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Everything posted by EnderKid2

  1. Could we get versions of the heli rotors that use the regular KSP engine module instead of the Firespitter one, so that Throttle Controlled Avionics works with them? Right now I have to do the ugly workaround of putting an ant engine pointing down through the COM to tell TCA where the thrust vector is, and this still doesn't allow for most of TCA's functionality.
  2. I am having an issue. I press the controller button on the toolbar, but it doesn't do anything.
  3. Are you thinking of something like how Homebrew Vehicle Sandbox does its piston engines and ther parts?
  4. If you launch into a polar orbit, from the pole, the rotation of the body shouldn't matter, right?
  5. I consider it the best anime I have watched, beating Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. It is an inspiring story about two brothers and their adventures in becoming/being an astronaut.
  6. I would assume that it would end up looking more like a rocket than a plane.
  7. All kerballed spacecraft have effectively infinite Delta V, but it is irritating and tedious to access.
  8. I fully support having KSP VR. It is awesome in War Thunder, so it should be pretty cool in KSP. One idea I really liked is the "build your rockets like the VAB is your room" idea, where the rocket is 2 meters tall and floating in front of you.
  9. Maybe have different versions for different distances from the launchpad timed so that a second base drop coencides with the sound reaching the observer.
  10. I suggest something like this piece's base drop (0:40) upon ignition sequence start. but with more drums and base. Or this at 1:00
  11. You know that one meme from a few months ago? Earth-chan? And how it started out as a suggestion/concept for an anime? Well, some people (SOL Studios) are actually getting on doing that. Here's the discord: https://discord.gg/hKQcWsS
  12. It's supposed to be a chibi robot, but I got carried away with the detail.
  13. I like the true cooperation idea, where there is one timeline, and everyone has to agree to warp.
  14. Heating the air would make it expand. they could have been going for a pulsed thermal or thermal jet proulsoin system, (Like the LV-N)
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