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Everything posted by Triop

  1. My new rover solar panel solution. I don't like that it's clipped in, but for now I'll take it.
  2. Maybe you guys should better check this. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Dessert_Airfield
  3. Deployed rovers on Minmus Dessert airfield. Solar panels broke as soon (tm) as I EVA-ed Back tot the drawing board.
  4. About to fly 2 rovers to the Dessert airfield. Wish me luck.
  5. O, ok, my bad. I just tested the new strutless version and it landed just fine. So the struts are gone now and the landing gears root is the fuselage. Also, I think a airbrake is not needed, not even for re-entry and the parachute is just for emergencies, it stops just fine without it. Glad you like this simple design, thanks for testing. EDIT, I did replace the shute like you did, I didn't know that was a drag shute, thanks.
  6. Interesting stuff, did you remove the struts ? I think I will remove the struts and replace the landing gear attaching them to the fuselage and off set them out under the engines like you suggested earlier.
  7. Working on a *CLASSIFIED* that can *CLASSIFIED* so we can *CLASSIFIED*
  8. Thanks, I like to know what you think about it. I also just uploaded my latest multirole jet which I'm shamelessly plugging here... https://kerbalx.com/Triop/F-12-X
  9. Nah, why would I ? The weight is no problem and besides, I like to have some extra fuel in case I mess up... @MR L A and @Atkara I uploaded the jet, if you would like to play with it be my guest. https://kerbalx.com/Triop/SR-2000
  10. I don't think so, my landing speed is usual around 60 m/s. My guess is the wings broke because the back landinggears are so far apart. I have 2 struts merged into the wings now and my SSTO is doing it's job just fine. I just returned from orbit without any problems and even had some fuel left.
  11. You're right, I often use that technique for my landing gear when I have angled wings. Didn't think of it for this project but it should work. Maybe I'll do some experiments tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder, there is always more than one solution.
  12. The right wing broke off as soon as I touched down. Edit: adding struts solved the problem, will try again tomorrow.
  13. Career mode is starting to demand more heavy duty vehicles, so I'm adapting. Right now I'm testing a sorta kinda Blackbird thingy. Weather in space is good, we went full cabrio up there.
  14. First mission with my fuel tanker; go to the dessert air base and refuel a jet that just returned from a nearby survey contract.
  15. I just pimped my tanker jet. I'm really happy with the result, it handles like a fighter jet and can hold 1900 LF.
  16. I've been playing since 2015 and I never knew this until now. Thanks for the tip dude, learning something new every day. EDIT:
  17. Testing refueling jets. I couldn't make it work at first, because the grabbing unit couldn't transfer fuel. Some searching on the internet saved my day, the key is to have a converter behind the grabbing unit to allow fuel to flow through.
  18. I'm behind on my tourists contracts... OK, WHO'S NEXT ?
  19. Just completed another orbital survey contract. I'm getting the hang of it.
  20. You will rename a Kerbal, calling him Triop and launch him into the sun ?
  21. @DeltaDizzy found some science point for me on his way back, thanks mate ! It's getting hot . . . Looks like he survived, I hope he will also after his next mission.
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