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Everything posted by EnderKid2

  1. Wings, heatshields (possibly integrated with wings in that they are built the same way), and fairings being proceedural are pretty much a must. Perhaps solar panels and radiators too. Also, adjustible landing gear. And that's it as far as what I want.
  2. ReStock mostly solves your first problem, and looks great in any case.
  3. Also, you would have to use a clean install, as consoles can't mod.
  4. Did you just make every variable in their config file a slider?
  5. even VPL-based programming would be orders of magnitude more powerful than our current action groups.
  6. I'm getting an error about B9PartSwitch, about what I assume is a tank type for the RocketParts resource. Is there a possible fix?
  7. Letting us adjust the strut extension would solve most of the issues with the current gear, most of which consist of "this landing gear is too long". But of course, being able to angle the wheels would also be great.
  8. I'd be fine with removing the two biggest flaws, the hollow-parts-not-acting-like-cargo-bays (I want to be able to stick stuff like avionics in nosecones), and the whole stupid way-too-much-skin-drag-on-flat-parts thing.
  9. When I try to use the SAS features on a reentry capsule, it flips around sideways. Is there a way to fix this without sticking a dummy engine on?
  10. And this is relevant to better EVA movement mechanics how?
  11. @DualDesertEagle yes, the pictures can be as complex as you want, with the limitation that they have to be made out of one continuous path. Think etch-a-sketch. That specific video was computer-generated (for the ease of recording the visuals), but if you plug that music into an ocilloscope correctly, you will get the gears and F1 car.
  12. hey, the pictures can be as complex as you want, as long as you can figure out the correct pair of signals to input (x/y). It then takes a bit more work to make those signals also be the left and right stereo tracks of a piece of music.
  13. Me likey. We also need to think of where panels from mods could go. So either leave gaps, or even better, possibly, let mods integrate into the HUD.
  14. The rings in Elite Dangerous are pretty cool, and apparently they're on the upper bounds for how dense a ring can be, so perhaps some version of Elite rings with significantly lower density. Also, those ring patterns look really awesome.
  15. KSK, if they haven't already and you're hiding something from us, the KSP 2 people should take you on as the lore person, or at least refrence this world you've built. There are certain fanfics that create a sort of community headcannon, and I feel this is one of those.
  16. This situation seems like the perfect application of the hyperedit KIS container drop pod, like when my base's robotic part solar panel arms krakened-out and I teleported over replacements. It isn't cheating if you're fixing a bug.
  17. Just give us Throttle Controlled Avionics. That is the solution. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97154-17-throttle-controlled-avionics/ Edit: how do you directly link to another thread like that, zer0kerbal?
  18. Thing is, barycenters don't work like that when you get close, at least I don't think so. Having a neutron star sitting there would cause all sorts of weirdness.
  19. Yeah, the barycenter works when you're a significant distance away, but what happens if you fly between them? can you orbit in a figure-8? Do orbital mechanics work like that?
  20. I don't think a close binary pair can be spherical-cow-in-a-vacuum-ed away to a single point source of gravity and sphere of influence. Having a rotating peanut-shaped gravitational field will do weird things to orbits, I would think.
  21. Huh, I could've sworn the bogies worked in a previous kerbalfoundies version a while back... Ah well, the "adjustable" part works, and that's what I was really looking for.
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