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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. Last 12 hours from radar stations: An hour ago:
  2. Because some of us are ALWAYS getting the defective one,
  3. Desolation, Dorian is now approaching Grand Bahama. Replay of the last 24 hours,
  4. No more data from the webcam of Elbow Cay (East of Hope Town, on Great Abaco) since the last three hours:
  5. Same account: It's been many years now that specialists are asking for a new estimation of the SSS. This is also true for the extreme cases in central and northern Pacific, where the unofficial "category" of Super Typhoon has been used for decades, such as Tip (which hold the record of the highest diameter for 40 years, without being the most powerful)
  6. Chose "Account Settings" in the top right. Then, signatures options will be on the bottom left.
  7. Latest NHC advice: I tried to compile the different shots from GOES-16 at a rate of one every 60 minutes during the last 96 hours, but the number is too important for my computer to take them into account correctly, and the result is not really nice. However, we can note the dizzying growth of Dorian during the 30th day.
  8. Two hours old, but the trajectory improves again for Florida's odds. Far from being better for the Bahamas, however. This shot from GOES-17 Right now, people on the Space Coast being like,
  9. With Dorian slowing down, it's going to be terrible for Grand Bahama; more than 1.2 m (almost 50 in) of rain accumulation expected in the next three days! --------- Edit --------- Latest trajectory update from the NHC:
  10. Latest NHC map agrees with the ECMWF model: Most recent shots by GOES-16:
  11. Yep, the Euro service is showing it as a potential active cell since the last two days; it could head on a Northern trajectory. Another cell is preceding it, however.
  12. Also, I know I shared those link by the past, but if you are interested in completing your meteorological data collection, I recommend taking a look at the pages of the Colorado State University in cooperation with the NOAA and the Japan Meteorological Agency at this address: https://rammb-slider.cira.colostate.edu You can access a lot of data from GOES-16 (Atlantic shores of the Americas), GOES-17 (Pacific shores of the Americas), Himawari 8 (West Pacific ocean), and JPSS-2 (Arctic), and easily. Slightly more complicated to navigate, but pretty interesting too, is the Naval Research Laboratory section dedicated to weather: https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/TC.html Their pages are full of data, often incomplete (because taken at short intervals) but still interesting. --------- Edit --------- Well... here we go:
  13. No update about the intensity for the last 2 hours and still Cat 3, but right now the eye is perfectly shaped. 50 minutes ago: 20 minutes ago: (Both shot by GOES-16) Compilation of different data and false colors: Sustained wind of around 120 km/h (approx 65 kt) and bursts of more than 200 (108 kt) according to the last ECMWF report. The NRL is also sharing a potential trajectory which agrees with one of the European models: Finally, a slightly unusual shot: Taken almost 6 hours ago JPSS-2 on its polar orbit.
  14. Here is an animated estimation of the trajectory by the ECMWF.
  15. Now? In Palm Bay, right at the "best" location possible: if Dorian pass over CC, we got the rain and some bursts, if south of Okeechobee, we got less rain but most of the wind Also, apart from some "hurricane-rookies", everybody is rather quiet around here.
  16. Good morning Dorian Pretty hard to say until the final 24 hours. Still, surprises even happen 12 hours before an expected landfall. That's partly why I appreciate the cumulative data from Windyty. Right now, GFS data are expecting an arrival directly over Cape Canaveral: However, it's not a secret that GFS isn't really a trustworthy service. The precision is medium. About the US, the National service (NAM) is way more reliable. At the time I'm typing those words, the update is 90 minutes old. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is more precise (as it is a professional service), but their updates are less frequent on a daily basis. This is the path they are expecting (four hours old update): According to the ECMWF, the trajectory continues to decrease slightly to the South since the last two days. Now, the NHC and the NOAA models are closer to the GFS predictions than the ECMWF ones, so...
  17. Uh Oooh... the D is coming, and he's not happy at all.
  18. Well, from an artistic point of view... Anyway, on the scale of cinema-madness it can be easily beaten by:
  19. According to ICAO standards, Alan Sheppard having not made an orbital flight, he is not the first American to complete a space flight. Also, Gagarin having ejected and not having landed in the same vehicle as during flight, he is not the first human to complete a space flight.
  20. XB-70A


    Useless Loop, Australia One closed and small company town, but exporting about 1.4 Tg of salt every year.
  21. Not sure, only ONE can save all of us from the end...
  22. A Yak-18T!! One of my best flying memories The CJ-6 seemed to be in a beautiful shape too.
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