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Everything posted by Triop

  1. I made a map of what I got so far : Next up, testdriving stage 3.
  2. This rally is open for all sorts of wacky modded crafts, fly, hoover, tanktracks, whatever you like, just go through the gates. I will put up 2 catagories, stock and modded. We can do side prices prizes, like fastest car, best looking car, fastest stage, most crazy car etc etc. I need to do some more stages before the course is finished, but I have time until 01/01/2020
  3. Stage 3 is ready. Fly-over: Next up is the testdrive and setting stage 4.
  4. I don't know, I press 'W' key for throttle continuous, and don't use SAS. REDLINES with BLUE
  5. I did that , at the start of the video of stage 2 you see me load in stage 2 after stage 1, the gates are close together.
  6. STAGE 2 FULL STOCK TEST DRIVE Ok, stage 1 is a fast and maybe boring stage, but stage 2 has some steep climbes... So we continue . . .Day 2, stage 2 :
  7. I can upload my BEAST car (the stock one in the video) on KerbalX if you like, so you can still drive. The rules don't say you have to build your own car, you just have to drive it. Cool, thanks guys, I get insecure sometimes....
  8. STAGE 1 FULL STOCK TEST DRIVE *edit: the car is stock, I only added the redlines on the wheels. Now this video is very boring and I suggest after the start to skip to the end. My speed was around 30 m/s, taking me 17 minutes, the drop in the end is something to recon with... Next up is testing stage 2 and preparing stage 3. I'm not getting much response, is there anybody interested in doing this rally ? Please let me know cause I'm putting a lot of work in this.
  9. I have been test driving stage 1 with a 100% stock car, but it ran out of electric charge after CP 5... So I'm building this beast with moarrr bats'n fuelcells, 100% stock A video of stage 1 will be up soon.
  10. Nah...I like to see them bounce and die. Coming soon . . .
  11. UPDATE : So I just finished setting up stage 1 (36 km) using the Races! mod. It's a fast stage to the mountain, meaning your time will be very important in the end. So make sure you get through the 12 gates as fast as you can before we hit rough terrain. I'll upload the needed files + mod when the race start on Januari 1st 2020. Working on Stage 2 now, expect some hard terrain... Here is a long and boring video of me flying over the route, it's still very interesting if you want to compete :
  12. Cool, if you need a wider selection of textures and NEBULA stickers, let me know.
  13. I have 99 reasons, but I don't want to get banned again... I'll pass....
  14. I know right... Are you using NEBULA mod for the roundels ? You should try the camo mod to paint your Spit.
  15. Today, working on a wheel mod. I'll be adding more colors/textures. Also doing some work on a DAKAR 2020 car.
  16. Yeah, I'll take her for a spin. I might race her....
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