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Everything posted by EnderKid2

  1. quick question: are you using the tier 1 runway? you know, the one that's very bumpy? The first thing to know about early tech planes is: DON'T USE THE TIER ONE RUNWAY! taxi off to the side and take off of the grass.
  2. Isn't the Launcher completely borked?
  3. For almost all purposes, anything below .01 KNM is fine.
  4. Literally ROMBL (Rolling On My Bed Laughing). The ion should sound like a TIE fighter.
  5. A lot of parts that should have sounds don't. What should they sound like? I think docking ports should sound like: *metal scraping* "shunk" *actuator retracting* " SHUNSHUNSHUNSHUNK!" *hiss*
  6. On the topic of mods: get KAS/KIS, then you don't even need to dock, just run a fuel pipe.
  7. You can headbutt modules into place, but it's slow and irritating. Option 5: put rcs on the module.
  8. I think that very little instruction and a steep learning curve is what makes the game great. The awesomeness of "WOW!!! THAT ACTUALLY WORKED???" is indescribable.
  9. Even better than TCA: RCS Build Aid. It shows the torque created by thrusters, so you can balance them perfectly, as well as showing engine alignment and torque, thrust to weight ratio, and dry and wet COM indicators.
  10. Making an assymetrical rocket VTOL but dont want to install TCA? Get the COM and COT roughly lined up, then stick clusters of vernor thrusters on the bottom. They use the same fuel as your main engines, and SAS uses them just like TCA does. Need a really weird shaped heatshield? use the black and white wings to make one. They're designed to survive reentry.
  11. Just wait a bit. It just got ported, they need time to fix.
  12. I think you can toggle overlay from the tracking station, so you don't need the part in orbit.
  13. When you actually ended up using most of those. And are making more with your 3D printer.
  14. If you are using reliants, you have almost no control authority other than the pod torque, and from what you said, the pod runs out of battery. Use swivels or terriers on the upper stages, and use batteries, as thrust vectoring is useless if you aren't thrusting.
  15. ERROR: unmatched "(" on line 2 ERROR: unmatched "(" on line 2 sin(gerene) __________ = cos(gerene) (hopefully text doesn't reformat)
  16. It's very scary. What other scary chemicals do you know about?
  17. That's basically how you give a NERVA an afterburner.
  18. Yep, I have several aircraft including a Flyer, a Storch, and an Explorer. Btw, good luck. Remember, trees actively move to intercept aircraft.
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