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Everything posted by imaspacestation

  1. A long time ago in a high school I wish I could forget, I got laughed at by the whole class when I said that humans were animals. The teacher joined in.
  2. One of my first ever orbital rendezvous in the game (lots of learning!) was to rescue a stranded Kerbal. After much frustration and reloading I finally got to the poor bugger, but I couldn't get him home. Did I forget to bring a second pod for him? No, I had a second one... but it was taken! Somehow, and I'm still not sure how, another kerbal was put into that spot before I launched!
  3. Hey guys, I'm pretty new to modding my KSP, have tried a few but not many and certainly nothing on the scale of this overhaul. I just had one quick question - I want to do a fresh install just for this mod, but looking at the recommended (and some depended) mods list, it seems like not all had been updated to 1.0.X? Some parts are even from 0.23 and a dependency is from 0.9. So I'm a bit confused, because the title says 1.0.X. Does it all work? Can I safely install all the mods listed on the first page even though they aren't updated?
  4. Ooh ooh! Me want! Love that mod! Maybe even more shapes for the parts? Trusses around parts and such?
  5. I know what the OP means. Any time I see a game now where spaceships just simply stop above a planet and move around in complete disregard to gravity and the laws of physics I always cringe. Seems almost childish after playing KSP.
  6. How DID they make the Unity joints strong enough? I've had a ton of problems with them, too.
  7. Reason I ask about FAR is because this is not the only (there are tons of these) posts about parachutes blowing up from re-entry, and often times the person has FAR installed. Can you try re-entering with the exact same ship with roughly the same speed and attitude, but with FAR and real-chutes disabled? If it works without a hitch, then you will know the issue lies in either of these two mods.
  8. Copy to clipboard? How do you mean? As someone else mentioned already, what you need to do to actually get the science points once you've "observed", is to press either the green "keep data" button, or the blue "transmit data" button.
  9. This sounds pretty awesome, but would there be an easy way to add our own missions to unlock nodes for other mods?
  10. Hate to be the one to say this, but pics please? More science labs sounds awesome, but what do the parts look like?
  11. I don't agree with your reasons, but I would also love to have a modded part that brings the old mobile lab back.
  12. This might be a stupid suggestion, but are you sure you don't actually have those contracts active when you start? If I recall, the last time I started a career, I already had the very first basic contracts active, without having to accept them first.
  13. One other thing is that they have to be the same size.
  14. Yeah, I know about the diminishing returns, which is why I wanted to do several at a time to get all the science data. I'm not really doing it for the extra few points of science it gives me, but for the completion. Having to land on the same Mun's biome 4 times to completely finish goo or materials experiment is really annoying. I could do bigger heavier craft with the intention of returning all the science equipment back, but was hoping it were possible to do it otherwise.
  15. Problem isn't that they are small in scale, but that their legs are short. Hung under the wings, they sometimes only barely clear the the belly of large planes. If I scale them, the top part that holds them when they are raised gets ridiculously huge.
  16. If you make two or more experiments in one biome, the game only lets you store one of them in the capsule, and the other ones have to be thrown away. Is there any way to allow it to store more? Cause that seems a bit silly... go all the way to the mun, lug all that science equipment, and have to throw 2/3 of it away because I can't store more than one...
  17. I know of an awesome mod called Adjustable Landing Gear, but it doesn't quite suit my needs for larger, heavier spaceplanes. The wheels don't take the weight very well and the max height of them is actually shorter than the large stock landing gear. Are there any other similar mods for landing gear, or at least just any landing gear?
  18. Usually when my Kerbals trip up or fall off a ladder they do the same. I think pressing space causes them to get up again? Or just try WASD, Space and R key. Does that not work?
  19. Intakes placed in symmetry mode. There's apparently a bug that the mirrored part actually gets less airflow, thus less thrust for the corresponding engine, thus yaw...
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