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Everything posted by Warezcrawler

  1. No, I have no plan of putting this in CKAN. I just shared a quick fix with the community. I haven't taken over maintenance, which is why I posted in the original tread of the mod itself. But it is rather easy to install manually.....
  2. Hi. I'm guessing you are the Nifty255 from youtube.

    I would like to make a suggest for your great modding series on youtube. When you have completed the series you already have planned, I think a topic you could look at is how to use "ConfigNode" in KSP plugins. It's not that clearly documented, but a very powerfull tool as far as I can tell.

    Well just a suggestion.

    Hav a nice day.

    1. IRnifty


      I plan on covering this in-depth in the programming volume.

  3. Well yes and no. I've tried it (and failed). I think my problem is that I need a valid node to put in it. So I'm thinking if I can somehow get the node from my module, I should be able to load it back in using .LoadEffects(ConfigNode node) syntax. ......... I just don't know how exactly to do that [on a side note.... I think I will as Nifty255 to do a video at some point on config nodes...... Maybe he would take the suggestion] EDIT: And yes, it is the information that is important, not the node itself, as long as KSP recognises it as an EFFECTS node
  4. Wotano have been offline since february, so I decided to look at how hard it would be to get this mod up and running. With a bit of hardcoding, I did in fact get it running. However, the first time I used it to move a rover around it ended up underground It never did that in 1.05 for me..... My issue is, I cannot really evaluate the part of the code that actually moves the rover around..... I tried looking for where the ground height is determined, but couldn't really identify it.... Have any of the rest of you had any luck with this?
  5. I might be way off here. A new behavior have come to my KSP install in KSP 1.1 where some of my vessels are marked by a rectangle in the map, and I cannot target them or switch to them, except from the tracking station. I think this is contract configurator locking them when it thinks they are doing a time dependent contract like holding steady for 130 days? While I like that it is highlighted, and I like it's harder to mess with them, I would still like to target them. Like in my game right now, my return vessel have been marked. Now I cannot target it, which makes rendezvous rather difficult. Can you tell me if this is in fact contract configurator behavior? If yes, is there something I'm missing, where I can in fact mark targets etc. If not, I would suggest maybe softening the behavior a little, so then one can at least target vessels Otherwise, thanks for a great mod.
  6. 1. That's where I started, but when I put effect that are unneeded to begin with, the I have observed that the animations can run wild. I though originally that this was the product of an error in my plugin, but it was ksp doing it... 2. Well, basically I need to pick up the node, remove node I'm not to use, and put it into the part 3 at run-time. 3. I started with MM, I'd really prefer to put the entire EFFECTS node in the part to begin with, and only change the references for the effect... But the effect are simply running wild on certain parts when doing that I have for a long time wanted to be able to switch to mode that 2 modes, and I would like to have the mod evolve into integration to the tech tree. Currently I activated certain modes when tech tree node are unlocked. Eventually I will also like to deprecate obsolete configuration, and maybe put a price an certain configurations.... Far in the future that is..... But that is basically why. Does that answer your question? Basically more functionality and flexibility to the switching of engines.
  7. I have observed a grafical glitch which turns up when I select a waypoint on minmus (don't know if this is related to minmus, that's just where I've seen it). Could an icon be missing in the build? I the screen shot you can clearly see a white square. I think it must be related to nav hud, since it happens when selecting a waypoint, and I get a null exception [EXC 21:13:20.403] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object NavHud.WaypointMarker.LoadTexture () NavHud.MainBehaviour.OnPreCull () Log file Also se picture two below
  8. Ohhh.... thanks... will look that way then.... sorry.
