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Everything posted by imaspacestation

  1. I really liked the older inline cockpit model better This one just looks like someone put some curved plastic on top of a fuel can.
  2. I tried a stuffing Kerbals into service bays, but it doesn't work well. Even the large one, although there is plenty room, they can't seem to be able to get inside. If you have a seat inside, you can right click and "board" it, and he will sit there, but this makes the service bay behave weird, start wobbling, sometimes blowing up. And even stranger if you then make him EVA, he will pop out from the top pod, I guess because that's the only accessible hatch.
  3. It doesn't really matter, you don't have to complete an orbit, you just have to have your trajectory at a shallow enough angle so that you aren't coming in so steep during re-entry. Are you saying your craft does not have enough fuel to reach 70km+ unless you fire it straight up?
  4. Your rapier is blowing through the entire craft, but not damaging it?
  5. This was the one that was supposed to boost the Buran? Why does the digital painting one have a NASA flag on it?
  6. Don't forget you can right click on the parachute part and it will display in the context menu if it's safe to deploy it or not.
  7. The closest I come to is giving my launch vehicles simple names - 5t lifter 1.25m, 30t lifter 2m, etc.
  8. I think you may be thinking about the advice to keep under supersonic while below 10km. As far as I know, that still holds, with the atmosphere being much too thick below 10km, but once you are at around that altitude, you should floor it to gain horizontal velocity.
  9. I haven't been able to find this anywhere - how do I get CKAN to reflect changes I have made manually? If I had installed a mod manually or deleted one manually, the UI still shows as if the mod is still there. How do I get it to "refresh"?
  10. Just let your cat do it.
  11. Well, yes it's sudden. Although KSP doesn't aim to be a sim, it's still grounded somewhat in reality. Although it brings up some very painful memories I have to mention the Space Shuttle Columbia. Do you remember how it blew up?
  12. Part of the new update. It has a bigger mass now as well.
  13. There is little in KSP that even approaches a simulation of the real world. It's certainly true that the new changes require a small change in playstyle, but what got you so upset about the patch? Maybe we can help out?
  14. You can also try a few aerobraking passes in the upper atmosphere to slow down without burning. You'd have to experiment with just how much you can dip into the upper atmosphere without burning up, but I would say start it safe and increase it if you gauge that you can take more heat until eventually you're slow enough to re-enter completely.
  15. I don't know, like I said I haven't worked with GoG. But I can tell you how Apple does it, from observation. They don't QA your game, they QA it as a product - i.e, does it load on compatible systems and can the user play the game in the most basic definition of that term (i.e, load the first level, click a bunch of things, does it all work at least a little bit). I imagine Apple is a lot more strict with this than GoG would be. We've had an instance where a release got rejected because a blue-tooth connected keyboard was not recognized by the game for entering a character's name (on a mobile phone!). GoG, I'm guessing again, probably doesn't go so far with the process, but if the game is said to be compatible with Win XP/7/8.1 and Linux and OSX, then it must be tested on all those platforms. I imagine a large part of that process is automated to a degree, but still requires some human oversight. Yeah, that's my number one reason I hate steam, and why I usually prefer to purchase games anywhere else when possible. That and that by default all downloaded games are set to "automatically update" and there is no global setting to change this, you have to change it individually for each game. As if bandwidth grows on trees! Well gosh dang it! KSPExpress uses rockets to deliver packages, but KSPMail does so by rover or airplane. It's completely irrelevant that these are two different companies with two different methods of delivery, my package from KSPMail should have been here this morning! All of this is to say you're being rather unreasonable in your expectations. Even steam's update is not available immediately as soon as submitted. It just so happens the patch was announced when it was ready for download from steam and KSPStore, but not yet from GoG.com. I understand the feeling of frustration, I've been in the same situations, but why are you getting so worked up over it?
  16. Anything under supersonic, which I think is around 320m/s? Just how fast are you going when you are about 3km from the ground?
  17. Two completely different companies and platforms. I've never worked with GoG to know how they do it, but I did have the opportunity to release on Steam. The system on steam for patches is autonomous. Once you submit, at any time of day, it is processed and available for download automatically. GoG might have a system that requires human oversight before a patch is released for download, thus it requires additional time to become available. If you've ever worked with Apple, for instance, you would know what I'm talking about. Any release goes through their QA, which can take hours, a day, or even a week depending on how bogged down they are. With GoG's commitment to quality and their new refund policy, I imagine they have at least a little bit of manual QA involved in the process.
  18. I had the same problem on a munar orbiter myself. It had parts from the SCANsat mod and the 1.25m rocket cargohold from another mod I can't recall (modular rockets, I think?). Anyway, my AP would constantly change whenever the ship was under 1x time warp. Even if I would "freeze" it by going to 2x warp and then came down to 1x warp, it still would change. I thought it could be maybe the deployed parts from SCANsat somehow applying some kind of force on the ship, but I think it's actually more likely parts wobbling within the cargo-bay, because apparently even a tiny amount of wobble can actually cause the ship to move (not just rotate). So yeah, probably a bug due to wobble, so once again we can all thank Unity4's joints.
  19. Considering the nature of the hotfix, you can't exactly blame GoG for not having been able to hang up the download for it so quickly. You don't just snap your fingers and have releases available for download, it takes time.
  20. Or don't use them - using stock fairings is actually worse than launching your payloads unshielded, unless you have something hugely draggy.
  21. What do you guys imagine would be the worst way to ruin Jeb's typical Monday at the KSC? I think coming up to the launchpad and finding the pod empty of all electrical charge would make him pretty upset.
  22. That could very well be an important context - like I said, it was a long time ago, and it happened in a developing country. Still surprising, though.
  23. Service bay doors, no matter how lightly they may be clipping through other parts of your craft, will tear it apart. Be sure to always give them a very wide berth when including them in your designs.
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