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Everything posted by Triop

  1. It's going to be a fine day tomorrow.
  2. I just drove the Kerbal -1 in 00:52:04
  3. Wow, 6 wheels are the way to go. The car is so stable, unbelievable. I feel kinda guilty stealing your design... 00:52:04
  4. Somebody please fire this guy. The propeller to me is a mandatory to prepare for space flight. If it didn't excist men never would have reached the Mun.... But you can allways start your career with a Juno . . .
  5. #9 BONUS *From the archive: "Picking up some ore from the drill" Disclaimer: If you see any sexual content in this, you are a pervert.
  6. Thanks, thumbs up to you too, love your work. You deserve more credits than I do.
  7. There's a trick to doing that: Kurger-nurburg-ubering. How's that ?
  8. Sure, but giving Gargamel Smurfs is no problem hey . . .
  9. Visitors on the base. You don't mess with these Krimson guys . . .
  10. I don't mind, but I might change my track by reversing the direction into anti clockwise I'll work on the Kurgernurburgubering next.
  11. I overlayed my track with LAB's, very similar. I don't mind, saves training time.
  12. Only when you use your feet. They are out there, reading...staying quiet untill the event is launched...
  13. Ok, but I can't setup rules for a categorie I do not know nothing about (wings, lf engines.) So I suggest you come up with rules/limits and discuss that with @LABenterprises since you 2 are the only pro's here.
  14. Yeah, when I saw Gaarst racing his car I thought: "Well, there goes the competition..." There is no way racing an electric car can compete with a winged fuel driven engine, but I see you are also into building fast lf racers. I think you and Gaarst are leading jet drivin cars now, I know @purpleivan has experience with this, I hope he will join too. But I also think the Tesla's should have a chance, @GDJ might be joining this I hope. A art I'm very jealous of, I can't do it . . . But I'm fine driving hard to control electric crap.
  15. That is a hard track, nice. I like finding these old posts, let's me know I'm not the only racer around here. Sorry @Vlos is no longer here, I'd like to thank him for his Races! mod. I guess this is where it all started. Keep burning rubber !
  16. YES YOU CAN ! I'm following this, some pictures would be nice though.
  17. Noted, renamed the Track and uploaded it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh3litjo1d6eaz9/L.A.B.TestTrack3.0.krt?dl=0 Now you can time your rounds. We are getting in some good tracks, good. I think I will put in a different categorie for electric and jet engined cars. To be honest I prefer electric driven cars without wings, but your work (and @Gaarst @Vanamonde I have the same problem again, can't post text after pinging Gaarst . . . Edit: . . . is amazing ! If you have any questions about the mod let me know, thanks for the tracks.
  18. Why weren't you on the board yet ? Sorry matey, must have been drunk . . .
  19. The mission is to not go to the bottom of the smilie (deepest point on Kerbin). Instead drink rum with friends and go home forgetting all about it. But I can't stop anybody from going there...
  20. @LABenterprises I have set up your last track using the Races! mod, I used big and small gates. I will upload it later. Do you have a name for the track ?
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