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Everything posted by Evanitis

  1. That's exactly what they did. But that tool is written for subreddits, and I can't just point it to a random forum software expecting it to follow links.
  2. 0/10 because it's not a spaceship by any standards, and does nothing konstructive.
  3. A user called 'Iamsodarncool' on /r/KerbalSpaceProgram posted the following image: Yeah, it's Reddit not us, but I believe the local one wouldn't be much different. Too bad I have no clue how to extract such data from this forum, otherwise I would have made a similar graphic out of it. But it's so cool.
  4. I loved it the first time I used it. Than I realized I can -see- everything that it indicates (unless docking really silly crafts). Than I realized that there are stock indicators too... did those came with an update or they were always there? Dunno, but I neither use that mod.
  5. A very helpful player (sadly I can't name him) made a nice, simple illustrated tutorial:
  6. Found this on reddit, posted by the user 'Changnesia84'. Though it deserves a spot in here. And this thread deserves every bump it gets.
  7. Yeah, I see. I tend to use MJ's SmartA.S.S., that feels a bit better in this respect... but does the same if the craft is huge and has poor controls. Guess it's not that easy to precisely compute. I kinda' do what you do - corect the controls manually, or do it in full manual. Though I always blame my craft when I need to do so - I could have included sufficient RCS or reaction wheels.
  8. INTP guy here. Introvert(6%) iNtuitive(38%) Thinking(1%) Perceiving(9%)
  9. Umm... SAS's function is to hold a specific heading, and it does that pretty well if the craft has sufficient ways to control. It shouldn't be able to land at a specific target, not to mention making a rendezvous.
  10. It would be lovely. The main reason I cheat use MJ instead of KER is that it can make some perfect nodes in certain situations. That's infinitely better than than nudging the stock gizmo until it fits.
  11. I don't really get what you are looking for. Engineers can already repack 'chutes on EVA (btw, they can also deploy solar panels manually if you ran out of energy by mistake). And as far as I know, the stock game doesn't have damaged parts. It's either 100% there, or 100% destroyed. Though there is an awesome damage mod called Kerbal Krash Systems. The author already stated that he works on repair functionality in that one. EDIT: ahh, I see, you want it to be a part. Ok.
  12. Same here... and I was like... 'How I could not notice that all this time?'
  13. At first I thought it's a rhetorical question, but better be safe than sorry, I'll point out that both the Leapfish and the Leapfish Mk II craft files were linked in their respective posts, just as in this one. Or did I botch the links?
  14. Yay! Every time I used VesselMover to test a boat or sub, I kept thinking why no one made a boatyard yet. So cool!
  15. In stock I know two solutions. Filled ore tanks act as ballast, so it's good for one dive only. Or you can push the craft under with engines - like a VTOL upside down. Hint: air intakes work underwater.
  16. Indeed... but that setup is also best on takeoff. Ideally, SSTO planes should be designed so that the CoM doesn't change much (or at all) between empty and fully fueled. Easier said than done. The mod 'RCS build aid' can help by showing the wet/dry CoM in the hangar.. though I just empty the tanks when in doubt.
  17. Thanks! So... while I was waiting for your judgement, our engineers decided to push the limits of the design as far as they could... by adding an ISRU and suitable mining equipment. That's some serious extra weight, and keeping the Mk 1 profile didn't really allow us to use the universal solution to every problem known to the Kerbalkind (as in adding moar boosters). Thus the resulting Leapfish Mk II is a pretty borderline case in multiple aspects. I had to use more... liberal clipping guidelines, especially concerning the drill. The smaller one broke every time it touched water if it was placed low enough to be able to actually mine. The big one is... big, heavy and not the least bit more resistant than it's little brother. But we welded it on anyways. (no KJR used) The craft is a lot less graceful than it's predecessor. The two whiplashes struggle while lifting the plane from underwater to the high atmo. We could only squeeze ~1000 m/s out of it before firing the weasley. And it didn't get easier at that point - our final orbit was a bit more inclined and less circular than we like it, but it was definately an orbit. We also had to use all of it's RCS for deorbiting. It won't got to Minmus without refueling, but with a perfect LF/O balance and ascent profile it will be able to latch on to a station and steal the fuel when no one's looking. Than it'll be able to go to anywhere. (yup, those are MechJeb panels. Though the most cheaty function I used was creating a perfect circularization node on my AP with one click. Not that it helped. MJ module was removed from the uploaded .craft file)
  18. I would totally never admit (especially here) if I saw such a movie, and found their reasoning plausable enough to believe it... for a while.
  19. I was a news editor for a year. Left the place for my conscience started to melt. Guess I'll skip that one. Wonder if the makers of it were the one who started this belief... I meet too many people who's convinced we've never been to the Moon. Guess they didn't wait for the end and ran to tell about the conspiracy to other people.. No problem, grew up in the VHS era. And I didn't plan to actually -watch- it, just to listen while I play. Thanks for the suggestions, keep 'em coming!
  20. Yesterday I had the idea to play documentaries on youtube instead of smoothing classical music while playing KSP. Dunno why it took that long - I played the game periodically during the ages, but I had to realize I didn't see one besides some Apollo and Challenger pieces that were on TV when I was a kid. So I rewatched this two (~1 hour ones from Nasa), and it was pretty cool. I started to look for others. Found one about Curiosity, that was exhilarting too. Though most I find suffers from shortcomings. There seem to be too many shallow, dated (not in a good way), short, etc shows out there. And I'm always one click away from the pieces about conspiracies, aliens, supreme masters, aliens, Nasa's evil plans and aliens. So I'm turning to the experts - what space exploration themed shows are the most worthy to watch? (the show being on Youtube is a plus, but not a requirement)
  21. You just made me realize my logic: 'ahh, I don't want those sleek little engines eat away my precious fuel, let me just carry very heavy monoprop separately with ugly exhausts around..'
  22. A pretty plane flies in the pretty sunset bringing parts for a pretty boring circumnavigation mission.
  23. And here I am being annoyed by the inaccuracies of The Expanse that even tries to look realistic.. sometimes. BTW, I never had to face such annoyances - they thought us none of the space-stuff, so I only seen the Nasa documentaries. Those were fine I guess. But get elected and reform the education, that never hurts.
  24. Well, that's a nuclear power-plant compared to what I'm running KSP on.. Have some exotic visual mods installed maybe? I vaguely remember hearing that scatterer can make funny things on certain configs... not that I ever had a problem with it.
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