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Everything posted by Triop

  1. We reached the refuel location. We are only 1.5 hour on our way, not bad for a crappy boat. Next step is to launch a tanker to bring some juice. TBC
  2. While Bill is downstairs relaxing watching Netflix . . . . . . Val is worried about our fuel level, we need to get sum gas, Soon™ We found a spot that might be perfect to fly in a tanker. We are getting closer. TBC
  3. Follow my new adventures
  4. It's going surprisingly well. Val looks like a DJ on a party boat. ♫ boom boom boom boom boom ♫ TBC
  5. And we're off ! This brick is falling apart allready, I'm loving it ! Top speed around 24 m/s , yeah, this wil take forever... We may have to stop for fuel, no idea how I'm gonna do that yet... We will wait and see... TBC
  6. Enough renovating, DAY 1. Careful... We don't want to explode before we get wet ! SPLASH ! We got Val on deck (not in bikini) The upcoming route: This is gonna be a total disaster, we never have enough fuel . . . TBC
  7. I do play a career too. Allmost got the tech tree full without ever leaving orbit. I get my science points by doing survey contracts on Kerbin, lots of fun. I don't like space, So I'm glad I can play the game without ever launching a rocket.
  8. First upgrade, we have installed some solar panels. And added a cantine below the deck for the crew. Next up, a new bridge. We need a cooler name for this then "Ferry" . . . TBC
  9. Welcome newbie, here you go, goodluck.
  10. First a test, getting this thing from 1940 in the water and dock with the shore. (this test was done before I came up with this challenge, that's why you can see mods) I'm using reverse on the engines to rotate it faster. I'll make a shortcut later using Action Groups, (1 = left, 2 = right.) Docking succes. It needs some more work, like a docking port to hold a car. TBC
  11. My next crazy idea: I AM GOING TO DRIVE A CAR FROM THE KSC TO THE TEMPLE PART 1 : An Aquatic Adventure The first goal is to get a ferry boat in place to pick up a buggy when it gets at the crossing. I found one of my old designs that I'm gonna tune for this mission. Rules I will use: - Stock - No quicksaves - Service is allowed - Clock starts from the beginning of the game. Next up, preparing the boat . . . TBC
  12. Working on a ferry I designed a long time ago. Got rid of all the mods it had and it's now stock. First test, getting this thing in the water and dock with the shore. I'm using reverse on the engines to rotate it faster. Docking succes. It needs some more work, like a docking port to hold a car . . .
  13. There was an advertise with Pickle Rick above your imgur photo. Then I looked at your car and it kinda resembles a pickle. I just thought that was funny. @kapteenipirk Nice ! UPDATED SCOREBOARD
  14. What do you want to modify ? Maybe we can help. Ow, did this today, by accident.
  15. Attack of the Pickle Ricks @l0kki "Attack of the Pickle Ricks" I'll update the scoreboard. What is pinging ?
  16. You must be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more drunk than I am.
  17. You really are a catastrophic failure aren't you ? Asking.
  18. Well, I guessed that I guessed that you would guessed that you guessed that.
  19. Nope, they just broke off and floated like ducks. Jeb is on the bottom with whatever is left of his "flying" coffin.
  20. I'll take this as a serious question. - Maybe bring a instrument that shows me what biome I'm in (the first buggy had that). - use the TR-2L wheels. - take more screenshots from the F-3 information, I allways forgot doing that. I'm still planning on analyzing the data I've collected for a final technical report, so . . . TBC
  21. I'm almost out of here, I think . . . Do I hear a church bell ?
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