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Everything posted by EnderKid2

  1. Tinkercad won't let you adjust the resolution of anything but a cylinder for some reason.
  2. Flashforge Finder I wasn't timing myself, but like 2 hours in Tinkercad. I could have used Solidworks, but I think tinkercad was better suited to what I needed to do with the model.
  3. I looked around the net and found no good 3d models of the Seamoth from Subnautica, so I made my own. https://imgur.com/a/ulPFh Apparently Imgur albums are broken
  4. I am getting a nice joystick setup for this (and war thunder) exact purpose.
  5. I made a very interesting internal bay system, but it dost utilize much mods.
  6. What if they did the sounds like in Space Engineers. You hear all sounds your command pod is connected to, so you hear sounds on your ship as less muffled the closer they are to the command pod. A big rocket would have very muffled engine noises, while a small rocket would be louder. You would not hear anything not connected to your command pod, but if you are landed and something crashes near you, you will hear it. Of course all this does not apply in-atmosphere.
  7. ">View post on imgur.com">Album will appear when post is submitted
  8. I think that we need some stubby adjustable landing gear, as the current ones seem a little too long for some applications. A landing gear set that ranges from the leg length of the nose gear on the C-130 to the current length would be nice.
  9. And the best thing is, it's the english version. Edit: there we go.
  10. You do know that heat shields can be jettisoned, right? It's in the right-click menu...
  11. I'm pretty sure some logitech mice meant for programming have it so if you scroll fast, the ratchet unlocks. It's really nice and probably even better than a button.
  12. I was delivering some kerbals and parts to my Mun base with a heavy landing shuttle that I had just designed, but I forgot to do the fuel lines, giving me acess to only the first set of fuel tanks. I only realized this when I ran out of fuel and plowed into the surface while trying to bring my trajectory closer to the base. My latest quicksave had me too low down to transfer more fuel. I would have to do a suicide burn. Luckily, I had Kerbal Engineer. It turns out that there was just enough fuel to lower my velocity to just under the impact tolerance of the landing legs. Several bouces later, I was down. Pefectly intact. Time to transfer fuel and hop over to the base!
  13. What is really, really weird is that the individual textures on the parts vibrate as well.
  14. As time progresses, my ships seem to gain a weird vibration. even the tectures on the command pod vibrate relative to each other. This is reset after a quicksave/quickload, but seems to progress even under timewarp.
  15. On my orbital utility vehicles, the command pod is a fully functional "escape pod" with balanced RCS thrusters so that I can dock a few to my space stations.
  16. Although KAS gives you ropes, you wouldn't do it Curiosity-style. Put a decoupler on top of your rover, then put a fuel tank on top with some radial engines> Basically this:
  17. [snip] The only reson she's not one star is she gives extra credit for good reviews. Says we're all wastes of taxpayer money Our final was the homework before the final, which was to do a giant flowchart for EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE AND VIDEO WE EVER WATCHED OR READ. She didn't even grade them. she had me grade them. So, I bumped everyone's grade up. The dean's office would send everyone sent from her class right back.
  18. My weapons systems all basically consist of this, but with missiles.
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