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Everything posted by slaintemaith

  1. So there's this github that has these parts for RSS/RO. https://github.com/si2504/Habtech2-RO-Configs Only my HabTech parts aren't rescaling properly. Are there dependencies I'm missing? I have the most recent version of the shared assets. Trying to make this work with the SpaceShuttleSystem.
  2. Yeah. If I wanted to go back to testing software, I'd demand to be paid. Forget I asked.
  3. Not sure how this is working in RSS/RO--although I might be having some versioning issues. I see there are pull requests that suggest this works, but once I add that patch, the program hangs when loading. What versions do I need to be using to have this 'go' in RSS/RO with the SpaceShuttleSystem? Is there a specific version of PartSwitch I need? I'm not using either TAC or Kerbalism.
  4. Ooooh! Ooooh! Will the next update have control surfaces that aren't node-attached so FAR doesn't break it?! (I know. I should post in FAR, "Ooooh! Ooooh! Will the next update be able to deal with node attached control surfaces?!")
  5. Re: generating its own fuel: Uh. How? I don't see any controls for it.
  6. For those of you who also think KSC is too far away from the launch pads, you can use this us_cape_canaveral snippet for config for LaunchSites.cfg. This should also adjust the height so it isn't floating as well.
  7. Yeah. My bad--I don't actually have the SOCK installed because I like FAR. Therefore no SOCK. Therefore no IVA patch I could send you. I'd literally have to do what I just did regardless. =) So I was making it up on the fly. My mistake was thinking the filename would be the same as the part name. Glad it's up and running!
  8. The problem is that would be the file. That's all that should be in it, and all that it should need. Wait. Sneaky. Instead of OV_forwardFuselage, try benjee10_shuttle_forwardFuselage
  9. KermanTech is going to have a patch called mk3_patch.cfg. In it, lives this little bit of code: @PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]:NEEDS[RasterPropMonitor] { MODULE,0 { name = RasterPropMonitorComputer } %INTERNAL[MK3_Cockpit_Int] { %name = MK3_adv_Int } } I think it'll work if you make it look like this: @PART[OV_forwardFuselage]:NEEDS[RasterPropMonitor] { MODULE,0 { name = RasterPropMonitorComputer } %INTERNAL[OV_shuttleIVA] { %name = MK3_adv_Int } } Also make sure you have the dependencies for KermanTech's IVA installed. Pretty sure that RasterPropMon, and ASET Props and Agency.
  10. Although it doesn't support it and doesn't line-up particularly well, I've bolted the KermanTech IVA into the SOCK. You just have to write your own patch for it. That particular mod is useful with ScanSat to use the in-cockpit computer to eyeball your deorbit.
  11. I'm going to say I'd never put anything I planned to reach with the SOCK on any inclination that required a lot of crossrange to land. Without FAR, the margins are too tight to land at your desired runway with any consistency, even when knowing the exact downrange point to deorbit. You either need better crossrange capacity, or something to keep the electric charge happening for the days/weeks/months it might take to get an orbit that lines up with the runway. When I fly with Ferram's and the Cormorant Aeronology shuttle, I can nail the runway every time, given the orbital path is even marginally close to Florida. Ferram = Crossrange. I basically fly the reentry using Trajectories, MechJeb Smart A.S.S., and the map view. Adjust pitch and roll to keep the 'X' near the landing site. I still can't do that with the SOCK because Ferram's doesn't work with it, which means the atmosphere is like syrup. I'm good with anything that isn't off-plane, though.
  12. I think I see. The Cormorant Shuttle has most of these features, but are implemented without node attachment points. The wings and control surfaces both attach like stock wings--without nodes to lock them in place. Not sure how the tail works--since that's also a split rudder config. I'm guessing the SOCK is too far along to change it that drastically for RSS/RO. *EDIT: Although it looks like Nathan Kell has come to the rescue on how to make it go.
  13. You can actually nail this every time by making a custom MechJeb window for "Downrange," and add that element in from the "Recording" list, since it keeps track of how far you are from your launch point.
  14. Thank you! This gives me a good baseline to play with. I'm used to the "greasier, thinner" Ferram atmo that needs deorbit pretty much halfway across the planet, and gives much more leeway regarding crossrange and playing with pitch and bank to get yourself to KSC again. Without Ferram, the margins seem to be much tighter. Which is fine--I just wanted to get some numbers to start with. I really wish the SOCK played better with Ferram, but that's life, I guess. =) Also, I did *not* know Kerbal Engineer painted that sort of thing--I use Trajectories myself. Thanks again!
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