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Everything posted by Warezcrawler

  1. Wouldn't that mean that the setting should be // [x] Science can't do custom biomes, just turn these off dmReconScan = AvoidAll dmSIGINT = AvoidAll dmbathymetryscan = AvoidAll So changing "scopeScan" into "dmReconScan", as the radial telescope uses normal biomes. What about "dmbathymetryscan", is that one custom biomes as well?
  2. @Diazo So do I understand you right, if I deduce that setting the KSP custom groups to no key binding, and changing the "LockOutKSPManager" to 0 in "your" settings file will be a viable workaround for CFC+AGX until the issue is resolved in a more long term way? I can confirm, that setting "LockOutKSPManager" to 0 does in fact make CFC work again
  3. First things first. I love [x]Science! That said I have a question. I was wondering why my orbital telescope (and other experiments) was not in the science list. Then I found this >>science.cfg<< // [x] Science can't do custom biomes, just turn these off scopeScan = AvoidAll dmSIGINT = AvoidAll dmbathymetryscan = AvoidAll Which I guess is the reason => Not a bug What sort of custom biomes? I did not know DMagic made custom biomes.... Isn't it just the normal biomes? I'm using KER to identify when I'm in a new biome..... But that is the stock ones as far as I understand it...
  4. Nice catch... Will try that out later. I just checked my 1.1.3 installation, in which i know the I had AGExt and CFC installed, and working together. In that one that setting is "LockOutKSPManager = 1"..... But I will try it out later for sure! Thanks for the investigation, now let's just hope that Diazo can (and will) fix it.
  5. So from the responses I gather that we think it is related to another mod, conflict or something. Can anybody confirm that it is in fact working for them? I do have an exception from EditorExtensionsRedux (every time I press "X" to change symmetry), but that is in the editor so that is a long shot. Well from my log file, my mods should be something like
  6. I noticed that the current version 1.0 of CameraFocusChanger should be 1.2 compatible. But for some reason, pressing "O" while hovering the mouse over a part in flight does not change the focus as it used to. I've used this mod since 1.0.4 and never had a real issue with it. Have some mechanic changed I haven't noticed? Is it still the "O" button I'm supposed to use? I have kept an eye on my log while trying, and nothing, so it should not be an exception or anything. I know that stock have something like this now, however, I do still think this mod does it better with button instead of right click menu, and smooth transition. I hope I'm just doing something wrong.
  7. I think this mod looks interesting. I've been using other tank switching mod for a long time. But if I am to change all my switching to this, I first need to understand how to determine how many m3 I need to convert all my tanks into. So I'm asking about the math. Say I have a resource RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = DarkGoo density = 0.001 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false unitCost = 500 isVisible = true color = 1,0,0 volume = 1.2 } And I have a tank which should be able to hold 150 units of the DarkGoo, then how do I determine how many m3 that is? I'm guessing it some function of density and volume in the resource def? (what is the RESOURCE_DEFINITION volume actually measured as - Units/L or L/Unit or something else? I'm pretty sure density is mass/unit) Next question. The TANKCONF, is that for defining the ratios for mixed tanks?
  8. I love that this mod have been revived!!! I missed it in 1.1.3, and I even tried fixing it myself (failed that is!!!) THANKS A LOT linuxgurugamer!
  9. Well the mod is not abandoned... But I did have a lot of trouble with animations running amok (or not at all), and never did get that figured all out. 1.1.3 made all that even worse... I will try again in 1.2 again, but if anybody wish to borrow they are more than welcome. I think the help I need the most, is help figuring out how to get switching on engines to work, while animations behave well But, currently this mod needs some work, just to get it to the level it was at before the latest patch, and I do not have too much attention on KSP right now, as I'm focusing on WOW right now. Hopefully, I will get it running again within the next month or two....
  10. I managed to get this mod running again. I'm sorry to say that, that meant disabling checks for solor energy and other sources of power for the rover. But initial tests show that it is in fact running again, and I still find it better that not having it.... Try it out if you are missing this mod, as I am. Autorove 1.2.0 SOURCE This mod is what makes rovers fun for me, maybe you too?
  11. Thank you for update of this mod. Makes landing much more precise.
  12. First of all, you are in the wrong forum since this is for add on releases. Second. The way I do it is to move the camera view in between and even through the vessel until i find a zoom and angle which allows me to interact with the part. This work in cargobay as well.
