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Everything posted by Warezcrawler

  1. Update [1.1] KSP Engine Switch 0.5.1-alpha Now it's possible to add a required technology for each engine propellant combination If no switch combination is available, the configuration in the original engine is used unchanged.
  2. I sure hope you will update for the KSP 1.1 version. I just had a look. I think it can be updated be replacing the references with the new one, and the fixing the SoundManager. I think, according to Athlonic, that "panLevel" needs to be replaced by spatialBlend, which he did for Chatterer. After this the plugin compiles. Haven't tested if it behaves though.
  3. Take a look at CameraFocusChanger https://github.com/zentarul/camerafocuschanger/releases I think this is what you are looking for.... With it, you just use the "o" key, and the focus changes to the highlighted part.... It's pretty great!
  4. Does anybody know how to check if another plugin is installed? Let's say I have some functionality similar to TAC Fuel Balancer, but I think his is superior, or they interfere with each other. How would I detect that addon and disable my plugin?
  5. Very interesting. I love the idea! Downloading......... But shouldn't the mod be moves to the released section if it is in a released state?
  6. I second Bizz Keryear. Will there be an update for 1.1? I would be very sad if not!
  7. Another update This release is where the core functionality is ready for use. There is still some development to do, I'm specifically going to look into FreeThinker's suggestion of incorporating different exhaust effects for every propellant. This should however not affect the functionality already implemented. [1.1] KSP Engine Switch 0.5-alpha Added support for atmChangeFlow useVelCurve useAtmCurve Engine thrust is not mandatory anymore Now only Fuels and ratios are mandatory settings Now module manager is distributed with Engine Switcher (version 2.6.21)
  8. Thanks Ser.... I was hoping for a function that would yield a bool value, but this should work as well. Initial test shows that it returns "Available" or "Unavailable", which should be fine for my needs.
  9. Thanks for replying. However, I'm not sure if I get the code you propose. So add some event callback for when a technology is researched? I'm not even sure what all the arguments are? As far as I can get from it, the callback will do a check of the tech just researched againt the one I would specify. However, how can I use this for my module when I later try and change the module behavior when flying around the Mün?
  10. I'm looking for a way to evaluate if a specific technology have been researched, so that I can have som module behavior depend on that information. However, I just can figure out exactly how to do that. I've tried thing like the following. ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.GetTechState("basicRocketry") But all I get is null ref errors. Does anybody know how to get that information? Maybe even a list of all researched tech?
  11. I love this mod.... Soooo happy you have updated it.... Long and large rockets are just so much easier when having this mod!
  12. brilliant..... will change the code ASAP THANKS ---- I ended up with this if it can help anybody else UI_ChooseOption chooseOption = HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight ? chooseField.uiControlFlight as UI_ChooseOption : chooseField.uiControlEditor as UI_ChooseOption; chooseOption.options = Options; //Options is an array with my options chooseOption.display = arrIntakeNames; //arrIntakeNames is an array of the names I want shown when the function is fixed chooseOption.onFieldChanged = selectIntake; //selectIntake is the currently selected option
  13. I have observed something odd..... Which is great for thing thread I've created a UI_CHOOSEOPTION to change engine setup (thrust, fuel consumption etc.). Now when changing midair using my new UI_CHOOSEOPTION, all of a sudden the A + D buttons get linked to the functions for next and previous option. If I click somewhere else (closing the right click menu) then the "link" is reset, and A + D does not impact the choose option..... @taniwha Is this a bug that need being reported? Or is it intended. (I can say this. It has caused me to crash my plane )
  14. Sounds great Another thing. I had some issues creating an UI_CHOOSEOPTION which worked in flight based on the description blowfish did. What I found was, that setting inFieldChanged and the options from code, I had to code specific for each (editor and flight). Is there some way to do it in one go? It's nice having the posibility to set it individually, but in my case they are to be symmetric. Is this a "feature" or is it an oversight or is it just me ? public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) { var chooseField = Fields["ChooseOption"]; chooseField.guiName = "Choose Something"; //for VAB var chooseOptionEditor = chooseField.uiControlEditor as UI_ChooseOption; chooseOptionEditor.options = new string[3] { "1", "2", "3" }; chooseOptionEditor.onFieldChanged = UpdateFromGUI; //For inflight var chooseOptionFlight = chooseField.uiControlFlight as UI_ChooseOption; chooseOptionFlight.options = new string[3] { "1", "2", "3" }; chooseOptionFlight.onFieldChanged = UpdateFromGUI; }
  15. @blowfish I have tested the UI_CHOOSEOPTION based on your example, and I can comfirm that it is working. Very nice description
  16. UPDATE [1.1] KSP Engine Switch 0.4.1-alpha Fixed hardcoded resource switching when switching intakes Fixed null references in intake resources Now all resources in the intake part is deleted and replaced by a new one with specified spec. Thanks to Crzyrndm for advise and references regarding ConfigNode. Example MM files for Engine Switching and Intake Switch included in download.
  17. I've been looking at the option "display =" in UI_CHOOSE option. I figured that it is the give an alternative display of the value you can choose from. But I cannot get it to override the options in the GUI. Have anybody else had success in using this?
  18. Also see the following thread from [1.1 Pre-release Modding Discussions] forum.
  19. I've added an update with intake switching. This is very much WIP, and features will be added. Currently only the resource is switched, not any additional parameters.
  20. Thanks... I will study this, and see if I can deduce what I need to know from the Happy coding!!!
  21. Thanks... I have considered the the effects. This should be possible in later development. I'll put it on the list. Currently I'm working on the intakes to supplement the engines. Like switching from IntakeAir to IntakeAtm, which is usable on Duna.
  22. Thanks. That's a great description. Is there really no way of calling a specific function when the UI_CHOOSEOPTION changes? That seems wierd.... I found this "onFieldChanged =" property, but I can't get it to work. The name seems as if this is want should be used when the user clicks for next option, does it not? @NathanKell Maybe you know if there is some natural way of calling a procedure when a new option is chosen?
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