  9. I have observed a grafical glitch which turns up when I select a waypoint on minmus (don't know if this is related to minmus, that's just where I've seen it. I the screen shot you can clearly see a white square. I think it must be related to waypoint manager, since it happens when selecting a waypoint, and I get a null exception [EXC 21:13:20.403] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object NavHud.WaypointMarker.LoadTexture () NavHud.MainBehaviour.OnPreCull () Log file
  10. The dll is bust, but I don't se what we need it for? I just changed the modules in the cfg files to the stock "ModuleLight". Color changing on lights are stock now.... Do that and delete the plugins, and you are good to go.
  11. I get some exceptions from Kerbal Engineer from time to time. Has anybody else seen this? [EXC 12:29:12.947] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KerbalEngineer.Flight.FlightAppLauncher.Update () Running: KerbalEngineer v1.1.0.2 on Kerbal Space Program - LOG FILE
  12. Just tested it on 32bit... And yes something is wrong.... Things like offsetlimit does not function as on 64bit, i.e. not at all in 32bit. I've notice that we are building plugins against dll's in either x64 or x32 directories, so I'm guessing you are utilizing some methods that are different between the two build... I can say that EEX does work for me in x64. While it's annoying that it might not function in x32, maybe a disclaimer on the plugin is the way to go. One could ask the question of why use x32 now that we have access to x64 build? Sorry that I could not be more helpfull. Maybe some else have a better response for you.
  13. Can anybody explain to me, how to copy a config node from one module to another. I'm creating an engine switching plugin, where I need to copy an effect node from my module into the engine module. MODULE { name = mymodule EFFECTS // <---- SOURCE --> { SOMEEFFECT { .... = .... .... = .... } } } Now copy that into the engine module, replacing the entire effect node in there PART { name = SOMEENGINE MODULE { name = moduleengineFX ... = ... (referencing some effects) } EFFECTS <-- TARGET --> { SOMEEFFECT { .... = .... .... = .... } } }
  14. Will there be an update to this mod for KSP 1.1? I was looking through the postings, and could not find any yes or no's in there....
  15. Sad to hear you will not "be with us" But glad to hear that mods will be carried on. Long live TAC
  16. thanks Then I'm just missing how to move the screenmessages ksp itself writes, like the science transmissions...
  17. Does anybody know if it's possible to move where KSP writes it messages on screen? Like the one for when transmitting science back to Kerbin? And when saving etc. Also, how does one create custom messages for when the user uses my mod?
  18. As far as I can calculate from the definitions of karborundum it should be at altitude 300Mm spanning 50mM. I think the 2000m is an old figure which have just not been updated. RealAltitude = Radius * Altitude = 261Mm * 1.14678899 = 300Mm RealRange = Radius * Range = 261Mm * 0.191132 = 50Mm Assumptions Resource Karborundum Planet Sun Radius 261.600.000 PresenceChance MinAbundance MaxAbundance MinAltitude 1,14678899 MaxAltitude 1,14678899 MinRange 0,191132 MaxRange 0,191132 Variance Results Min height 300.000.000 Ideal height 300.000.000 Max height 300.000.000 Width (min) 50.000.000 Width (average) 50.000.000 Width (min) 50.000.000 I am unsure if this is measure from planet core, or above sea level though......
  19. Should I take the silence as nobody knows a workaround for the wheels exploding? As I said, indestructability of wheels can also help until a patch is released....
  20. Have pumping fuel around the space craft been changed? I tried holding Alt+RightClick.... Just shows the two right click menues, but no buttons for pumping fuel around. Anybody else seen this? Have the keys changed from 1.05 to 1.1? Sorry... stupid question... I need to upgrade R&D building first of cause..... silly me.
  21. Look at community tech tree. It uses CFG files and modulemanger to edit the tech tree. // Unhide Nanolathing @RDNode:HAS[#id[nanolathing]] { @hideEmpty = False @pos = -1118,1412,-1 }
  22. Does anyone know how to mod that the landing stop exploding? I tried this @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelDamage]]:FOR[Squad] { @MODULE[ModuleWheelDamage] { @stressTolerance *= 4 @impactTolerance *= 4 //@explodeMultiplier = 0 } } That was not enough Are there more settings to worth setting.... Or is the bug in the code, and not something we can workaround? Just make the gear indestructable would be better right now....
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