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Everything posted by hraban

  1. SAR-LUPE on SAR-BUS (Kerbal-Style)
  2. MABA-20m on a CubeSat in a 56° Molnjia Orbit with an Apoapsis of 2970 km and a Periapsis of 200 km.
  3. a lot? max 5 Parts: 2 Nosecones and three adapters to 1.25, 1.875 and 2.5m. The adapters can be one pice and scaled by tweakscale. So only 3 Parts
  4. MABA 20m is a very small and compact long wave antenna based on a stainless steel measuring tape. The antenna is extended and retracted by a small brushless electric motor. As indicated in the name the antenna has a maximum length of 20 meters. That's no joke Example:
  5. Beale, i make this on the fly. That will looks more like Proton first stage engine cover.
  6. The parts was released with the last update to Contares 1.6.3
  7. Hi Beale, there is a Camera Focus error caused by the missing light animation in Alnair OB-L47 orbital block.
  8. The Proton match with 1.875m or 2.0m good to Soyuz but then all Tantares Station- and TKS-Parts was to big. BTW: You can use the Briz-M (simple model named as ZIRP-M) and Briz-KM (named as ZIRP-KM) with my Tantares addon mod CONTARES.
  9. More like Ranger or/and Mariner communication dish. Play around with "opacity". Picture out of unity 4.2.2.
  10. Take the middle with 3.0m Ø. For this diameter more then one rocket be found
  11. If Beale decides that Ariane 5 would rebuild in 2.5m Ø i can supply the upper stages. EPS / ESC-A and ESC-B are already built and will need "only" textures. ATV and CTV are already in Mod Contares. Only the original solar panels have yet to come.
  12. Hi Beale, the proton (ALV) and Ariane 5 (CLV) urgently require the revision. Starting from the Soyuz launcher Ariane would traverse approximately 2.7m. I played a little with CLV and put all the parts on a base diameter of 2.5m, then corrects the performance and adjusted the quantities of fuel and boost values corresponding to the scale. Works great and is an excellent fit for H2A and H2B from my Mod.
  13. You are right, K-Sensor and Radar Altimeter was Instruments or Experiments. The Frame Dish comes in two versions, foldable and fixed mount. The ComDish from KhiNa was for KhiLab and KhiRe (Shenzhou). The Rectangle Dish is a HG ComDish for Mid-Ranges. SAR-LUPE Dish was another Experiment for Radar-Recon (on texturing). More Antenna-Dishes to come.
  14. No, the boom of Mariner and Ranger were significantly shorter. A shorter version would be conceivable, however, there is the antenna still as hard-mounted variant.
  15. The CA-1 Capsule is not build to use as Aircraft-Cockpit so the direction in SP hangar is absolutly correct but i will rework the capsule in future with KSP-Stock direction. The CA-1 S2 Engine is only a prototype and you can connect the decoupler with activated "non strict part attachment" function in ALT-F12 MM-Menu. Ca-1 and Haas project are still shelved. No updates for the parts in next release planed.
  16. More from the Antenna Sub-Project
  17. Thanks for the note. The trifle is adjusted with the next release.
  18. Hi CobaltWolf, in addition one realized and three modelled antennas. More to come.
  19. Thank you! If all works well, the new release become a lot of antenna- and radar-dishes. So an SAR-LUPE dish, the Com-Dish from Shenzhou, framed dishes from various satellite.
  20. Now, more for the Nippon Team. The 4 Kerbals Pod as pressurized Heavy Transport and Return Vehicle HTV-R.
  21. Write it readable CobaltWolf: "... But hraban's looks better ..." Thank You! Seriously, how can I use the "DMagic animation and science thing" of your cameras for my reconnaissance capsule? Pok-E-Mon has no animation but i will use the science-funding with the camera. If i use the Module {} ... the part will lift off and drift away.
  22. The capsule looks funny but is modeled on the reconnaissance satellites of the Zenit-class. Yes it is!
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