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Everything posted by Triop

  1. What we have lost so far: - 2x 1x6 retrectable solarpanel - 1x Z-1k rechargable batterie bank (1000) - 1x docking port - 4 wheel drive (mandatory for saving power) Next route:
  2. That cockpit, long time since I've seen that old model... I love the MiG-15, a tube with wings.
  3. Checkpoint 28 Hope we get to see some ice today. TBC
  4. Full batteries, let's roll !
  5. Sunrise, and I am stuck on the wrong side of the mountain... Got enough juice to ride to open space. Charging . . . . . . .
  6. It's this or poker, and I have no money left . . .
  7. I don't think Feline is a dude, just saying
  8. I know you guys can't see this from my pictures, but believe me, driving dunes is like surfing. The navball never clearly say if you go up or down when on land, you can't really see if you are going up or down. Don't forget, I'm placing the checkpoints, not driving to them, I'm in the dark here. * I'm out of giving likes btw... again.
  9. Sorry, had to do this, goodluck with your problem.
  10. I just might, if I have to. It's not even that hard of a task.... Thanks for the suggestion, but it looks like we are going to hump this wreck to the finish line. TBC
  11. I count 7 parts, what seems to be the problem ?
  12. I always park my buggy towards sunrise (as high up as i can), that is why I went the wrong way at cp 13 (see page 3, last post). The closer I'm getting to the southpole, the lower the sun gets. The closer I get to the pole, the less sunlight I get. Hope this won't be to much of a problem when I get there.
  13. Can you spot the Mun ? It's nice to be flying again, I've kinda missed the sound of a vacuumcleaner....Only driving drives you crazy
  14. Awesome picture. That's it, I'm selling my kid to get a better computer...
  15. Sweet Val, I could never kill her.... Can't believe Jeb is down there driving, madness . . .
  16. We are out of power, you can see the last reflection of sunlight in the water. Time to get Val home. TBC
  17. Boring ? I just found a dinosaur fossiel ! We continue. Yes, my graphics card sucks . . .I know
  18. EDIT: In my defence, he started with his David Bowie reference.
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