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Everything posted by MaxPeck

  1. ...and then on Friday: Devnotes will be on Tuesday. Devnotes have always been on Tuesday. The past was alterable. The past had never been altered.
  2. +1 for repeatedly using the word "paradigm" in a sentence.
  3. I love that this is becoming the great MJ throwdown of 2016. When I was learning to fly, I had to do everything by hand. I learned in a Cessna 152 that had 2 com radios, 1 nav radio, an OBS and an ADF. There was no autopilot, there was barely useable NAVAID gear. My instructor used to go in the plane after every cross country and spray the windscreen with windex, because that made the suction cup marks from a GPS antenna show up, and if he saw them, you had to repeat the flight. Everything was done MANUALLY. Which was great for a new pilot, because you should know how things work and why they do what they do. Now, some 25 years later, as soon as I'm above 1000' AGL, the autopilot comes on, and I'm content to manage the flight instead of manhandling the aircraft across the sky. I have the same feelings about MJ. I'm perfectly content to do the "flight planning", kick on automation and manage the flight - and you know what? That's just as much flying as sitting there doing the "hand on stick" deal. Do you think, when you fly from point A to point B on an airliner, that the captain is sitting up there with his hand on the yoke? Hell, Airbuses don't even have a yoke, and they discourage the pilots from touching the controls as much as possible. Pilots no longer "fly the plane", they make "control inputs" that the flight computer interprets, but the computer is flying the plane at all times. So if you're a masochist or a control freak who has to have absolute control (I've known pilots like this - they must have their hand on the controls at all times and refuse to use any AP modes at all) then go for it. I, however, choose to fly my own way, and if MJ starts acting squirrelly, I'm there to override it and take control. So there ya go - MJ impressions from a pilot. It's not cheating, it's good cockpit resource management.
  4. I use the heck out of MJ. Every automation feature I can squeeze out of it, I do. I also drive an automatic transmission, use power tools and when I fly (for real) I use the crap out of the autopilot. AP coupling is the BEST thing that ever happened to civil aviation. I also can't wait until self-driving cars are a thing so I can automate that drudgery as well. Automation. Mmmmm. Guess I just cheat at life.
  5. This is one of the most useful things I've ever read. Being totally serious, this explains a lot of crashes.
  6. FWIW, I just loaded the game and went through all of the buildings... I haven't been able to reproduce the issue in the astronaut complex, and it only occurred once last night after I had been playing for a while. It happens reliably in the VAB/SPH... the contracts window and engineer's report are functionally useless at this point, and any mods in the stock toolbar tease me by flickering in and out of existence without actually letting me use them. Zero issues in the flight scene, launch facilities or tracking station that I've seen so far.
  7. Last night I also observed similar odd behavior in the astronaut complex, where the interface would disappear and reappear as you move the mouse. Haven/t seen it yet in the Contracts window or flight scene.
  8. I hope I didn't come off as having emotions flared, because they're not at all. I was just bantering with @RoverDude. He is extremely competent, as his mod resume speaks to, and I have no doubt that he and the rest of Squad's dev team will nail this down. Either way, it's not a game breaker as much as it's an annoyance so even if they don't put it at the top of their list of things to tackle, it's not the end of the world. If I came off as being upset about this, let me set the record straight - I ain't. Lots more stuff to get worked up over, this doesn't even make the list. Carry on guys, do your thing.
  9. I will concede semantics. We can call/classify it however makes you happy. As long as you bring your formidable coding skills to bear on the problem, I'm perfectly happy to call it a two-headed purple ostrich. The important thing is that it's a short-lived two-headed purple ostrich who dies an unceremonious end at your capable hands. You are the man, this is your world, I'm just living in it.
  10. If you make a specific mod that busts the game, that's a mod problem. If the interface to accept mods has an issue, regardless of the specific mod, I would call that a stock problem because modding is, itself, an advertised feature of the game. If the system to accept those mods has an issue, I would consider that a bug with one of the core features, not a result of mods. If you built a door on your house specifically to receive guests, and that door leaked when it rains, is that a problem with the guests or with the house? Same-same, I'm glad you're looking into it. Semantics aside, the issue is in good hands.
