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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Hydrofoil https://kerbalx.com/Triop/Hydrofoil-racer-X
  2. Mission complete, reversed and docked. Refueling my baby . . . Let's go home ! on to the new contract. . .
  3. These surface survey contracts will keep me busy for a while . . .
  4. I recomment HalfEYEProduction's videos, he's very funny but is no longer active.
  5. *Trailer not included KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Triop/Hydrofoil-racer-X Designed for this challenge:
  6. I'm done for today. Cause: Panic attack. EDIT: Some background info: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174928-mountain-lake-landing-challenge/
  7. Vroom ! Start loathing scrap and design a post apocalyptic death machine.
  8. 1st attempt, single Juno waterplane: I had way too much fuel, will try again tomorrow, the flight there alone is 1 hour... I never save btw, F5 is for kittens.
  9. Working on a water plane for this challenge: It's going to be impossible, but I'll give it a try.
  10. Airdrop seems the the easiest way, I need to be on top of this mountain: My new "tank" (not in this picture) won't fit a cargo bay so I need to design some kind a plane that can hold it on top/bottom or something like that. Why do I allways have Minmus in my pictures ? ...And a radar dish, can you spot it ? ...
  11. I've send out a scout...This looks impossible... I'll give it a go...
  12. Designed this: now I need to get this to Woomerang somehow...
  13. Yeah, I think you guys may be right, it's just frustrating to me...
  14. Is it ? Are you in career mode ? Show me. EDIT I'm sorry. I might be over reacting...
  15. Getting ready for a survey mission to Woomerang. Fully refueled standing by on Dessert Airfield. Taxiing to runway.
  16. It's 2018, so I'll have to start with a disclaimer: I truly believe men and women are equal, even on alien worlds. So I'm in career mode and I want to hire a new pilot that is male. The reason why I want a male pilot is because I am a male and I prefer a male character. There is nothing wrong with that. It annoys me that I don't even have a choice, women are the dominating species on Kerbin apparently... This is not equality, I have no choice. Please stop this invasion of feminism, I bet only 5% of the people who play KSP are female. Correct me if i'm wrong. This happened to me before...
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