  13. What is wrong with it? I'm running it in 1.1.3 with no issues....
  14. @Berlin The spacedock link still points to version 1.0 and not 1.1 which according to the change notes is the latest one.
  15. Nope. ModuleResourceConverter works just fine without input, like the rtg.
  16. I just remembered the Roverdude did a submarine "Otter" a while back. Check this out https://github.com/BobPalmer/SubPack/blob/master/FOR_RELEASE/GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SubPack/Otter/Parts/BallastTank.cfg#L1-L73 He uses intake liquid, and the definitions are part of the community resource pack Check it out for inspiration
  17. Try looking at USI Fusion Cores Notice this part name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Reactor StartActionName = Start Reactor StopActionName = Stop Reactor o he is using ConverterName = "A NAME" StartActionName = "GUI FOR STARTING" StopActionName = "GUI FOR STOPPING" You are using something else. Try this PART { name = LargeBallastTank module = Part author = Jovis mesh = LargeTank.mu scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 node_attach = 0,0,-1.2,0,0,0,2 node_stack_top = 0.0, .9, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 TechRequired = experimentalScience entryCost = 9000 cost = 3000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 title = Large Ballast Tank manufacturer = Jovis' Experimental Submarine Supplies description = A large refillable ballast tank. Sandwiches not included attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 2.0 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 2000 // = 3000 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf tags = black isru mine )mining (ore resource store RESOURCE { name = Ore amount = 0 maxAmount = 1500 } MODULE { name = ModuleFuelJettison } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = false ConverterName = Tank Filler StartActionName = Begin Filling Tank StopActionName = Stop Filling Tank OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Ore ratio = 10.0 } } } I haven't tested it, but it should work. Notice: I did fix a "}" issue in your CFG file syntax as well.
  18. I'm not convinced this is kjr causing this issue. It is in the bug tracker for 1.1.3 and if you look in the sticky stock bug fix there is a plugin which might be able to help. The fix in it looks like it is reassigning where the docking port is attached, and to my knowledge kjr ais not reshuffling joints, but just reinforcing them - please correct me if I'm wrong in this.
  19. Just want say thanks for a great mod! This is one of a few mods that are a must when I play KSP. Science grinding is so boring when you have to go eva just to collect the science and reset experiments....
  20. It works just fine with 1.1.3, I have no issue. Maybe a conflict with other mod? Have you checked your logs forexceptions?
  21. I don't think I have ever had a rover with multiple probe cores, but I have been playing with the above MM for months now, and do in generel not have issues with it - but maybe there is something with multicore rovers.... However, I have observed that AutoRove in certain cases does not catch vessels sitting on the runway. But driving them right of it have done the trick for me so far.
  22. Don't know about the UI, mine are always manned. But the toolbar mod works just fine one 1.1.3.
  23. I have made an observation which might be related to this mod. After docking to my space station and doing transfers of fuel using Tac Fuel Balancer, the menues where you select the way to transfer disappeared. After this happened, suddenly my nuclear reactors stopped working, saying that they where missing enriched uranium (Reactors cores from UmbraIndustries - they use stock ModuleResourceConverter). However there was uranium in the reactors. To isolate and fix the issue I edited the quick save file and found that the flowstate of my resource in the reactor was set to false and changing it back to true fixed the problem. Save file partial dump: So I was just wondering if maybe Tac Fuel Balancer does manipulate with the flowstate? If it does not, then the issue is probably something else... NOTE: I did not find any exceptions in the log, and I know it's not much to go on but maybe it can help if there is a bug.
  24. Well, I'm still trying to figure out exactly how this mod is functioning, and until I do I cannot promise any enhancements. Currently the speed is hardcoded in order to workaround an exception the mod threw in 1.1 upgrade (wheels where changed!).... And if I'm not mistaken, it checks is you are landed. However, you can easily add Autorove to any probe core using MM. //--> I call this AutoRove for all //Auto Rove for all probe bodies @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]],!MODULE[AutoRoveModule]]:NEEDS[AutoRove]:AFTER[AutoRove] { MODULE { name = AutoRoveModule } } //Auto Rove for external command seat (seatExternalCmd) @PART[seatExternalCmd]:HAS[!MODULE[AutoRoveModule]]:NEEDS[AutoRove]:AFTER[AutoRove] { MODULE { name = AutoRoveModule } } Maybe you will be in luck and Wotano will return at some point
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