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Everything posted by Triop

  1. I should really, really dive into that, the learning curve is holding me back. I'll force myself to give it more attention in the coming days . . .
  2. Just for fun, no scores, only show offs. ....But you do have to land and survive.
  3. Testing my new buggy for my upcoming KSC2TEMPLE adventure.
  4. Yes. Nukes, we are going light giving green on this. (radiation incl.) It's legit, it's stock, we are doing this. Hot Stuff, nah, I'm calling this baby Mad Max. Untill it blows up (what probably will happen). TBC
  5. Bringing Jeb home in 4 boring pictures. Ok. we got them all home, the ferry is in place. WE MADE IT BEFORE DAY 4 STARTED ! TIME FOR SETTING UP THE CAR ! Prototype: What do you guys think ?
  6. A boring flight in 5 pictures : Boring is good, boring is safe . . . Next up, bring Jeb home. Hope he makes it before DAY 4 starts, it would be cool if I can start part 2 on day 4. TBC
  7. I forgot we still have Jeb here with a empty tanker plane. We could steal some fuel from the taxi plane and get the tanker home too. Ready to go. First up, the taxi plane. TBC
  8. Today I designed a new passenger plane.
  9. You have a good point, I should stick to stock. Thanks for your opinion. Back to the future adventure. So there still are some Kerbals waiting for a ride home, so we send out our last man, Bob. We upgraded our taxi plane so we can have 4 passengers. This must be the smallest airfield I ever landed on . . . Need a ride ? TBC
  10. Yes, for sure. In fact, this is the buggy I want to use. I know I've said I don't want to use mods, but this is only a body part with no function what so ever. (Fiat body designed by @Wrench Head) What do you guys think ? Should I use this buggy ?
  11. No, I actually saved her twice this week on a crazy adventure.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluebird_K7
  13. Genius. I like the optical illusion effect: Does the inner ring spin left or right . . .
  14. Let's get das boot out of the water en fill her up. Kiss me baby and dump your load. Tanker is empty, wait, we need Jeb home to drive the buggy . . . Not only Jeb, we also need to get Naked and Val and Bill home. Back in the water, ready to get Jeb across when he gets here with his buggy. TBC
  15. Refueling is needed so we are sending out our only pilot left, Jeb. TBC
  16. If this goes wrong I'm done with KSP. But it didn't (yet). We reached our destination, finally we have arrived. TBC
  17. We got VERY close. All aboard ! The final route . . . Now let's bring her in easy and we can all go home. TBC
  18. We are getting close. Keeping the speed around 25 m/s should prevent us from flying. Let's hope we can complete the mission today . . . TBC
  19. DONE REFUELING. We are taking Nake on board, not a drup of fuel is left on the tanker. Can she make the jump ? We have enough fuel to reach our destination. Releasing the brakes end rolling into the sea. Reverse engine turning. On our way to rescue Val and Bill, again . . . We are not going full speed, don't wanna go flyin again. TBC
  20. A close call . . . Don't go surfing . . . please . . . Slow down ! O, HI ! CONTACT ! Now let's pump some fuel and see how we are doing. TBC
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