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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. That was the second option I thought about: "Did Aperture really make that mistake? Or... is it to reset it later?" Anyway, that was a good one. -44 -
  2. Last correct was -34 - (due to another mess from the forum) ---- -35 - Well, it has been edited before this post. Good to go.
  3. That's what I'm doing too, to use another browser seems to calm the whole mess... strangely. -33 -
  4. Just wait a bit more. Usually those wrong-merging are standing for 5 minutes.
  5. There are too many edits in this place. Remember that any edit once another user has posted is uncountable. Let's review: But, in the same post: It's cancelling the first number, and is invalid now. ----- Last valid post: "-21 -" ----- -22 -
  6. Yeah, it seems to work again. Otherwise, each of our replies would have been merged to the last. Let's try. -21 -
  7. You're right. This thread tends to mess everything when too many users are posting in a short amount of time.
  8. -21 - Arrrg... Here we go again with that messing-up thread. Well, we're good to wait some minutes before restarting to play.
  9. Correct Correct Incorrect Last correct was @Hotel26 with "-17 (-)" ------ Then, Correct Incorrect ------ Therefore, it's restarting at -18. -19 -
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