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Everything posted by hraban

  1. And here the new KhiCapsule
  2. Currently, there is a roadmap only in my head. 120 construction sites are poorly visual Hm, Cuddlewolpertinger, the lineage of the LV is in the designation but you are right. Attached, comparison of the old (bottom) and new (top) orbital module
  3. The wingless version of PINBOL comes, later ... 1.8. i think
  4. Both Capsule and Orbital Module become a new model with more details.
  5. Final rework of Kerbal KhiNa CSZ-2F. Now the main-diameter of core and 2nd stage is 1.5m.
  6. Hello @NotAgain, i would recommend to use the engine 'REX MONO large Orbital Manouvering Engine'. For CX-37b one, for CD-HERMES two. It is recommended in both cases to sink the engines in the hull. Thank you!
  7. Well. search by tags like A5 or A6 are very helpfull if you use it
  8. Contares is a single Mod. There are no extensions and no alternate texture packages. Please check it for GameData directory. All the components of the Contars Mod must be in the subdirectory Contares.
  9. No wheels but skids. Search it by tag skid. If you want to use wheels use the stock things.
  10. New release 1.7.8 with more 1.2 compatibility. - grouping of parts - solve clipping on two parts - rework gimbals
  11. Thank you, i found the problem and solve it. On next release the tribus will dispayed without clipping.
  12. Ok, thanks. Hope that small problem will be solved fast.
  13. It would be possible that I found a bug. After the docking of two spaceships the switches for prograde, retrograte, etc. disappear. Only after switching the SAS off and on again the switches become visible again. Can this be confirmed?
  14. In the next days there will be another update. Changes concern the grouping of parts and the gimbal control of the engines. Obviously, with the update to KSP 1.2 again the calculation of the gimbals has changed. Hopefully soon "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement" will appear because the automatic Strut does not work very well with heavy, radial components. The ModuleRCSFX works in my opinion inadequate. For the time being, Contares will use the old, still fully functional ModuleRCS.
  15. Yawning. Yes, it still works and has no priority. When time comes, an update comes to RCSFX. Contares has unfortunately no over-zealous trainees or students doing that ( Contares has paid its fuel bills, as opposed to others )
  16. As an example, a model of Soyuz 2.1K. The payload fairing has 1.875m and thus enough space for a model of the Fregat (Tantares Taurus).
  17. Contares has there own ATV and Ariane (Aliyana). A5 is on rebuild, A6 ready and A1 to A44 is also ready in 50% scale. 50% is perfect to fit to all non american launchers and spacecrafts.
  18. What payload are you talking about? Tantares Soyuz spaceships and Progress fit perfectly.
  19. Core with 1.5m ... muhahahahahahahahaha ROFL. I say 50% scale not 75%!
  20. Well Contares Launcher are always nearly 50% scale. A potential R7/Soyuz core stage has 0.9375 at the RD-108 and 1.5m on the max. The Boosters 1.25m.
  21. Thank you. The model has the same color scheme as FENIKS. Perhaps in the next few days, besides the updates and revisions to KSP 1.2, i will go back one or two historical steps and devote myself to the R7, Vostok, Voskhod, Molniya and Soyuz series.
  22. The construction makes you want more. UNION-1 2.1v transports up to 3t into a low orbit. The model consists of 5 parts: - Control unit in the upper cone - Tank of the second stage (The rocket engine of choice is the RK-Z-0124 which has already been delivered) - Two parts form the tank of the first stage - The RK-Z-33 in a 1.25m housing with an RK-Z-0110 engine on 4 control nozzles.
  23. This is the modified first stage of a Soyuz-2 rocket. Larger base diameter, installation of one NK-33 engine and one RD-0110 with 4 vernier nozzles. http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/East_Europe_1/Soyuz-1/Description/Frame.htm
  24. This is the exhaust system of the RD-0110 vernier engine
  25. The seduction is just too big, excuse @Beale Here is a look at the Union-1 2.1v first stage.
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