the engine?
  14. How do we know you didn\'t fake the landing by starting a new mission, lifting off, making a circle and gliding around for landing?
  15. Patrickcan\'ttype, I think someone\'s already done that.
  16. I flew up to it and inexplicably, my Lunar Module EXPLODED.
  17. This stuff is all over the place on youtube and in the help section of this forum.
  18. Nice one. Can you spoiler large images that are all in one thread, though?
  19. Funny how we had the same reaction to Minmus. The first time I saw it, I said it looked like a ball of Mint icecream.
  20. I\'m going to go check this out. Is it possible that millions of years ago, other species lived on Kerbin and flew to the mun, building these arches and eventually going extinct? YES IT IS.... Is such a thing even possible? Yes it is...
  21. That\'s funny... I remember it only coming around in the last few days.
  22. I forgot to mention that this plane usually reaches a maximum altitude of only 20KM, but it could be pushed higher. That is a job for test pilots on this forum.
  23. The Agent 86, named after the excellent character from the old 1960\'s TV show, 'Get Smart', is a new 'space' plane, primarily for intercontinental flights, that runs off of jet engines and has horizontal take off and landing capabilities with fairly nice controlling. This plane also includes a revolutionary new ejection system! Should something go wrong, you can simply stage twice to separate from the body of the aircraft. After this, a set of parachutes on the cockpit can deploy, bringing you in for a soft-aborted landing on any type of terrain! In the best case scenario, you should only have to stage once, to deploy horizontal drag chutes upon landing. DOWNLOAD http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76061308/Agent%2086%20Space%20Plane..zip Remember, this is a SPH craft, so you\'ll have to import it into the SPH folder in your ships, and it\'s only for version .15. Here\'s a nice photo of it while in the space plane hangar.
  24. Anybody know about the old Mercury days? This sketch inspired the line from Alan Shepard\'s Freedom 7 Launch, 'You\'re on your way, Jose!' It\'s pretty funny>
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