  11. @RoverDude whatever Squad is paying you, it isn't enough. I don't mean that in any way to be sarcastic or hostile toward squad, I'm paying you a compliment. I would respectfully still argue that this could be considered a stock bug, because the problem lies in how the core game accepts mods, not with a problem caused by any specific mod. It doesn't manifest in the stock untouched game, but the problem lies with how the stock game is affected by its own mod interface. To me, the fact that someone was able to reproduce this using stock parts indicates that the problem can't be tied to modded installs, but is a latent problem with the core game that simply isn't triggered by the number of parts included in the core game. Whatever issue is causing the UI breakdown is there, even in unmodded games, it's just not manifesting. The ability to mod the game is, itself, part of the stock game, and the problem is part of that process, not the result of adding any specific or combinations of outside code to the game.
  12. There is a bug tracker - bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com As of this morning it shows 979 open bugs reported, and over the last week since the developer diaspora, I haven't really noticed much progress in addressing them. Something tells me there won't be much, if any feedback given in these forums now and in the future. With the exception of TriggerAU and RoverDude, most of the interactive devs have moved on. Still @RoverDude was trying in the modded thread to isolate the issue... now that it's confirmed to be a stock issue and not a result of mods (per se) maybe he can work some of his dev magic...
  13. I have the same issue on MacOS. The parts categories flicker, and also the text from the contracts and engineering windows disappear. Any mod toolbar buttons also disappear. This only occurs in modded installs, does NOT occur in stock.
  14. I have this same behavior. I tried installing just the science collector app, and when I click on the white square, I get an empty Kerbokatz toolbar, but when I went back and added science exchange, the next time I loaded the game the white square button was unresponsive.
  15. I guess "the guys" didn't get this sorted out prior to release. This has been a known issue for a while. Disappointing.
  16. Since @NathanKell appears to have been unpersoned by recent events, does anyone know the status of this mod? Is anyone updating for 1.2?
  17. This is one of the most circular threads I've ever seen though. I think the posts from Rover, Nestor and Ouomwhatever should get snipped out and pinned with a note that says: "Note: read this prior to going ballistic. These are Squad's official statements, this is all you're getting. If you don't like what they said, please discover alcoholism." Might help, never know.
  18. This thread deserves some kind of award.
  19. I think everyone has this idea at some point. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. The whole point of stacking is not just to make dim things brighter, it's mainly to sharpen signal and eliminate noise. The difference is that the signal will be constant, but the noise should change from frame to frame. If you only use a single source of data, you're going to amplify both the signal and the noise equally and your SNR won't change, so your final product will be a product of not just all the good stuff, but any errors and artifacts in your image will also be amplified. The benefit of stacking is that each image is slightly different, so the things that are different get filtered out while the things that are the same are kept. Take for example, if you had (for simplicity) 10 images - what we refer to as "subs". In each sub you'll have your target, like the moon image that you posted. You're also going to have thermal irregularities, noise artifacts from your camera sensor, visual artifacts from aberrations in your optical system, etc. So for each sub, your stacking software goes through pixel-by-pixel and compares the data value in each pixel. If the current sub and the previous subs have the same (or close to the same) data values for a given pixel, the software either amplifies that data, or drops it. There are other ways of eliminating noise as well, using dark frames, bias frames, dithering, etc. but the whole purpose of stacking is to eliminate random noise and make good data stand out. Hope that helps.
  20. Yup. People wanted more info. Squad gave more info. I'm not sure why this is still going on.
  21. A dev, a community rep and the project manager have all posted here addressing this. The posts were clear and to the point. How much more do you need? Some people left. Others have been or are being hired. 1.2 on Tuesday. That's all you need to know. I mean, in talking about "clear communications from squad" what is it you're after? Tax statements? Quarterly P&L reports? The latest TPS report? This has been addressed. What more could you possibly want to know??
  22. Godwin's law proven. The circle is complete.
  23. For that matter I haven't seen Godwin's law invoked either. Although to be honest, you don't see many Hitler references on this forum.
  24. I have a funny feeling the 8 guys in question are watching this thread and others like it with no small amount of bemusement. I still think apologies are due to RoverDude though. He got pretty ugly treatment for trying to do the right thing.
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