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Everything posted by Warezcrawler

  1. If you play modded, then you should know to make a copy of your install, since Steam forces the updates! That just how it is. Modder are patching their mods, Squad is patching their game and the cycle goes on and on.... But make a copy a plays that, so that you can calmly migrate to the next version when mod are updated sufficiently to continue on new install.
  2. There is no harm in deleting them, moduleManger will simply regenerate them. I have on occasion deleted them when debugging. Can't say for sure that helped, but I think it might in some cases.
  3. I actually think the main issue with the target switching is not the double click to target, but rather the click through issue.... That's why I asked regarding this some posting ago.... Maybe we are lucky and this will get fixed in the next update. Still a great mod though, right?
  4. I noticed that the "Here and Now" Status window always says that it is not able to run the DMagic Obital Experiments. Is this an error, or just something yet to be implemented? I remember that Science Alert had a similar issue, which was when DMagic updated his mod, then Science Alert had to be recompiled against the new version. Could that be the issue here?
  5. I haven't given up hope, that somebody out there knows how the convert to the effects node format (moduleEnginesFX) and want to share an example...
  6. Funny..... I actually haven't used the settings.... Well that's on me.... Thanks for pointing it out
  7. It a small MM cfg which mods KER into all command pod/probes.... It's bundled with mechjeb for all. And don't worry about it being for 1.0.... does not matter... It is still working as expected. https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221500-mechjeb-and-engineer-for-all
  8. Hmmm... You may be right... I've been playing with KerbalEngineerForAll from the start, so I've never used those KER parts......
  9. KER does not alter your game at all. You can add and remove it from your game without impacting the savegames at all....
  10. Ha ha ha.... this happend to me the other day, and now I have 70 mio. credits in my career game.... I think I will edit the save file, it is a bit easy when money is not an object.
  11. Based on feedback, I have created 3 engines as a showcase of this mod. It is best used with Smokescreen and IFS, and moduleManager is as for most mods a need to have. Get the parts here The engines are as follows CR-13 R.A.P.T.O.R. Engine Based on stock RAPIER engine 4 mode engine Air Jet engine Atmosphere engine, capable of flying on other Atmospheric worlds without oxygen - it is less efficient than air jet, but still much better than rockets Closed Cycle aka Rocket mode slightly more powerfull and efficient than RAPIER DarkGoo Fusion, this runs on a combination of LiquidFuel and Xenon Gas (substitute for DarkGoo) - highly efficient mode, lower thrust and very bad performance in atmospheric environments NRX "KINKI" Atomic Rocket Propulsion Based on stock Atomic Engine Needs SmokeScreen to work 3 modes Normal - compares to normal nuclear engine High Velocity - is high efficiency mode at lower thrust, more heat and bad performance in atmospheric environments Over Drive - boosted thrust, better performance in atmospheric environments, but much lower max ISP. GTI-2020 "Icicle" Multi Electric Propulsion System Based on the Stock Ion Engine 3 modes Normal - compares to normal nuclear engine High Velocity - is high efficiency mode at lower thrust, more heat and bad performance in atmospheric environments Over Drive - boosted thrust, better performance in atmospheric environments, but much lower max ISP. Credits to Nazari for effects from HotRockets which I use. These demand SmokeScreen to work.
  12. Excuse me, but are you asking every modder out there to implement this idea? You have the same thing over at KER. Maybe you should looking into doing yourself? And, it's not that hard to land a plane....
  13. @Azimech Earlier you asked about a ResourceCollector switch plugin. I have started to look at that. I'm not aware of another mod doing this, so it will be a nice niche to fill, and having ISRU's converting Karbonite, Ore, Dust etc. at the same time does not feel realistic, so it would be nice to be able to change that behavior while keeping parts count not too high even though performance is much better than in 1.0!
  14. Yep.... Notepad++ is king @alpha tech Yes!. Exactly What mod are you looking at updating?
  15. Depends on the mod. If it is simply a parts mod, you usually only need to update som cfg files.... Text.... Normally the models work fine across versions. Often not even cfg editing are needed for pure parts... But it depends. Plugins you need to get the source code from the mod page. Sometimes recompiling them through visual studio is all you need. Remember to use .net version 3.5! Model??? Well this I have no idea about.....
  16. If you are still interested, then notice that I have finally released. See previous comment above.
  17. Nope... But if you are at 45 degrees, then expect something like double height... At 45 degrees your vertical and horizontal speed is the same... I use the readout of horizontal and vertical speed as well when landing... Pure suicide burn is risky business, esspecially when the planet is not as flat as minmus flats.....
  18. I think you could have a point.... I will look into creating a couple of engine MM's. Only issue is how to convert effects on moduleEngine to the effects structure on moduleEngineFX. Like with stock MultiModeEngine, this is needed if effects are not to be an issue....
  19. Should the MultiModeEngine plugin be accompanied by engines which utilize the features, or should that be up to other mod's to use this possibility? What direction do you think this should take? Pitch in with idea's, comment's etc.
  20. Thanks you blowfish. It seem's I was looking in the wrong place. My case was, that I was referencing a model in another mod, but this reference is case sensitive... i.e. this model = Solaris Hypernautics/Parts/Resources/DustRing/warp is NOT this model = Solaris Hypernautics/Parts/Resources/DustRing/Warp You where right that my syntax in the moduleManager part was correct, except for the fact that FTLDrive have change name to FTLDriveContinued. So two errors, and none of which was my question.... lol.... Thanks, your answer made me look more focused!
  21. @linuxgurugamer This is great.... You are about to take over every mod out there Keep up the good work, but please do not overburden yourself.
  22. Thanks. I will take a look when I get home from work... Hope that has a clue, since right now I either have no check, or no part...
  23. Is it possible to create a part only when other specific mods are present? something like: PART:NEEDS[SolarisHypernautics,FTLDrive] { name = GTI_Hyperdrive ...etc... } The above does not work, but maybe I'm just missing some notation?
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